• Member Since 30th May, 2012
  • offline last seen Last Thursday


I'm a mixed basket. Check me out!


I AM BACK... again. · 7:44pm April 25th

Well... this is embarrassing. Hello everyone. Remember me? I am not dead or anything.
That last two blog post I made, I admit I completely failed to deliver on promises featured inside them.
I posted here last 6 years ago. 6! I can't believe how long it has been since then. The FIM series is finished, and the Netflix series is finished (as far as we know).
However, its nice to know that my stories are still being read to this day.

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Report AngelShy24 · 86 views ·

Hello! · 5:36pm Sep 4th, 2018

Wow. How long has it been since I posted on this site?! I guess I'm just not as quick to finishing these things as I used to be.
Nonetheless, I have recently submitted a new Sex-Ed Playdate story that I am now waiting to be approved. Be on the lookout for it soon.
Do note that this story is the last Sex-ed Playdate story and it will be shorter than the other two. But hopefully, it will it will turn out great.
Hope you look forward to it.

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Report AngelShy24 · 519 views ·

What's ahead... · 6:17am Feb 18th, 2018

Finally! I've finished all of the stories that I had been currently working on for more than a year. New, drastic changes in your life can do that to ya! So now that I'm finally done with all of that, what next?
Well... I'm not working on anything right now, but I do still have a few interesting story ideas in my head. However, I plan to stick to my word from earlier. The story I do next, I will stick to that and only that until its done. Which game do you think I should do next?

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Report AngelShy24 · 412 views ·

I'M BAAAAAAAAAACK... again. · 2:45am Sep 17th, 2017

Man... its been quite a while. A lot of things have been going on with me that became more important than working on my stories. That and having a serious case of writer's block. Put it all together and you have me not making any post for a long.

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Report AngelShy24 · 389 views ·

Hello once again! · 6:04am Feb 7th, 2017

Hello! It's me, AngelShy24! I don't konw how many of my followers will notis this post, but I hope its enough. I'm sure that you all know that it has been quite a while since I posted anything. Well... the reason is simple. My life became busy. Since last October, I've been dealing with some personal bussiness with my family that is still going on today. That along with my recent job and other things... and a lot of my time is held up.
I'll try to keep this breif.

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Report AngelShy24 · 498 views ·

The Times they are a Changeling. · 2:23am Aug 21st, 2016

Anyone here see the new Pony episode?! Wait, what am I saying? Everyone on this site probably has! This was hands down one of the best episodes of this season; and possibly one of the best of the series! But after watching this episode, it brings me back to my Changeling story, "A Different Love for a Change... ling." This story was made ever since the Canterlot wedding episode. It was my take of a possible continuing story from that. But now that this new episode has premiered, I can offically

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Report AngelShy24 · 849 views ·

New Sonic chapter · 3:09pm Jul 16th, 2016

I'm sure some of you patiently waiting for this, but the next chapter of my Sonic crossover sequel story... will be posted on Monday! Three more chapters will be coming afterwards, but I'm so glad to near done with this story... :twistnerd: not that I'm not enjoying writing this story. Things are about to change in a big way for Sonic and the gang... both gangs! I hope you look forward to it.

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Report AngelShy24 · 367 views ·

Which one... which one...? · 2:42pm Apr 12th, 2016

Hello, everyone! Such nice unpredictable weather we're having lately, right? It's kinda like me with my stories; you never know what you might experience next. But this time you have a chance to choose what might be next!
In the future, I plan to start one of two story ideas I had for a while now; but which one do you think I should do first?
(1)- Spike gains amnesia and comes across some... familiar acquaintances (set before Season 4's finale)

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Report AngelShy24 · 318 views ·

Worlds Collide returns!!! · 7:52pm Apr 6th, 2016

Its been quite a while, but my Sonic crossover story, "Mobius and Equestria: Worlds Collide" finally returns; and still remains and continues to be my longest story to date. 6 more chapters are still planned, including the upcoming two-part chapter (that are two individual short chapters) focused on the Mane Six ponies fighting against their robot doubles.

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Report AngelShy24 · 399 views ·

Get ready... · 5:51pm Mar 28th, 2016

Finally, the last chapter of my 'SpikexBloom' story is finally done, and it's a pretty big chapter. Now all I have to do is look over it to make sure that it is read-worthy. They're years will ha e passed, and Apple Spice will be... well, three years old. Bonds will be forged, and... another foal will make an appearance.

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Report AngelShy24 · 406 views ·