The Cart Before The Ponies Review · 4:55pm Aug 6th, 2016
Ah kart racing, one of the most popular and iconic video game racing genres of all time. Heck, during the mid to late 90's almost every major video game mascot was trying desperately to cash in on "Mario Kart" fever. But we're not here to talk about video games, we're here to review an episode. Ed Valentine made his return today, and you may remember him from such episodes as "Flight to The Finish" (which was good for the most part, but had pre-reformed Diamond Tiara at her most despicable) and "Three's A Crowd" (which was packed with too much filler and contained a really weak story), the very definition of a mixed bag. Helping him out with writing is Micheal Vogel, who's already done "A Hearth's Warming Tail", "Spice Up Your Life", and "Stranger Than Fanfiction" (in a collab with Josh Haber), plus it's been confirmed he's working with Meghan McCarthy on something big (possibly an episode). Interesting combination, but were they able to communicate well or like the last time Ed did a collab, did the episode bomb? Well, let's find out.
The episode begins at school with Cheerilee announcing to the class that they'll be learning about physics, but it soon turns out it's just a precursor to get them excited about the upcoming Applewood Derby. The entire class is relieved, especially Snips who was concerned they might actually have to learn something. And I'm sure most students can attest to that, at least on subjects like physics, only a select few ever truly get into it. Still, I think your class is a bit young for physics, Cheerilee.
When class is dismissed, the CMC decide to talk to their big sisters and enlist their help. Each of them are interested in a particular award, but their big sisters don't seem to care. Rainbow Dash has the somewhat believable excuse of getting swept up in the excitement and not noticing what Scootaloo's trying to tell her. But Applejack and Rarity are told straight up what their sisters want, and they outright ignore them. Applejack claims the Apples have always won for tradition, and Rarity still nurses an old wound from when she took second in most creative as a filly to Derpy of all ponies.
Next morning, the CMC's big sisters instantly start taking over the entire construction process, and the CMC aren't happy at all. But they decide to suck up and deal with it, convinced their sisters have their best interests at heart. It soon turns out that's not the case though, as each of the sisters continue to ignore all signs that they're doing the wrong thing (Applejack in particular flat out shuts Apple Bloom down for daring to suggest they do anything but a traditional cart, even though it's not her decision to make). To make matters worse, when it's time for the race to begin, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, and Applejack ignore the fact that they're not supposed to be racing and take control of the carts. Reluctantly, the CMC hop in, and despite Cheerilee not being amused by this clear defiance of the rules (why she doesn't try to blow the whistle on them, I have no idea), she still declares the start of the race anyway.
This leads directly into a song called "Giddyup Derby Racers", as the CMC complain about the carts they're stuck in, and their big sisters ignore them while talking about how much they love the carts they've built (Rarity flat out cheats by using the wings of her swan ride to block the lanes so no one can pass her if she doesn't want to). The music and footage accompanying it feel like an homeage to a certain type of cartoon races not seen for decades.
Due to some terrible design choices for the race track that result in several criss-crossing roads, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, and Applejack all get into a three way collison that clutters up the path and blocks the other racers. Then they all complain about their carts being ruined, and the CMC finally snap and tell them off, even Cheerilee and the other racers are quite fed up. The moral suggests that while Rainbow Dash, Applejack, and Rarity could've done a better job listening, the CMC should've spoken up and said something much sooner. But the thing is, they did, and were shot down. It wasn't a communication problem, it's that their big sisters were too stupid and stubborn to listen.
Thankfully, the race is allowed to be held again, under the condition that all of the grown-ups not enter. This time, the CMC get to make the carts the way they want them, and Rainbow Dash, Applejack, and Rarity get to relax and watch the race in style. Naturally, Rainbow Dash can't resist cheering Scootaloo on, despite claiming she wasn't going to get excited about the race.
And that's the story, so what do I think of the episode? Well, predictable is probably the best way to describe it. From the instant the CMC talk to their big sisters and they start getting swept up in the moment, you can tell how this is going to end. Rainbow Dash I could buy maybe getting a bit carried away and needing a talking to, but Applejack and Rarity have been down this road before and should know better. This is another episode that builds itself around its moral, rather than telling a good story and letting the moral come at the end, though at least we get some good background Easter Eggs. I think what really irks me here is that Diamond Tiara is featured in the background, yet she doesn't speak a line. I legtimately feel like if this episode had been her story, instead of the CMC's it would've worked out better. Spoiled or even Filthy Rich could easily make the mistake of forgetting the race isn't about them, for Spoiled we know that Diamond likely fears going against her if it means facing down a harsh lecture, and for Filthy Diamond may not want to lose the bond she has with her father (considering she has him wrapped around her hoof). In the end, I give this episode a C, putting it above "Applejack's 'Day' Off" which was boring beyond all reason (seriously, how hard is it to write a good Applejack focus episode without exaggerating her flaws?) but below "Gift of The Maud Pie" which despite needing some polish (including changing the title and cutting out Rarity so the story could work) at least had a few good moments. I'm not exactly sure if Mike was really needed for this episode, just as I'm sure there wasn't a need for Haber in "On Your Marks", though maybe Mike helped Ed with his setups?
Hopefully things will pick up next week with "28 Pranks Later", in which Rainbow Dash's friends, worried her pranking is getting out of control, decide to prank her back zombipony style. Given the synposis, I'm no longer fearing a rehash of "The Mysterious Mare-Do-Well" but I do hope it's not going to be another episode where Rainbow Dash learns humility. A zombie apocoplyse sounds like the kind of prank that could be taken too far, and hopefully Starlight Glimmer will get to appear here. I just have to wonder how the entire town of Ponyville will get roped into the situation. Guess we'll have to wait and find out. In the meantime, better brush up on your zombie survival skills.
Yeah, this episode would have been so much better if it was Diamond Tiara and family focused episode, or the CMC's older sisters had better reasons for taking over, like say they all lost the race in the past and wanted a second chance at winning. Second half of the season isn't starting out so good is it?
Her thought process was probably "They've saved Equestria a bunch of times, the least I can do is let this slide at least once".
That is one statement I'll never agree with.
To me, Applejack's "Day" Off is simple, low-key fun, and while it's the weakest of the season, it's still a great episode.
As for this one, I found it entertaining, despite its predictability.
I personally found AJ, RD, and Rarity to be in character, and the song itself was fun.
Is it the best of the season? No.
But I don't think it belongs near the bottom of the season either.
4135298 On your first point, fair enough and I suppose Applejack, Rarity and Rainbow were slightly in charicter, but really the most if not the only fun thing I found in this episode to me was what SuperPink was reminded of: The Wacky Races like bit, shame no Dick Dastardly pony eh?
feels like a zombie reference, I think maybe to a movie called 28 Days later.
4135306 Somepony better bring out our anti zombie kits then.
4135295 What are you talking about "Stranger Than Fanfiction" was a great start to the second half.
4135325 Actually, I consider it the first half's conclusion, considering that's where it is on Netflix.
4135333 I'm going by production order. meaning this is episode 15. And we'll see where the second half goes from here, Season 4's second half was a rollercoaster ride up until "Maud Pie".
Yes, that's more of a high school than a elementary-level subject.
There are fan works making Derpy overcome her mental problems and do something good, and this seems to be a nod to that work.
I've seen Wacky Races on Boomerang from Cartoon Network as a kid. That introduced the character of Penelope Pitstop, who had her own CBS series.
- Babs Seed
Yep, sounds like Hasbro apparently thought Diamond Tiara shouldn't, y'know, act like the three [adult] ponies doing wrong here.
We'll look forward to that!
4135335 Okay, but I go by order of release in terms of episodes. Stranger then Fanfiction was episode thirteen in a over 20 episode season, so I think it to be the mid season finale. (Shrugs) All a matter of opinion I suppose.
Cheerilee should've just told 'em outright and not waited until this disaster happened, but we wouldn't have gotten to see the CMC build the carts how they wanted 'em. And I can agree with the fact that this ep could've been a heck of a lot better, and done things just a bit different. It did have it's funny moments, such as Rarity losing to Derpy () and Scootaloo trying to keep her title of best chicken.
I can't wait to see how "28 pranks later will play out; hopefully we can have Spike in as well as SG, but it's something we'll find out in time.)
4135306 Zombies!!!
And wacky races was definitely a classic that I loved watching on Boomerang.
4135305 True.
I don't think I've seen many episodes of Wacky Racers, so I don't really have the kind of attachment to it that most people probably do.
4135388 You can go look it up on sites like Watchcartoononline or YouTube and see it. Trust me, it and it's spin-off shows are hilarious.
4135365 Same here, I remember watching it every morning it seemed like alongside Tom and Jerry or Top Cat before I went off to school. Ah, memories...
4135397 Eeyup. But now, a lot of those classic cartoons are being replaced by the modern cartoons.
Not gonna lie, whilst I enjoyed the few nods from Mario Kart and Wacky Races, it doesn't disguise the fact that it all ended up being predictable and this is Season 6, Applejack, Rarity and Rainbow should've known much better. Once again, this is the work of morale being the main focus and forget everything else.
This is something that I think some of the writers are beginning to struggle with as Ed has shown here, I hope this doesn't become a common trend in the episodes to come. As for what's to come next week, I'm already prepared to be Season 2-style disappointed.
4138396 Yeah, FiM is at its worst when it places the moral above everything else. It's episodes like these that make me think, as good as it is, it might be even better if it were freed from having to teach morals in every episode. They could still include lessons if they wanted to, but they wouldn't be obligated to do so and could just focus on telling a good story. Especially since there are episodes like "Rarity Invesitgates" and "The Saddle Row Review" where you can tell the writers had to hastily put in a moral.
The one thing I loved about this episode was in the start of the episode the students said "Good morning ms Cheerilee" gosh that part was just so adorable I guess the students love their teacher, shows that she must treat her students nicely.