• Member Since 18th Oct, 2012
  • offline last seen March 15th

Calm Wind

We writers do not speak. We do not hear. We have no songs. We have no pictures. We only have scripture. From words we bring images. From words we bring emotion. From words we bring life.

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Chapter 130 Update! (7/26/2016) · 2:07am Jul 27th, 2016

Woo, picture pun!

SO! i mentioned last week i was taking a while on the outline. Well the outline is done and im about 8000 words into the chapter. Can't give any definitive times as usual, but it's being worked on. I'm about 1/3rd through it (if i estimate correctly) sso it most definitely will not be near as long as the monster i put out before, but that's given since it's entirely focused on one standoff as opposed to one having their way with an entire group in many different ways :pinkiecrazy:

I should note though, you're all going to see something interesting in this chapter, specifically in the form of the artwork.

Y'see... about a year ago... i thought i was closing in on this chapter (HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!) and i preemptively commissioned four images over the course of a few weeks from Foxena to include in the chapter... of course, as we know, we did not make it to this chapter until now almost a year later...

So what you are going to see, is that the first four images in the chapter are from one year ago... and Fox's style has evolved greatly since then. And after the fourth image, art from very recently will be appearing :rainbowlaugh:

Jus thought i'd point that out, i didnt want anyone to think Fox suddenly changed or half-assed the first four. (Not that the images are bad by any means whatsoever, just the style shift is very clear.)

So yeah there's that, but YUS... chapter 130 is in production and being worked on. Just wanted to give an update :moustache:

Comments ( 14 )

Kinda interested to see how big of a change is in her artwork


I eagerly await the next chapter as usual

No worries, Calm. :pinkiehappy:

i thought i was closing in on this chapter


4115136 So am I but I've learnt throughout my life that the right questions always have answers so I looked up how Fox's art looked like a little more than a year ago: http://imgur.com/a/BPXL0
How it looks like now: http://imgur.com/a/KoRul
I choose these pictures because they have a nice view of Silver is probably going to be on several of that 5 picture

Now let's play something fun: Guess what's gonna be on those five pictures. (I would say spoiler alert but given the theme post it's kinda pointless)
1 Generic fight picture or Ns trying some fun stuff with Silver.
2 Silver's death
3 Rainbow's face as she watches silver die.
5 The lunar guard or Spitfire arrives a second too late.

P.S. Due to my stupidity I accidentally learnt what shingles is. Who would have thought?


Alright, YAYYYYY!!!

Talk about jumping the gun. You really were excited about this chapter. :pinkiecrazy:

Hooray! I'm excited to see more Nightshade! :pinkiehappy:


In response to your comment, I'm seriously hoping your predictions aren't true. If Silver died, I would be sobbing for 1947284 years. :raritycry:


And THIS shows that my sense of time is terrible :rainbowlaugh:

Because i got the first four pics for chapter 130 LONG before i got the one you used from a year ago... good god, was it two years ago? I DONT EVEN KNOW ANYMORE :raritycry:

4116386 Well.... you know which chapter you presented on this very day two years ago? Preparing for the Gauntlet or Chapter 26 if you like it that way. So I have a feeling that is a bit of an overestimation. But that just a hunch. (The fact that Silver is not even introduced until chapter 32 might have helped me reach this conclusion. :pinkiehappy:)


Now that i look back and actually try to remember i think i had the older pictures in question before i started on part three (chapter 71) So it looks like it was about a year and a half ago...

Good god, that's how long i've been on part 3? :rainbowderp: Time sure flies...

So i guess look at how the ponies are drawn in the part 2 finale, the best examples being the fire and misty kiss and the spitfire yelling at Wave, thats more or less how the older pics will look. Fox used to have more of a 'dog/wolf' look to her ponies, as some people used to say to her. As a result of those criticisms, she explored how to make them look more horse-like, leading to how they look now.

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