• Member Since 23rd Nov, 2012
  • offline last seen Dec 24th, 2019


More Blog Posts9

  • 428 weeks
    I'm sorry if I don't finish

    I've been so caught up with life and everything that I have barely got any time whatsoever to finish Twilight's Unfaithful Student but I really do want to finish it.

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  • 521 weeks
    My laptop died

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  • 563 weeks
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  • 575 weeks
    Floor mats, vs carpets

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I'm sorry if I don't finish · 5:42pm Jul 17th, 2016

I've been so caught up with life and everything that I have barely got any time whatsoever to finish Twilight's Unfaithful Student but I really do want to finish it.
Some things have come up in life recently and if I don't make it back from it (Jail or death, not that I just won't finish it) then I'm very very very sorry to all of you that stayed true with the story. These problems stem from family issues and people wishing to bring harm to those I love.
Just like the moral of this story, family goes deeper than just blood.
Thanks to all of you for making me smile over the past three years :raritywink:

Comments ( 8 )

I wish you luck with whatever is going on in your life and I do hope you find the time to finish the story only when you have free time. It's a good story, even if i'm not 100% caught up on it.

I hope you get through what ever it is you are going through :pinkiesad2:

Best of luck, brother. Remember to let the other guy swing first and have a recording. Prove it was self-defense.

I wish you the best. And I know how family life and work can consume all of your free time. Take care and know your friends and fans will be here! :yay:

Understandable - you take all the time you need. And best of luck with everything you're going through!

Keep cool dude

>Offline for 23w, 6d.

That's younger than the age of this blog post, so I'm going to assume that either you're dead, or the family issues got worse. Godspeed.

Comment posted by TheraseVoidCaller deleted Mar 20th, 2021
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