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Greetings all and welcome to my page. I tend to write stories of a darker nature though I enjoy reading a wide range of stories. I hope you find something of interest here, have a good day.

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  • 1 week
    I made it Into a youtube video!

    One of my biggest hobbies outside of Pony is TTRPGs and a few months ago, not even a year, I started GMing for the first time.

    And now, something I created for my game has made it into a Mr. Ripper video and I am vibrating with excitement at this as they chose stories theu find very interesting for their videos so to be in one just feels so damn good as a new GM.

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  • 11 weeks
    Where I've Been

    Hello my dear Readers.

    I wanted to make this blog to explain why there hasn't been any updates to either Halls of Knowledge and The Shadow Veil.

    The reason is Two Fold.

    The Whether is improving which means work has been rapidly increasing resulting in my weekends being spent recovering.

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  • 15 weeks
    The Shadow Veil Delay

    Well I was planning to write Chapter 2 of The Shadow Veil today but unfortunately yesterday work decided to explode, metaphorically speaking, though we did have a shelf collapse. Which has left me exhausted today and my brain doesn't want to make with the creativity and keeps getting distracted so unfortunately I'll be delayed but the good news is the entire chapter is planned out so just need to

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  • 17 weeks
    Creativity Is a Hell of a Drug

    Hello all my Readers I hope this all finds you well.

    So as the Blog Title says Creativity is a hell of a drug and the Muse is powerful and in this case she fuels me to do something I've not done before.

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  • 21 weeks
    New Fic Time

    Well i have released the first two chapters of my new fic I'll be writing for now as a way to take a break and not burn out on my Soldier Series as i think part of why it took so long for me finish it is i was burning out on the series.

    So here i am with Fallout Equestria: Halls of Knowledge, a new fic I already have planned out and have been looking forward to writing.

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Needing Some OCs · 2:41am Jun 19th, 2016

so like the title says I need some OCs for my side fic Soldiers of Hope as it is going to mostly be OCs and so there will be lot of them as this war spreads and more and more forces are drawn into the world to fight the Caribou.

just post the OCs in the comments
Divisions that will be in the story
Air force
Armored (tanks)
Military Intelligence (mist be changeling )
Biohazard containment
Psychological operations
Flame troopers
Equestrian military science
Royal guard

EDF Division

Report Scorch215 · 375 views · Story: Soldiers of Hope ·
Comments ( 42 )

Earth pony, or just check my avatar
Only surving member of his family known as wingfeathers, that were killed by an invasion of his homeland
Loyaly, easily angered, willing to help
Stealth divesion
Tends to keep his past a sceret, Can use ki, simlr to magic, for instance, ki fire pure merry for his hooves

Blind Eye
Thestral (Dark grey body, black mane, orange eyes)
Born into poverty of the streets of Manehatten, Blind Eye grew with a skewed ideal of justice and destiny, believing in isolation in the deadliest places was to be his life. He signed up with the EDF on his 18th birthday, and has since seen deployment as a stealth operative in battles against terrorists, Yaks, and an attempted Demonic Invasion of Saddle Arabia.
Distant and calculative, hides emotions very well (almost invisible to Changelings), and prioritizes the lives of innocents and the success of the mission over his own life (often impaling himself or tanking crippling injuries to keep others safe or to gain an advantage).
Stealth Division.
Dislikes sexual content and advances due to a traumatic incident in his childhood.

Silenced Sidearms (9mm)
Weapon of choice: Chikage (Eastern-style sword, the only object he had his whole life)

I swear we did this already but ok.

Name: Onyx Bolt

Age: 38

Appearance: img09.deviantart.net/5fd6/i/2013/309/1/4/ma_larson_oc_pony_by_pixelkitties-d6t4pfn.png
Thestral, ash grey coat, night blue mane, golden eyes. Cutie mark is a red shield in front of a rising black Phoenix.

Backstory: Onyx was a single child, constantly belittled for being the only Thestral in his village. Onyx joined the EDF as a way to get out of his village and see the world, the paycheck and fighting were just bonuses. He earned his cutie mark when he defended himself in a 4 on 1 fight, he may not have won but he sure as shit didn't loose either. While in the EDF he made the stupid decision and got married, at first everything was fine and soon his daughter was born. But with deployments and constantly being passed up for promotion, the marriage went the way many hastily marriages do, it ended. Since his divorce Onyx has become more loose about things, and takes anything thrown his way with a do or die spirit. He was going to become an officer but several fights and a single case of striking an officer ended that. He is currently stuck at the rank of Staff Sergeant.

Personality: Do or die, has high Espirit De Corps, wiseass, "He's who you'd want next to you in a foxhole, just don't introduce him to your sister or folks." - several EDF troopers who served with him, "The Staff Sergeant is mean son of bitch, but he gets results, you may not like the results, but he does get results." - Former CO.

EDF Division: Shock Troopers, (If not applicable, replace with Marines or Army at author's discretion.)

Extra: Ex-wife who hates his guts named: Shimmering Aurora, Daughter who loves and looks up him named: Shade Rose. Named his knife Ash, has a ace of spades playing card on his right shoulder piece. Loves coffee.

4032784 we have but that was for an unspecified story that ended up not being posted at this time.

this is for a specific story everyone is aware of what it is and it has been posted a bit so everyone knows what to expect so I am asking again incase some people have specific OCs they want for this story.

"EDF Division" What's that?

4032835 the EDF Army is broken up into a bunch of Sub Division.
Infantry Division
Biohazard Containment Division
Equestrian Military Science Division

I listed them that will be in the story.

4032841 yeah, I know it can be a bit annoying for one who already did it. so sorry about that.

Ok and the EDF is what?

4032862 Again it's chill, is mine good or do I need to change anything?

Valiant charge

Black coat, grey mane, red eyes. Average size of your typical Royal guard with three scars on his chest given by his pet wolf; Fenrir

The only child of King Sombra and Radiant hope who founded the knightly order known as: The Iron Wolves

He is friendly despite his serious appearance and has a very kind heart followed by a strong sense of honor and justice plus he is not afraid to lead an attack even when the odds are against him.

Front line commander

EDF: mainly royal guards and Air Force.

Specializes in destruction magic as well as defensive magic.

Equestrian Defense Force. It's the army that Twilight created in my main series that Soldiers of Hope is a side fic of.

think modern soldiers with all the gear that todays armies have only they are ponies and changelings and have a very big drive to help those in need and do what is right, consequences be damned.

4032870 its fine, I may tweek things as needed to fit the story and no telling what happens as character tend to go off on their own in my story so they main develop trits they didn't originally have.

4032894 Sweet looking forward to it.

4032890 Oh cool sigh me up!! Very large Earth Pony mare. Name Fractured-Hearts. Skills Hoof to hoof fighting. Small arms and edged weapons. Motto "KILL THEM ALL LET LUNA SORT THEM OUT" But has a heart of gold.

Name: crimson clover
Race: Unicorn
Age: 32
Sex: male
Looks: he has a gray coat with a Red and green mane done in a braid with a red and green eye
Cutie Mark: a four leaf with a blood stain his special talent is being very lucky

Personality: he is a joker he believes in everything can be joked about and he will joke about it. he dos have a bit of a temper he prefers to solve his problems with words but he will not hesitate to use violence and he swears a lot
he gambles a lot and is good in a hoof fight

Weapons: 2 custom 50 cal revolvers named double down and ante up

Backstory: he grew up in upper Canterlot to a minor noble family. up until he was twenty he gamble a lot and ended up owing lots of money to the wrong pones to escape his debt he joined the army as Recruit. now twelve years later he is a Lieutenant. he did end up paying the debt back

Division: Infantry

I only have assassins and thief oc :twilightblush:

Name: Atreus
Age: 37
Race: Changeling
EDF Division: Biohazard Containment
Appearance: *Based off of the fact that the story is anthro* Atreus is above-average in height, fairly thin, and only has holes on his legs/hindlegs and in his fins, wings, and tail, not on his arms/forelegs. The most unusual feature of Atreus is that his secondary color (eyes, fins, wings, tail) is not the normal greenish-blue. Rather, Atreus's colors periodically shift between hues of red, orange, and yellows (explained in backstory). Aside from these bits, he appears as a normal changeling drone.
Backstory: Atreus, being born a regular changeling, decided that regular hive life wasn't for him, and signed up for the EDF at a young age, where he quickly found his place among the ranks. After basic training and a few months of trying to find his passion among the forces, he learned he was good at recognising different chemicals and the like, which he promptly devoted his training to. After a few more months of intensive practice, he joined the Biohazard Containment branch. After working with the branch for many years, he eventually came across a mission that would not end as well as desired. During what was thought to be a basic retrieval and containment, his team quickly discovered that the radioactive crystals had turned the air surrounding them into a potent chemical compound that would ignite any form of hair or flammable bio-material. Being the only changeling in his squad, and wishing to finish the mission before more local life was endangered, Atreus ran into the cloud of chemicals and retrieved each crystal personally, his suit being melted through almost instantly. The exposure to the magically-radioactive crystals for so long without any dampener changed Atreus's biology on a fundamental level. Rather than killing him, as everyone expected, he survived, but not without a crutch. Atreus could no longer absorb ambient emotions or shapeshift, requiring the emotions to be solidified or liquefied in order to consume them. On top of this, the radiation affected the pigment of his fins, wings, eyes, and tail, where the magic from the crystals fused to the cells, creating a constantly shifting array of colors. Atreus, after many weeks of physical therapy and treatment, resumed his service with the EDF.
Personality: Being a part of the BioCon, Atreus isn't much of a people person. Watching people melt tends to do that to you. While he tends to appear focused on his work almost all the time, he will almost always try to put himself in harm's way, rather than let his squad mates do it, if he must. When Atreus isn't working, he enjoys playing card games with anyone who accepts his offers to play. During these, he is a jovial fellow, but still somewhat reserved. Atreus has no problem with, and would rather, not be the center of attention, wishing more to help silently when he can.
Extra: Atreus lives according to his personal motto: "Rash indeed is he who reckons on the morrow, or haply on days beyond it; for tomorrow is not, until today is past." (actually a quote from Trachiniae)

4033025 theM.I.D hands "removing" ccertain threats to Equestria covertly.

Name: Life-Line
Age: 30
Race: Pegasus
Appearance: Grey w/ white scarring mainly on legs. Mane is grey and light black
Backstory: Was a field medic for quite a few years and training puts a use in multiple areas. see Below for Division ideas, or cross train.
Personality: Dry-humored but mainly a background Pony. I.E. not much for talking but does bring up personal points every now and then. older and experienced have left a more somber outlook on life.
EDF Division: Medical, however that can be related with following cross-training. Infantry/Bio-hazard containment/Recon/Sniper

Extra: Life experience of actual things means multi-use is possible. hope your story goes well.

I do not see a derpy pony,
I see Derpy, a pony.
One day I will figure out how to get a sig on FimFic.

So scorch still needing OC's I'll see what I can wip up

4033231 well if you don't want to change anything the old one will work it'd just this is for a story everyone knows ehst it is so if you have anything g spasific for this type of story you can post or post previpise ones.

4033232 well no need to worry it just means more for you :pinkiehappy:

4033239 and Ijhave a lot more Divisions now as well :rainbowlaugh:

Name: Scarab
Rank: Master Sergeant
Branch: EDF Army
Occupation: Artillery loader
Age: 38
Gender: Male
Race: Changeling
Build: Bigger than average
Carapace: Onyx
Mane and tail: Graphite
Eye colour: Blue
Residence: Changeling Hive

Early life: Scarab was born and raised in the hive, he worked in the hives construction team for awhile until the EDF asked for volunteers for the new divisions that were created. Scarab decided to join the Artillery Corp making use of his heavy lifting skills. When he was in training he fond a love for howitzers immediately and passed through training with high scores.

He’s now operating 155mm love ladies.

Personality: Scarab is a friendly changeling who attends many public celebrations and parties, he also keeps his units spirit up when times are down. Scarab is also known to have been sneaking into the officers quarters and commandeering the officers wine and spirits for his comrades parties
Taste of music: Jazz https://youtu.be/xO6f2ykW84A

Scarab Loves the sound of 155mm howitzer firing

Feel free to use ol' Adamant Penumbra from last time.

4033065 I think you left some details out of that explanation. I have a hard time understanding it.

4033296 um.

Basicly my side fic to the soldier series main story Soldiers of Hope is going to be mostly OCs and thus I need people as coming up.with names for ponies is hard:twilightsheepish:

And the Divisions that will.be showing up in the story I listed

As well as a basic outline for posting OCs if anyone doesn't know.what info.is.needed

Name: Shadow

Age: 30

Species: changeling

Backstory: In the hive, Shadow was always plotting and sneaking around, even if he was very obvious while doing it, ever since he could remember. He could shift into multiple creatures that are much smaller than him, and was a master in martial arts. When he was offered a job in military intelligence, he instantly accepted. He is very calculating, and hates a job when he doesn't get all the facts, but he is known to do dumb things when pressured and will shoot first when he thinks he is caught.

Has a unicorn morph that is all brown with dark brown mane and tail with a cutie mark of a drum set named Shadow Drummer. Is proficient in electrical magic.

Can be changed to fit the story.

Mikhail (mi*K*hail)
Earth Pony
Very big, larger the Big Mac, red fur, light teal blue mane and tail, grey eyes, a deep, gravely voice, and a cutie mark of a 12G pump-action shotgun

Was born in the frozen north, 8 years after The Commander came back and founded the EDF. Got his cutie mark after killing intruders with his family's 12G, until he ran out of ammo, where they were captured. He then broke himself and his family out of where they were being held, killed all the guards there, returned home to gather all they could, then fled to Equestria. He joined to EDF to help support his family while they searched for jobs, and has never left.

He is a pony of few words, and while he may seem dumb, and lacks a formal education, he is actually quite smart, teaching himself to read and write Equestrian while in the EDF (he grew up speaking a foreign language), and quite enjoys logic and other mind games, and will visit the EDFSF from time to time. He also applies this on the battlefield, holding a position while his brothers in arms (or, as he likes to call them,comrades) flank the enemy, or similar strategies that work well with his area denial and mow down capabilities. When not fight or spending time with his BiA (brothers in arms) he spends it with his family.
Dispite being a veteran and having seen a lot, he lives life (although maybe it's because he wants to live his life as much as he can before he's too old or is KiA) and can be usually found wearing a genuine smile, even on missions (although for different reasons than the commander; he loves firing his guns, and if it's killing people who would like to hurt or kill his BiA, so much the better)

Infantry, lieutenant (leads a group of about 20 ponies and changelings)

He is very experienced in many weapons, particularly LMGs and other large, mow-down weapons, such as miniguns, (although he is starting to show his age, he's not letting it slow him down), the only exception flamethrowers, and is secretly terrified of flame troopers, particularly the lieutenant.
Love sandwiches, his family, his guns, and his brothers in arms, who he considers family. Cares for his country, but puts his family and BiA first, then his country, but would still gladly go into a sucide mission if it ment keeping his family safe and few of his comrades having to risk themselves.

Oh, and weapons of choice: Either his minigun or his belt-fed LMG, naming both of them (Natashka and Shasha respectively), his 12G shotgun (is preferred side arm, but he does carry a .500 revolver [six shooter, somehow]) as well the same one he got his cutie mark for, a combat knife, but he does wear hardened steel hoofshoes, preferring to buck his enemies at close range, and has proven far more effective.

4033801 I'mjjust wondering why it seems like you act like we don't have the mobile arty today..

Also more impressed by a soviet bunker who stalled the entire German army for six days with just two 152mm guns while surrounded in all sides till they ran out of ammo.

Brave bastards then self destructed to prevent the bunker from falling into enemy hands and The germens getting hands on the Intel and schmerics of the bunkers basic computer system.

All this while disobeying Stalin's orders to fall back

4033824 IK we do (I play WoT what do YOU think SPG stands for?). But 152mm is such a magical number.

As for the pic, I could be giving you total bullshit, but I'm pretty sure it was ONE KV-2 with a fatman mini hydrogen bomb silo 152mm howitzer that the picture was referring to.

4034220 WoT uses WWII tanks and doesnt touch on modern tanks except that one Korean war tank they have but that's not really modern.

Also stationary Arty has more range the the mobile Arty and has a lot mor ammo as it's not having to carry it with it.

They are both very effects and have their great advsntsged and disadvantages as one is shorter rang but can move around the battle field while the other has range and take time to set up and if attacked can't really flee or hide.

Persoanly prefer stationary Arty unless you let me us some MLRS

4033801 What am I doing :pinkiegasp: Stalin must hate me now :pinkiecrazy:

4034234 IK, but we still have SPGs. As for your favorite, I think I prefer railroad guns. But it depends on your war (i.e. WWI stationary's better since you're not moving and it has better range and all that, while WWII was very fluid, and SPGs would've been more appealing).

4034306 As long as you don't talk shit about communism or Mother Russia, Stallin have no problem with you. It is a difference in caliber by 3mm...although you'd think arty caliber would've gotton larger in 70 years.....but yes, 152mm howitzer HE shells are OP as fuck. Why? They are communist!

4035332 I think I can use him. Way tweek him a bit here and there to fit the universe.

Also think this will be the first unicorn that will be in the Flame Troopers as I saw them as mostly being earth ponies do to the protective suits they were and the flamethrowers they use.

Name: Doctor Plague

Race: changeling

Age: 57

Appearance: dusty rose backplate, tarnished silver wings, fins, and tail, black chitin, neon green eyes

Backstory: when he was a boy, he was always picked on and ostracized which left him with emotional scars and a sever case of social anxiety and being almost completely unable to function socially. Fast forward ten years and he has taken up biology and has made it his go to for everything. And it was for that reason that when an EDF recruiter came to his town, he signed on and after completing training was assigned to the BCD as one of their reasearchers.

Division: Biohazard Containment

Personality: Highly antisocial to the point of being almost unable to function in a social situation, unless your talking about work or discussing biology with him. To those that somehow manage to befriend him, he is very kind if not considered completely loony from his fixation with improving the pony body.

Extra: Has a strange addiction and preference to the emotion joy, as well as having an alcohol problem and can usually be seen carrying around a flask of joy laced whiskey.

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