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My Conspiracy Theories: We Are Living In A Simulated Reality · 7:03pm May 29th, 2016

My Conspiracy Theories: We Are Living In A Simulated Reality

I have a conspiracy theory guys.

I think we are all secretly characters in one giant multiverse wide SIMS game.

There are some things that support my theory.

First of all, nothing in life ever goes friggin right. Like you could just be minding your own business. And bam. Your toaster explodes. That is some SIMS bs right there.

I've also seen the green crystals above people's heads. No really. They are there. Stare long enough and you will see them.

Then there is the fact that paranormal shiz happens around us all day. This is the result of the glitches in the game and all of the crappy mods people insert into the game to make themselves look cooler.

Anyway, just know that you are a SIM. Don't think too hard about who is controlling you. Your brain might implode on itself.

Comments ( 28 )

Meh, not my place to judge while still believing in my crazy-ass theory.

3981441 It makes you think, doesn't it? :raritywink:

3981447 What theory is that?

3981454 That is excellent to hear. It is always good to think about things. :rainbowkiss:

Wait...do you just randomly stare at strangers and see little green crystals above their heads?
And it's not one of those headbands?
How long does it take for the crystals to appear and do the strangers get weirded out that your staring at them?
And the person controlling us, is it different 'worlds' or, is it the same with a heck a lot a characters?

Then there is the fact that paranormal shiz happens around us all day. This is the result of the glitches in the game...

Have you ever seen someone missing a part of their face? And it's not wrapped in bandages or anything?
...Or...uh...seen someone like this...?

3981456 true nvr thought of life that way

3981461 It is best not to think about it too hard. That is how people lose their minds.

Just know that you are a SIM living in the SIM multiverse. Embrace it.

Know that you are being controlled by a highly eccentric GM and that anything weird you see is because of the GM's twisted yet amusing sense of humor.

3981463 I am glad that I could help you to look at things in a new way. :)

3981481 How do you know my mind isn't already lost? :P

(to myself) Oh, look! There it is....

Well, that would explain why I keep seeing green crystals over everyone's head...

3981455 No death is truly permanent in the multiverse, as when someone dies of a disease, murder, or otherwise unnatural death in our timeline, another timeline is created where they survived without any memory of the time they died outside of visions written off as nightmares, leading to a near-never ending cycle of dying and coming back attempting to live a full life until they eventually die naturally, and face the traditional concept of divine judgement for their actions, and thus are either allowed into heaven of some sort, or are forced to relive their life over and over to make amends until they get it right as a form of personal hell.

3981489 That's probably why we get along so well. :rainbowkiss:

3981518 It makes more and more sense, the more you think about it.

The green crystals are the first sign.

Keep watching out for the game glitches.

They are there. And totally hackable. :P

3981521 That's similar to the Hindu/ Buddhist concept of birth and rebirth. You should check it out. You would find it matches your theory pretty well.

3981579 It's somewhat similar, but I disagree with the notion that you come back as a brand new person/animal. I believe everything would be the same if you were forced to repeat it, not just have another go as someone else.

3981593 They believe that you are the same soul, just in a different form.

In any case, I like your theory. And it actually fits in really well with the concept of everyone just living in a giant game simulation like the SIMS.

Especially the fact that characters in games die and resurrect as the same character until they can beat the game.

Could it be...?

3981661 It makes a lot if sense when you think about it. :raritywink:

Don't worry I've got this.

3981784 Oooo good finds. Highly fitting. XD


Dim lou, Dim lou! Bur de burbedine!

3982113 That reference escapes me at the moment. I might need my memory refreshed.


It's sim-speak. They always talk in that gibberish. That is the one phrase I always remembered, because I heard it so often in the versions I played. I think it's the equivalent of "Go on, go on! What you say interests me." It would come up anytime two sims were discussing topics that the other liked... Weird, obscure videogame references ftw, right?

3983736 Oh yeah! I've never seen SIM language written down before, so it looked weird to me. But now I totally get the reference. :P

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