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Why Climate Change isn't real · 7:29pm Apr 10th, 2016

Climate change is a hoax. It is also a very broad subject about very real things that are happening to our world and have been happening since before we inhabited it. The science behind it is part real and part speculation, like trying to predict the weather or anything else in the future. It's only accurate to a point and never 100% true or false. But the way it's been presented to you, the way it's been displayed and argued about, is very much a fabrication. Like all fabrications though, it contains an amount of truth. And there is a reason for this.

Case and point, C02 does have an affect on the atmosphere. Everything on this planet that lived is made of carbon. Plants, animals, fungi, everything that lives has lived or is going to live on this planet is a carbon-based life form, including humans. When things made of carbon burn, C02 is released. Trees, plants, the digestion process in carnivores, herbivores and omnivores alike releases more and more carbon dioxide into our atmosphere. Plants are supposed to remove this carbon dioxide and produce oxygen. This is shit you learned in kindergarten: you breath in oxygen and breath out carbon dioxide. Plants take in C02 and breath out O2. That's how it works.

Now, there's been an imbalance. C02 levels are rising and plants aren't doing their job, mostly because of deforestation and other environmental impacts.

So what is my point?

Very simply, this is a long-term problem. Losing our shit over it and destroying our way of life, sacrificing our freedom to try and change it is not going to save the planet. It will destroy what little we have accomplished just as easily as climate change itself. It's a long-term problem that requires a long-term solution.

More to the point: climate change is being used as a political tool by governments around the globe, especially in the United States. They have manipulated data, facts, graphs and maps to suit their own goals.

This is normally where people stop. But Ima keep going.

So, why have people like the liberals and the leftists distorted this information? Why are they exaggerating it to suit their own goals? Well, for one, they proposed something around 2008 in America called the Carbon Exchange Commission. It's a system which would be based in Chicago that would allow major corporations and businesses to buy and sell "carbon credits" to each other based on how much they pollute, similar to Weight Watchers. In essence, it would allow the businesses to pollute more and would kill smaller businesses that can't afford to go green. There would be climate speculators and businesses could purchase futures or credits based on what they think a company is going to pollute.

Essentially, it's a stock market for pollution offset rights. It turns environmental awareness into a business they control. Anyone in control of it stands to make a fuck ton of money from this. Like, an enormously stupid amount of money. Billions upon billions of dollars exchanged every day. A new market ripe and ready to be exploited. But it's not all about the money.

The other reason climate change is also exaggerated is because it's difficult to understand the long-term ramifications. It's difficult to see why this is a problem, why we need to do anything about it because the effects are so far away and are so unpredictable. But people on both sides of this argument want to sway others. They want people to invest in their solutions and they will lie and have lied about this in order to further their own goals.

C02 is having an effect on our atmosphere. Since Earth has had a climate, that climate has been changing. It's been going on for millions of years, having an effect. It's going to continue having an effect. But we're not entirely sure what that effect is. It could be potentially disastrous for us as a species and for all current species on this planet.

So, what do we need to do? We need to remain calm. Don't panic, hold onto hope, have faith. We are a proud and intrepid species. We're intelligent and in our short time on this Earth, we have accomplished so many great things. We're going to continue doing so. This problem is going to take more than a bandaid solution to fix. We need to keep recycling, we need to keep researching, using and investing in alternative energy sources. Burning fossil fuels doesn't make someone evil. It's how people live and it's many people have lived for thousands of years. Shit ain't changing over night.

In conclusion, climate change is a hoax the way it's been presented to you. It's why I've added climate changelings into my story, to illustrate this. We cannot let fear control us. We need to approach everything with a calm and rational mind and understand that all our actions have consequences. Those who have lied, exaggerated and manipulated this problem will one day be held accountable for what they have done. Until then, we press on. We make break this world, break our environment and unmake the reality. But we will never stop. Like a child that breaks something, we will immediately try to fix it. And we will learn more every time. We will not stop for nature because that's not what we do. We will continue on, advancing. Not one step back as we march onward.

Report Barrobroadcaster · 282 views ·
Comments ( 11 )

It's very easy to become absorbed in problems that don't exist when you aren't educated on the subject. Especially when the press present it in such an exaggerated way. Climate Change is real, it's very fucking real. But there is literally nothing we can do about it. As you stated, climate change is a process that occurs incredibly slowly over tens of thousands of years in cycles. We have warm periods then cold periods, sometimes colder or warmer than before. We just happen to be accelerating the process by quite a degree.

What does this mean? Well... a few species will go extinct every now and again, plant and bird life will change over time, stuff like that. Not everywhere is getting drier either. Here in the UK we're actually getting more rain. That's the overall weather predictions: Expect more extreme weather as climate change progresses. Climate change is not our fault specifically, which is what a few people need to realize. If there was something we could do about it, we would do it.

And for all you people who don't believe climate change is real at all? m8. u wot?

3861324 There are a lot of things we can do about it. But there's nothing we can do to completely fix it overnight. We need a way to recycle C02 emissions more efficiently so the gas isn't trapped in the upper atmosphere. Cutting down on emissions doesn't solve the problem; it just delays it.

Recylcling CO2 isn't something you just 'do'. Catalytic converters are about the best solution we can use for transport, but wouldn't work on something like a passenger plane. And what about asking people to just build more efficient power sources?

First you need the money. Secondly, you need the means to build them. Wave power is almost worthless, people complain about wind turbines all the time so it's hard to get planning permission for them, solar panel fields take up huge amounts of space so it;s hard to get planning permission, dams are hard to build because you need a reservoir big enough to house one (Which is rare), and nuclear power stations are really expensive.

If you ask me, nuclear power is the way to go IF, we can get nuclear fusion to work properly as a power source. Fission creates too much waste material that needs to be dumped, and we'd run out of space pretty quick.

People will not change unless it is forced upon them. No-ones gonna' invest enough money to make a difference unless it benefits them, and right now it wouldn't benefit anyone enough.

3861504 I understand one does not simply do any solution or walk into Mordor for that fact. But to say we can't or to neglect any pursuit because it's deemed "impossible" is not our way. It might be expensive but they'll find a way to make it cheaper, make it easier. Where there is a will, there is a way. There might not be much will yet but it's there.

As far as change, what you say isn't true of all change. We all want better and sometimes we can do drastic things to try and get it. We don't force change on people. It would be like slavery all over again just with a different cause.

Look, I'm not saying we invest all our money into something that might have almost no hope of doing anything productive. But we shouldn't invest our money in some magic wand thing or some desperate plan to change and possible destroy our way of life that's going to make a handful of people rich and might kill off thousands.

Said research you speak of has already been done, it's just that the greedy as you have pointed out. Have gone to any means necessary to cover, even by murdering the ones who invented the means to do so.:ajsleepy:


The change bit... I meant people don't change unless it is absolutely necessary, like when the consequences of not changing are on top of them.

I see no way out of our situation. It's just gonna' end up being one of those 'Survive until it's all over' times ahead of us. Which there's no reason we wouldn't survive, we're a resourceful species. Just not resourceful enough to solve problems like the enhanced global warming effect simply by making a few decisions.

3862399 Not necessarily. I have faith that we'll fix things. It's what we do.

So you say climate change isn't real? Let's see about that.

So what other tricks do you have up your sleeves to prove climate change "isn't real"? Also, our coal plants don't only release Co2, they can release mercury, sulfur, and other deadly toxin's into the atmosphere.

3864854 I've seen that video before. If you didn't read the post, it might be best to read it before you post something yourself.

3865085 Explain to me why you think climate change isn't real, EXACTLY why. Also, do you think Humanity would actually waste so much money on other forms of energy just because of "the not real climate change"? No, we're not stupid, when we put research into something, it's for a reason, and that reason is climate change. Also, take a look at the planet Venus, that's a very good example to what climate change can do to a planet, honestly I prefer living on a planet were shit can grow and live, and not on a planet that has temperatures that can melt lead, clouds that are made of sulfur, EXTREMELY HIGH pressure's, and so on.

He's not saying it's not real, he's saying it's not quite what we think it is.

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