• Member Since 30th Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen March 1st


Writer, artist, musician, and sometimes other stuff. Like my work? Help support more via patreon!

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Who wants free art? [Edit: Over!] · 1:57am Dec 9th, 2015

Hey guys!

Once again I'll be streaming pony art tonight from 10:00 CST to...well, whenever I pass out! What's the occasion? Whalp, t'is my birthday today, and what better way to celebrate then drawing sketches for all you lovely people! All you gotta do is show up to the stream and put in your request! I'll do the sketch live in front of you and they'll all be uploaded to my Patreon first, then to Deviantart and Tumblr the following day.
Join me tonight on Picarto to get your free sketch!

Report Ruirik · 583 views · Story: Fire & Rain ·
Comments ( 10 )

Happy Birthday! Maybe this time I'll sign up for an account...


Excellent. I completely missed the one last night. Hopefully I can actually make this one.

Happy birthday,and I'll be there!

Heh, this one isn't as hard to figure out Atryl's was the other night, time-zone-wise, as we're both in the Central Time Zone.

That's rather generous of you to do on your own birthday.

Happy Birthday good person, Happy Birthday.

I believe very strongly in paying it forward. And thanks!

oo, nice, where you from?

I hope so too!

Thanks, and you should~

Thank you!


3603997 I'm shooting for 11 CST. Hopefully I can get on by then.

3603997 Missouri, about 45 minutes to an hour's drive west of St. Louis.

I live in St. Charles County, actually, in a town called Wentzville.

Happy birthday!!!


“¡Get your hooves up, party’s starting out right now!”
“¡Everypony, everypony get down!”
“¡Time to make a wish, better make it right now!”
“¡It’s been an year and today is your birthdayparty!”

“¡Make a wish, it’s your birthday!”
“¡Make a wish, it’s your birthdayparty!”
“¡Make a wish, it’s your birthday!”
“¡Make a wish, it’s your birthdayparty!“

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