• Member Since 25th Jun, 2014
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Dice Warwick

Dislexic tring to wright storys, makes gammer natzie eyes bleed.

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Still alive, but slow going for the next chapter. · 4:29am Nov 21st, 2015

Art from the thefurryrailfan

Fallout 4 has relay taken up my life as it is, but luckily it's starting to consume me less end less, so I should start writing more soon. I did get some writing done, but it's been far less than what I tend to do. So be patent, I'll have it done sometime, then we will have to wait a week for the edit to be done. XP. Now that's out of the way, time for more Fallout 4... no wait, Have to go to work.

Comments ( 4 )

Oooo! Vibey's lookin good! :pinkiehappy: Also, yeah, Fallout 4 has kinda been a huge time sink. Still, good to hear that things are moving forward!

Thalassophobia? Fear of the ocean? Hmm, that's actually an interesting thing for this person to have, considering they live on an island... dammit, I really need to read your stuff!

I suffer more specifically from megalohydrothalassophobia, fear of large things in the water. Only found its name recently. Anyway, it's pretty awful. When I was younger I used to have swimming lessons and stuff. I used to swim as close to the edge as possible because I knew that if I strayed to the middle, I'd start thinking about sea monsters and stuff and I'd get really really freaked out. Eventually I had to stop having swimming lessons, it got so bad. I can swim just fine, though. The 200m swimming test I once did was probably one of the hardest things I've done, psychologically, because I had to swim eight lengths down the middle of the pool without touching the sides or the floor.

For me, it's looking at the ocean and feeling a cold dread at the back of your mind telling you there's something down there you can't see. It's when you're in water and you suddenly start panicking for no reason and you have to scramble for shore as fast as you can. It's when you want to read a book about dinosaurs, but you decide not to because you know it'll have pictures of plesiosaurs and pliosaurs and stuff in.

I think it's not as bad now as it once was. I watched Jurassic World a month ago, and... eh, I wasn't toooo bother by it. I remember years ago I watched some documentary about dinosaurs and there was a whole bit with CGI pliosaurs and stuff, and I physically couldn't stay in the shower for more than twenty seconds for two days.

Long story short: irrational phobias are very strange and can have an impact on your life, especially when you're day-to-day in situations that are likely to trigger them. Anyway, just throwing in two cents in case it helps you writing this character!

3557951 well hers in more specifically a fear of drowing, of being submerged under water. If she can look up and see the surface of the water, or feels like she is in a vast abyss, it can be a triggering event for her. Also do to metal legs, and the lack of things like pools, she can't swim, so that's a fear of it's own.

3557922 bit by bit. Shes getting her new back legs, and guns. I also plan to push the story along. I should get some more done tonight.

Why do I get the feeling that's totally going to happen to her in the story...?

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