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The creator of the Spiders and Magic universe and concept. Yay, I guess??

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Time to rekindle the bond with my readers! · 4:00am Nov 19th, 2015

Well, the past few weeks have been challenging. I've come to terms with my defensive nature, disappeared for a week, lost a friend and coauthor, and to top it off, like Peter in part IV, I've scheduled an appointment with a doctor so I won't repeat said mistakes.

Now that I am ready to take on the world, how does everyone feel about... another Q&A sections with the author and readers? Feel free to ask anything that's Spiders and Magic related or things a touch personal.

I've vowed to be more open to criticism for his sake, and I'll honor Azu's memory by stepping up and toughening up... with love.

And wow. In spite of everything, I'm nine folks away from hitting the 1000th watcher mark. If we hit it... Then I will... Do a certain what-if story involving a particularly popular pairing... Involving a moon and spider.

Comments ( 92 )

Alright..... last time I'll ever ask before I drop it for good.... what are your new plans for Venom and Blueblood or do you feel that it's too soon to reveal that? Either way I won't be pissed..... even if you do make him pure vile and disgusting.

Glad to see you're feeling more chipper here and whatnot.:D

3552393 I can't really say without spoiling. Just... give it a chance. You might like the result, regardless of what's happening.

Remember, Venom wasn't exactly put in a position to be picky after being saved from the brink of death. It may or may not like its current host. Only time will tell.

3552403 I understand and respect your decision on this one. No matter what happens... I'll no doubt enjoy the story.

3552406 There's a purpose to everything. Trust me, buddy.

3552411 Preaching to the choir buddy.... although I do find it fitting... the beginning of the end for Peter starts with his most deadly nemesis first.

I know that this might be the end of the series and possibly the end of your writing (just my theory).

Two questions
1. Do you know how you want your story to end?

2. What will happen after the story is done? Will you retire writing or will something else happen?

If you could use one word to describe your version of Spider-Gwen, what would it be?

Who was the better Spider-Man? Tobey Maguire or Andrew Garfield?

So I have to ask (and its literal i can't pass up this chance.) but do you motivate yourself to write and how do you prep for it?

I don't understand. My interpretation of what happened was that Azu stopped writing this with you but didn't say he stopped being your friend. Where'd that come from? As for the what if story....DO IT! JUST DO IT! YES YOU CAN! JUST DO IT! MAKE YOUR DREAMS COME TRUE!

My question is about spideys armor that's gonna appear. Has it been upgraded since it's last use? Like is it gonna be awesome similar to how Masterob portrayed it? Oh and are you ever gonna repost that harem fic? It's as harmless as Spider-mare story or the Luna one.

3552411 I hope you do write that what if story, I'd love to see the romantic relationship between Peter and Luna. How long will you keep this idea up; forever or limited?

Have you ever thought of spider-man ever have having more than one suit ( not armor) like one that can withstand sub atomic temperature or one that can withstand enormous heat and keep the wearer cool

Also how about webing that can stretch but once it starts to unstretch the webing folds in on itself and decrease the distance of the two opposite side. This would be for traveling a lot faster and the speed is up to you if you are interested

( I just feel that peter would not only make technical advantage but making his tools he uses better considering he doesn't fight with traditional weapons
Just a thought but loving the story and good luck in your home life)

3552585 He has a stealth and bullet proof suit in the comics.

3552421 It might be. It might not be. We'll know in time.

Do I know how the story will end? Yes, I have an idea, but we're still a ways to go before we reach that point. Something might change between now and then. However, to answer your question, as of NOW, I know how the story ends.

What will happen after? I will continue writing. Whether or not it's about Spidey... remains to be seen, as this might be Peter Parker's final curtain.

3552430 My version of Gwen? Hmm. Without giving too much away, I'd say... she's a free spirit. :ajsmug:

3552432 That's always a tough question for me. I believe Tobey and Andrew are fantastic in their own ways. I believe Tobey is the better Peter Parker, in regards to the socially awkward dork that you can't help but feel sorry for. Then Andrew is the better Spider-Man, in regards to stature and how much of a smartass he is.

Tobey was fun as Spidey, but he almost never threw any jokes about, which is an important part of what Spider-Man is.

Andrew is fun as Peter Parker, but while he's a TOUCH awkward, he's more of the cool, handsome one.

So they're both great in their own way. However, if I had to choose between them... I'd give the slight edge to Andrew Garfield.

3552433 Sometimes with music or video games. It really depends on the tempo of what I'm writing at the time. Like if I have an action chapter, I'd listen to some battle music or play an action game (Asura's Wrath, God of War, etc). If it's a slice-of-life or somber chapter, I'd just listen to a calm melody.

And no prep, really. I just write as I go.

3552523 Without giving too much away, it does make a return. That's all I can say. As for the harem story, I may hold a poll about that one.

3552541 Really depends on my motivation. If the readers really want it to happen, I can try my best to make it work.

You do well, Maximus. :pinkiesmile:

1. Was Gwen's involvement in Part IV planned from the start, and will there be a moment where her origins will be revealed and shown (like 'Eyes in the Back of His Head')?
2. How do you feeling writing solo once more, and did you and Azu part on good terms?

3552585 Those are interesting concepts, but remember that Peter's room and time is limited. He's raising a family and working on inventions is a spare-time kind of thing, hence why he only has a handful of gadgets like the Glider, Car, and a couple of other things.

Who knows? We may see Peter invent something in the near future. :twilightsmile:

3552659 AWESOME! Also have you been reading the current spidey comics? He's RICH now with a liquid metal suit that still looks like his red and blue suit except it's bulletproof and has lenses that see in different spectrums. And some other stuff that hasn't been shown yet.

3552668 Gwen's involvement was planned from the start. As soon as I saw Spider-Gwen's rise to popularity, I thought it'd be nice to see her involved in Spiders and Magic.

As for the solo bit, I must admit that it feels a bit odd. Azu has been my shadow throughout Part II, III, and nearly half of IV. I always have to remind myself that I did Part I on my own (with thanks to my editors), but now that I'm on my own again, it's kind of surreal... and a touch lonely.

Did we part on good terms? Hmm. I mean, that's hard to really say. We're still friends, but we're friends to a much lesser extent. There's no... animosity per say between us. However, I think Azu is much more comfortable with me being at a distance from now on. He's gone out of his way to make that very clear. No more Skype. No more PMs. Heck, I'll be lucky to get a comment out of him now. Oh, well. All I can do is cherish the fun times we had and hope that he stays safe. Seeing him much happier already is enough for me to move on and let him go.

He'll always be with me in spirit though.

3552670 I actually haven't read the current issues. I don't know how to feel about Peter being rich. It... almost feels like they're turning him into a Tony Stark/Bruce Wayne to some extent.

I'm not against the growth per say. This just feels... off. I mean, I'm happy that he's not BROKE. I enjoyed him with steady living. Seeing him rich now? It just feels weird.

3552696 Oh I totally get that feeling. Still you should see the awesome stuff he's coming up with! He now makes tech for shield and gets to talk back to Nick Fury with no problems.

3552696 , I'm not really digging the direction they're taking spidy. One of the charms about him (I feel) was that he was like the working class man, always trying to get by with what little he had, pushing to make a better life for himself. That kind of struggle is relatable and adds a sense of realism to his character.

I mean, it's fun to see him rich and all, but it seems to be turning him into a dick. Unless he has a good reason, like he was going to give it back to the Fantastic Four, there was no real reason for him to buy the Baxter Building.

For me, it was enough that New York finally acknowledged him as a great hero.

Damn. Everypony's taking all the good questions. I'll just keep the ones I do have to myself. :applejackunsure:

3552739 I can understand that. I'm just interested in seeing where it goes. As much as I liked Peter working hard I never liked seeing him BARELY scrape by after seeing it for so long. In my opinion he should have a well paying job by now (not necesarally rich) but the being poor thing got old after a while. He is WAY to gifted to still need money just to get a crappy apartment or living at his aunts house. Actually in the comic he pays some of his workers more then he does himself. Again I can understand wanting to keep Peter in his comfort zone. The status qou might come back anyway. But still I think it's better if we see him grow instead of seeing him at the same place in life he was 10 years ago. He just has so much potential to help the world as not only Spider-man but as Peter Parker to. He comes off as a great hero but with humble beginnings. There are times where a hero needs to be relatable and there are times where he needs to be inspiring as something to look up to. They go past unstoppable odds and win. Kinda like with Naruto. You see him want to be Hokage for so long that when he finally gets it the fan in me is just so proud of the achievement that much more. If he had still been a genin after so many years I would have thought something was wrong with this picture.

3552742 No. You're my friend, and I want to know what you have in mind. :)

3552775 Since this version of Peter also went through "shattered dimensions" will we also get a cameo/reference to the spideys he teamed up with? Also when Twilight published that book on humans did she include the part where she ate and likes meat?

That's great man. :pinkiehappy: And the what if? Yes!!! :pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy: Do it!! Just! Do it!!! (Had to, I'm sorry. :rainbowlaugh:)

And my question, I have two actually.

1: What do you think about Tom Holland playing as Peter Parker for the next Spiderman? :trixieshiftright: (Hopefully called 'The Spectacular Spiderman' :pinkiehappy: He's been Spiderman, he's been AMAZING, now the only step up is to be SPECTACULAR!!)

2: And what do you think about that rumor that I found, one that says that both Peter Parker AND Miles Morales will be in the next Spiderman movie? :trixieshiftright:
(The video:


3552664 Well, personally, judging by some of the comments, I think it's fairly obvious they want you to do that what if story. I mean seriously, here we can see what would've happened if Peter fell in love with Luna instead of Twilight. Anyway, my question is that what if your 1,000 followers take to long, or possibly never come at all, but your fans just really want you to do that story? Will you comply and give it to them, or will you wait as long as it takes until you reach said followers?

So since Mayday is now showing that she possesses similar abilities do you think you might make her into spider-girl?

Who are your top 5 alternate versions of Spiderman and how do you think they would react to being in Equestira

3552790 A reference to the other Spider-Men. Not sure, really. As for Twilight mentioning her consumption of meat, it's not happening since it's a touch taboo.

3552867 I don't know anything about Tom Holland, so I have to wait on his performance to judge.

It's just a rumor, so again, I'll have to wait go judge. I'm not really crazy over Miles. He's okay, but that's as far as it goes for me.

3552892 I practically gain a follower a day, so it'll actually happen. I'm confident it will anyway.

3553212 Well I'm somewhat curious on how they'd be able to handle TWO Spidermen. Sounds difficult with all that webbing all over the place. :trixieshiftright:

Well what about Ben Affleck as Batman (I'd have asked you a Batman related question sooner or later, might as well do it now. :rainbowlaugh:), what do you think of that casting choice?

3552976 Maybe. Maybe not. Mayday makes it clear that she wants nothing to do with heroics.

3553226 I'm skeptical, but I'll wait until the movie comes out before I cast judgment.

3553233 I think he's a pretty decent actor, and he's an amazing director. So who knows? Maybe he'll pull it off and his Batman trilogy will also be amazing.

What was your first thought when you found out that Spiderman was going to be in Captain America: Civil War? :trixieshiftright: Your initial reaction, per say.

Glad you seem peppy again. Like I said I always thought you were and still are a cool dude, plus an author I respect. :pinkiehappy:

Now for the questions, feel kinda nervous for asking but just stuff I need to know.

1) Is there any reason that Johnny Storm hadn't been mentioned much? I ask because I looked up some moments between them and they seem to be the best of friends, Johnny even considered Peter like family to him. Not expecting Johnny to appear in the future but it's just something I've wondered.

2) How many other 'What-If' stuff would you make? The idea of Peter and Luna seems interesting, though what about him and other mares? Or just anything else?

3) Who has the best fighters? Marvel or Capcom? :ajsmug:

Wait, is there a limit on questions? I won't take the chance and just settle with those three.

3553235 Considering the Captain America series has been stellar, with Winter Soldier being a top five hero movie for me, I was excited. Marvel and Sony finally made a deal, and Spidey would finally join the Avengers.

So I was giddy. :pinkiesmile:

3552693 I consider it a great fan-service including Spider-Gwen in the final story. I mean I don't have to tell you how much I like Spider-Gwen ever since she made her debut, especially that hood, man! That HOOD! :rainbowkiss:
I also find it fitting since the setting of the Spiders and Magic series began sometime after 'The Night Gwen Stacy Died' and how Peter had to come to terms with her death and his failure throughout Part I with Twilight there to support him. And now that the series is near its conclusion, 'Gwen' is coming back into his life (with a twist he would not expect) to aid him in the coming storm and he would now have the chance to make up for his past mistakes and maybe have some proper closure (and vice-versa for Spider-Gwen as well perhaps). Though Twilight may not have a complete positive reaction to this, at least maybe not at first. It would be likely pretty awkward for the husband's wife to meet the ex-girlfriend (or in this case, alternate version of dead ex-girlfriend who has spider powers). They may turn out as either good friends, competitive rivals or deadly enemies.

:twilightsmile: Well you still have us supporting readers to back you up if you need it. And what matters now is that you and Azu had a good run working together while it lasted nonetheless.

3553549 Heck yeah! Spiderman is finally going to join his friends in box office hits. :pinkiesad2: It's enough to make me think about crying in joy.

What villain do you hope they'll put in the next Spiderman movie? :trixieshiftright: We've had Electro, Green Goblin (Three times :ajbemused:), The Lizard, Venom, Sandman and Doctor Octopus. Who do you want to see next?

3553204 Top five alternate versions of Spidey. Outside of the 616 verse, you mean? Hmm...

5. 90s Animated Cartoon Spidey: "This is starting to sound like a bad comic book plot."

4. Spectacular Cartoon Spidey : "Aw~ Aren't these just the cutest wittle things!"

3. Ultimate Spider-Man (Peter Parker- comics- predeath): *reaches for books of jokes*

2. Amazing Spider-Man (Andrew Garfield) : "A pony named Sparkles?"

1. Miguel O'Hara (Spider-Man 2099): "What the shock?!"


1. Are there any specific comic book story arcs that you would like to see MCU Spider-Man series adapt?

2. I remember how choosing Peter's main love interest for Spiders & Magic came down between Fluttershy and Twilight. The latter mare, as we know, won that place and while I 100% agree with that decision, I am curious to know how story with Peter/Flutter - ship would differ from the current one, since Twilight and Fluttershy are very different characters.

3553594 well best to ask what did you make of the superior spiderman arc? Was it a good change of pace or was it a colossal mess in your mind? Also someone get people to read and follow!! I've wanted that "What If" story since a thousand moons ago!!! :rainbowkiss:

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