• Member Since 31st Jul, 2014
  • offline last seen 3 hours ago


It's not "definantly" or "defiantly" or "definately". It's "DEFINITELY". How can so many people get it wrong...

More Blog Posts21

  • 418 weeks

    So. Long story short:

    My laptop died.


    To be more specific, my hard drive finally gave up after 7 years of faithful service. Any attempts to turn my laptop on would never go as far as the password screen for logging in.


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    35 comments · 5,211 views
  • 435 weeks
    Extra Fan Art by Navanastra (fixed)

    (Reposted because the images didn't show at first)

    I logged on one day to receive a PM about someone wanting to draw art for me.

    Needless to say, I was ecstatic.

    In case the images still don't appear:

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    6 comments · 1,606 views
  • 443 weeks
    One year anniversary of Changing Views!

    Well... okay, not really since I started working on it for longer than that, but it has been a year since Changing Views was approved on the site!

    Rather, it was last saturday, but I was too busy to post this until now.

    Anywho, Genbu recently sent me more fan art, and since everything he's drawn so far was made of pure awesomeness:

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    18 comments · 1,400 views
  • 444 weeks
    Rewritten scene in "[1] The calm after the storm"

    I've almost finished doing a review of all chapters from arcs [0] and [1], and while so far there haven't been any major edits beyond grammar fixes and the rewording of a bunch of sentences, I decided that a particular scene in "The calm after the storm" needed a rework.

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    3 comments · 1,096 views
  • 450 weeks

    I just had one of the biggest scares of my life today.

    Fell asleep with my laptop accidentally left on. When I awoke, I saw that it had a black screen, which I assumed was the power saving mode's fault, since I have it set to have the screen fade after a couple minutes. Pressed a button to light it up-

    Laptop shut off.

    I pressed the power button...

    ...and it wouldn't turn on.

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    12 comments · 1,221 views

Extra Fan Art by CaDragon1 · 11:27pm Oct 20th, 2015

I was supposed to make this post a good while ago, but as you may have seen from the author notes of the chapter "[2] Interlude: I, Changeling", I kind of forgot :twilightblush:

In any case, CaDragon1 was nice enough to send me the following drawing of Artemis he made, which I also posted in the aforementioned chapter's author notes.

Receiving pictures out of nowhere about something I've worked on just makes me so happy, to the point that I wish I could properly convey it through words.

Nevertheless, thank you very much CaDragon1! :twilightsmile:

For a complete list of any fan art, deleted scenes and/or extras related to Changing Views, click here.

Report lllWarHawklll · 1,123 views · Story: Changing Views ·
Comments ( 2 )

She looks like she has down syndrome..

So cute! By far my favorite human-turned-changeling! Artemis is best nymph.

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