• Member Since 21st Dec, 2011
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More Blog Posts2494

  • Thursday
    "Hey, you think we can get away with this headline?"

    "Nothing ventured, nothing gained."

    3 comments · 75 views
  • Thursday
    Tell Your Tale: Tiny Trot

    This week, we're back at the magical theme park... Again... The ponies turn themselves into foals... Again... And we've got a cutie mark poem... Again.

    My inner ageplayer should be squeeing, but we've got another week of meaningless fluff where the overall story goes nowhere.

    But at least it's a little cute, I guess.

    18 comments · 113 views
  • Tuesday
    That's the look I would have, too...

    18 comments · 237 views
  • Sunday
    Happy 10th, Avalice!

    Happy 10th anniversary to one of the best damn indie platformers ever. Of all time.

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    3 comments · 126 views
  • 1 week
    No Man's Sky 5.0

    So, Hello Games, in their typical fashion, stealth-dropped the 5.0 update to No Man's Sky today, and apparently this is just part 1, with more coming later this summer.

    All planets have dynamic wind now, with plants and grass being affected.
    Water is now volumetric, with waves that intensify during storms.
    Asteroid density has increased substantially.
    Clouds look amazing now.

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    2 comments · 152 views

Happy Monday! · 8:45pm Oct 5th, 2015

The mother of all oxymorons to most of us, but not so to us foodservice workers, where weekends rarely exist.

Today's discussion:

How do you want the meeting of the Twilights to go down?

Give serious or silly answers, or both!

Comments ( 7 )

I want to see Pony Twilight and Human Twilight claim that the other is not scientifically possible, and then be proven wrong.

Can we do a seriously silly alternative?

I'm not sure how I'd do it but one option is to skirt around the meeting for a while. Have them going about oblivious to each other's existence and causing confusion.

Then maybe they randomly meet up in the bathroom or something with a moment of awkward silence followed by a great many questions about magic, and about spike the dog.


They have a Mortal Kombat fight to determine who gets to have sexy times with Sunset Shimmer and/or Flash Sentry :pinkiecrazy:

Hot, passionate selfcest.

But that might just be me.:trollestia:

Run scientific experiments in each other :twilightsheepish:

"So Twilight, ya like books?"

I dunno, but I get the feeling Twilight will have a great retort if she is told to "Go fuck herself.":ajsmug:

There's also the chance for her to answer the age old question: Is it sex or masturbation?:twilightsmile:

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