• Member Since 22nd Nov, 2012
  • offline last seen Nov 4th, 2022


Greetings, I am Merlos the Mad. I am a dabbler of both words and wizardry in my free time. I also invite you all to partake in my musings. Take care though, as they are the product of a madman.

More Blog Posts199

  • 179 weeks
    *Cruises through*

    I was going through an old hard drive and found this sound file I never uploaded. If anybody likes listening to nerds from ten years ago talk about fanfiction with little ponies in it here's one I recorded with Hoopy Mcgee and Mrpockets at our heights of fanfiction. (Warning there is a little vulgarity. I was just out of the army when I recorded this I think. lol)

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    54 comments · 928 views
  • 385 weeks
    Hello everyone, just an update.

    Well, suffice it to say, my renewed effort to start updating to schedule once again didn't pan out. It was maybe a bit naive of me to try and hold myself to that, especially considering how bad my track record had been the last couple of years. Still, I felt I had to try.

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    31 comments · 2,340 views
  • 408 weeks
    Well, I bet we all thought this day was never coming.

    That's right, ladies and gents, an Mlm update.

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    26 comments · 1,278 views
  • 409 weeks
    Moving Forward, cause I'm back!

    I probably don't deserve to use a song this awesome, but...

    Heeeello everypony. I hope you've been enjoying the updates so far. Or, at least, you know, tolerating them.

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    27 comments · 1,010 views
  • 409 weeks
    Whoooa. Two blogs in one year? Who am I and what did I do with the real Merlos!

    It's true, I am in fact... a changeling! The real Merlos is currently locked in the basement of this stinky wizard tower, and I am readying Queen Chrysalis' eeeevil plan to take over all the fimfiction writers and then the whole world! Bwahahaha!

    Except not.

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    12 comments · 829 views

General Mumble song using a bit of Audio from the leaked mlp Episode · 5:02am Oct 5th, 2015

If you guys didn't know, the Halloween episode for this year was leaked earlier, and it seems General Mumble made a neat song with it. Well, this is my favorite time of year, so spoilers or no I had to share it. ^^

Report MerlosTheMad · 403 views ·
Comments ( 1 )
Author Interviewer

This song is fucking awesome.

I forgot the episode hadn't aired yet though. XD

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