It's a girl! · 11:15pm Sep 14th, 2015
Seems it won't let me just upload photos from the phone. *le sigh* Who recommends what free image hosting service? Back to the happy news....
Ferra Athena was born at 3:45pm, 14 Sept 2015. She's 7 pounds, 14.2 ounces. Length hasn't been taken.
Everything about m' wife's pregnancy went pretty much swimmingly...until today. Today it went to pot. Contractions came one on top of another. Her blood pressure shot through the roof, as did Ferra's heart rate. The docs had talk of an emergency c-section. They gave her something for the blood pressure, and an epidural (the original plan was to skip that, as it also greatly slows down labour, which is why they did it then). Things went back to normal parameters then. And we went into a lull. Contractions came and went and she couldn't feel them. For at least two hours, she sat at 6cm dilation. The next check said 9.5cm, and then it picked up quick. She didn't have a screaming or profanity-laden trip at any point. She just look bushed went it camw time for active pushing. That didn't last as long as I was braced for, either. Half an hour later, Ferra was born...covered in meconium. The nurse tried to quickly get it out of her mouth and nose, but she inhaled some and started to cry. Promptly she had respiratory distress, and received O2 treatments immediately. M' wife got to hold her very briefly before our daughter was whisked off to the neonatal ICU. Since, she's gotten those early vacines and vitamin K. The nurses have also slowly stepped her down from 100% O2 to 40%, though they expect to keep her there overnight. We get to spend the night here. Her fingers and palm barely wrap around m' index finger. Just waiting to get to hold her for the first time. Really, really itching for it.
Awww! Glad to hear everything's okay! Congratulations!
Congrats! I hope little Ferra's healthy :D
Some pics. One is our ciew from the hospital room (over the construction of the hospital's new wing), one is of Ferra after they got all the meconium off of her, and the last is of her grasping m' index finger.
3393582 ^^
3393582 Widdle haaaand! Awwwww!!