First Launch · 1:41am Apr 19th, 2019
M’ rocketship-obsessed 3.5-year old experienced her first model rocket launch this late afternoon. After m’ wife got home from work, we took six of the thirteen readied rockets out, to give the launch pad its maiden launch as well as kick off a new era of model rocketry in m’ family. M’ wife suggested a field beside our church’s parking lot.
While setting up, m’ daughter picked up the rockets and asked us to count down for “blast-off,” and pretended to fly them around.
First up was a rocket bearing ‘ daughter’s middle name. Had her stand next to me and counted down for a real launch with m’ wife taking a vid. Ignition startled her; she definitely jumped and took a step back. And then she was all-smiles. And in making sure she was okay...I lost sight of the rocket. Ten minutes of looking, and we called it lost.
Second one up, and it drifted toward the church. We lost sight of it, too, as it descended behind the steeple.
Third one up, and it rolled better. Some neighbour kids came out to watch. A girl of about nine found and returned it, after it hit the sidewalk going along side the church. The fuselage dented at the top because of its landing...might not be wise to fly again, but we might just give it another go.
Fourth one looks like a flying red crayon. It has a less-powerful engine in it, and it went up, and came down...and the ejection charge fired, deploying the parachute, about a second or two before impact. Soft landing in the grass.
Fifth one...ejection charge fired, but the parachute didn’t spread. It just tumbled. Fortunately it landed in the grass as well, and held together.
The finale was that Mercury-Redstone. M’ wife suggested I not tilt the launch rod as far, since the previous two had a nice arch to their flight. Up she went...and the wind returned. Carried it onto the church roof. While I’m not particularly happy about its fate (one should not walk across metal sheet roofs), its escape tower was badly fudged, and put a panel out of place. I figured I’d have to replace the nose eventually, just not right away.
Packed up to leave. Said to m’ wife that we should check across the road at that farm equipment place to see if the one blew that far. We got over there...both rockets we lost sight of landed there. One hit the concrete hard enough to break a fin, but that’s nothing a little glue can’t fix. The first, one with m’ daughter’s middle name, just soft-landed on the gravel.
So. That went pretty well, all things considered. M’ daughter had a ball, just a little scared at ignition. And it’s probably for the best that way. Waiting on glue to dry right now, both one the rocket under repair, and for another under construction.
Was it Estes model rockets? Because I used to play with those when I was a kid. That's an adorable story, by the way!
Thanks. And yes, they are Estes. Those are what’s available in stores here. I’d have to order any other brand. Still would like to look into those, if nothing else, to broaden what’s available.