Year One, Complete · 11:07pm Sep 14th, 2016
It's her birthday. M' daughter is now a year old. Having the party on Saturday.
Already. That didn't take least, it didn't feel long at this end. Or at this end of it.
It's her birthday. M' daughter is now a year old. Having the party on Saturday.
Already. That didn't take least, it didn't feel long at this end. Or at this end of it.
First one without holding onto anything!! Sure, it was maybe about 3-4 inches, and she fell onto her bum right afterwards, but still!
Twelve days until her first birthday...already. How did that get behind me so fast...??
Seems it won't let me just upload photos from the phone. *le sigh* Who recommends what free image hosting service? Back to the happy news....
Ferra Athena was born at 3:45pm, 14 Sept 2015. She's 7 pounds, 14.2 ounces. Length hasn't been taken.
M' wife's contractions are now about five minutes apart. Off to the maternity ward. Real life Wish me luck. Pics to follow.
M' wife is due on September 16th. Today she had her week 38 checkup...she was 2cm dilated last week, 3cm this week. Means when the time comes, it'll happen much quicker than most first in, instead of the apx. 8 hours of active labour or so, I might not get her there in the just over an hour drive to the hospital. Oh man....
Having breakfast for dinner! Bacon and eggs! Tonight m’ daughter had bacon for the first time. And she made happy sounds. Many happy sounds. After finishing off what I gave her, she walked back up to me and signed “more” (tapping fingertips together). So I gave her more bacon with a smile. She ripped it in half and gave half of it to the dog right there. After eating the second bit, she signed for “more” again. Handed her more bacon. She then tore
M’ rocketship-obsessed 3.5-year old experienced her first model rocket launch this late afternoon. After m’ wife got home from work, we took six of the thirteen readied rockets out, to give the launch pad its maiden launch as well as kick off a new era of model rocketry in m’ family. M’ wife suggested a field beside our church’s parking lot.
While setting up, m’ daughter picked up the rockets and asked us to count down for “blast-off,” and pretended to fly them around.
Did it all today. Now that I’m on days, I get to be daddy on the days m’ wife works and I don’’s nice to have the kiddo. Rinsed out and filled up wading pool for her. Had to slay mosquito larvae, and did so with enthusiasm. Hate the sodding buggers. Anyways, the kiddo wandered around the side of the fence, then screamed and returned to me in tears, demanding to be held. I could not find a sting welt, but after she was in the pool for a little while, the inside of her right foot looked
Sorry about the delay on the new chapter of Rarity Gets Caught. I had intended to have it finished earlier today, and have it posted almost two hours ago. But my duties as a father take priority over, well, everything else. Consequently, I have a fair bit to go. I hope to have it up tomorrow at 8pm-ish EST.
A few things have come to my attention that I felt a need to talk about, if only so I can talk about something on this blog for once. For starters, the Season 10 Bingo Writing Contest has just concluded and the results have come in. My story, Marewell, My Lovely, didn't get any honors, but the reaction to it seems to have been
We pick up now from the previous chapter on Nicktoons. We now head into the 2000s for Nickelodeon.