• Member Since 8th Mar, 2013
  • offline last seen Dec 13th, 2021


Another guy working his butt off for not enough pay, but still loves to spoil his wife whenever he can, and spending time with his little girl.

More Blog Posts71

  • 285 weeks
    First Launch

    M’ rocketship-obsessed 3.5-year old experienced her first model rocket launch this late afternoon. After m’ wife got home from work, we took six of the thirteen readied rockets out, to give the launch pad its maiden launch as well as kick off a new era of model rocketry in m’ family. M’ wife suggested a field beside our church’s parking lot.

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    2 comments · 379 views
  • 288 weeks
    A whole decade

    Tomorrow’s special.

    28 March 2009, at 2:30pm, m’ wife and I tied the knot. Hard to believe it’s already been that long...and yet, it’s so permanent in m’ brain that I, quite literally, cannot imagine life without her at all. It’s one of precious few things I’ve done where I can honestly say I have no doubts in the least that this was right decision.

    Here’s to the next ten.

    2 comments · 353 views
  • 324 weeks
    Still hate Paddy? Imagine this is him singing his story.

    The Dubliners - The Sick Note

    Thought some of you would enjoy this.

    1 comments · 387 views
  • 337 weeks
    To alter to meet newly canon things, or not?

    It appears Trixie's real father has been identified, courtesy of this last episode. Kinda makes me wonder if she’s the result of an special-”private-performance”-after-a-show or some such. But anyways....

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    3 comments · 390 views
  • 343 weeks
    An idea that popped into m' head

    I don’t think anybody’s done something with Doki Doki Literature Club! and ponies yet...could have the EqG Mane 7 stream the game and have their reactions to the :applejackconfused::fluttercry::pinkiegasp::rainbowhuh::fluttershbad::fluttershyouch: sort of gameplay, as well as any “viewers” of their stream. For those of you who aren’t familiar with said

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    0 comments · 346 views

To alter to meet newly canon things, or not? · 8:41am Apr 17th, 2018

It appears Trixie's real father has been identified, courtesy of this last episode. Kinda makes me wonder if she’s the result of an special-”private-performance”-after-a-show or some such. But anyways....

The revelation poses the question if I should make some changes to the story, namely pulling every instance of “Presto Lulamoon” and replacing those with “Jackpot,” not to mention any discussion of tricks (since Jackpot also does this shtick on stage, and not a close-up routine). I dunno. What do you guys think?

Report lord_steak · 390 views · Story: Rarity Gets Caught ·
Comments ( 3 )

I'd say leave it. Plenty of stories have been rendered inaccurate by later canon, yet they continued in their own AUs.

Also, the credits name him as Jack Pot. Personally I trust the show over the merch.

never alter the story to match new canon. It's pointless and a never-ending clusterfuck that can ruin a story. If it got revealed that Rarity killed a man in Rio, just to watch him die, would you add that to the story?

Hmm I think it depends on how easy it is to change... if it is something minor as just a name it may be worth it as it makes the fanfic more friendly to late arrival readers.

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