My editor and I used to have the perfect schedule. · 1:37pm Jul 3rd, 2015
My editor and I used to have the perfect schedule.
But he was moved to another shift.
I attribute my lateness in submitting new chapters to this.
But we are still able to make progress, only not so much now.
Out of curiosity, have you ever tried making one-shots?
3202454 The story we are working on was supposed to be a one shot.
Then it took a life of its own, ideas filled my head about the story, and I was excited about it, so I incorporated it into the one-shot...
...then it got bigger, and bigger, and bigger.
And now it's not a one-shot anymore.
Lesson learned: Tread carefully when making one-shots. Injecting ideas into it can lead down a slippery slope.