• Member Since 15th Sep, 2014
  • offline last seen Feb 5th, 2016


1. Show vs Tell is not as simple as it seems. 2. As a writer and editor, there is nothing worse than being cooked alive in one's own perspective. 3. I am an amateur. But, I believe I'm getting better.

More Blog Posts9

  • 486 weeks
    Sept21,2015 - Monday...stock updates...and the Manila Jockey Club

    So the stock market's down again.

    But there's a technical buy rating for the Manila Jockey Club.


    Funny that they have racing specifically for juvenile colts, and juvenile fillies.

    It's still gambling though, so even if there is a technical buy rating to it, fundamentally, "it ain't mah thang."

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    0 comments · 422 views
  • 490 weeks
    Today, our dog Giant died. Also, stock market crashed since Monday, and I was there.


    He was getting old.

    It was his time, but my gosh it was not a peaceful death. He suffered from age-related malfunctions of his body, and had to go through a painful time before he went.

    At least it's over now.

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    0 comments · 326 views
  • 497 weeks
    My editor and I used to have the perfect schedule.

    My editor and I used to have the perfect schedule.

    But he was moved to another shift.

    I attribute my lateness in submitting new chapters to this.

    But we are still able to make progress, only not so much now.

    2 comments · 312 views
  • 502 weeks
    Been in Davao for a week now and The Inhumanoids.

    Been busy here in Davao, with repairs repairs repairs. Roof repairs of the boarding house, that is. Next would be a window repair (mom's room) and construction of cabinets for the other boarding house in the same property and the other one.

    Now, a little something-conversation between me and my editor:

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  • 503 weeks
    Flying back to Davao.

    It's annoyingly weird that every time I leave Davao for Manila, or Manila for Davao, that there's separation anxiety. Seriously, what's up with that?

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My editor and I used to have the perfect schedule. · 1:37pm Jul 3rd, 2015

My editor and I used to have the perfect schedule.

But he was moved to another shift.

I attribute my lateness in submitting new chapters to this.

But we are still able to make progress, only not so much now.

Report VGI · 312 views · Story: Kindness and Cruelty Book 1 ·
Comments ( 2 )

Out of curiosity, have you ever tried making one-shots?


3202454 The story we are working on was supposed to be a one shot.

Then it took a life of its own, ideas filled my head about the story, and I was excited about it, so I incorporated it into the one-shot...

...then it got bigger, and bigger, and bigger.

And now it's not a one-shot anymore.

Lesson learned: Tread carefully when making one-shots. Injecting ideas into it can lead down a slippery slope.

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