• Member Since 15th Sep, 2014
  • offline last seen Feb 5th, 2016


1. Show vs Tell is not as simple as it seems. 2. As a writer and editor, there is nothing worse than being cooked alive in one's own perspective. 3. I am an amateur. But, I believe I'm getting better.

More Blog Posts9

  • 486 weeks
    Sept21,2015 - Monday...stock updates...and the Manila Jockey Club

    So the stock market's down again.

    But there's a technical buy rating for the Manila Jockey Club.


    Funny that they have racing specifically for juvenile colts, and juvenile fillies.

    It's still gambling though, so even if there is a technical buy rating to it, fundamentally, "it ain't mah thang."

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  • 490 weeks
    Today, our dog Giant died. Also, stock market crashed since Monday, and I was there.


    He was getting old.

    It was his time, but my gosh it was not a peaceful death. He suffered from age-related malfunctions of his body, and had to go through a painful time before he went.

    At least it's over now.

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  • 497 weeks
    My editor and I used to have the perfect schedule.

    My editor and I used to have the perfect schedule.

    But he was moved to another shift.

    I attribute my lateness in submitting new chapters to this.

    But we are still able to make progress, only not so much now.

    2 comments · 312 views
  • 502 weeks
    Been in Davao for a week now and The Inhumanoids.

    Been busy here in Davao, with repairs repairs repairs. Roof repairs of the boarding house, that is. Next would be a window repair (mom's room) and construction of cabinets for the other boarding house in the same property and the other one.

    Now, a little something-conversation between me and my editor:

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  • 503 weeks
    Flying back to Davao.

    It's annoyingly weird that every time I leave Davao for Manila, or Manila for Davao, that there's separation anxiety. Seriously, what's up with that?

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Been in Davao for a week now and The Inhumanoids. · 8:19am May 31st, 2015

Been busy here in Davao, with repairs repairs repairs. Roof repairs of the boarding house, that is. Next would be a window repair (mom's room) and construction of cabinets for the other boarding house in the same property and the other one.

Now, a little something-conversation between me and my editor:

Me: I actually want to make a fic about Zecora being a bad guy after all, and what she's doing in the Everfree is to actually revive Tendril. MLP - The Inhumanoids crossover.
Both franchises by Hasbro, btw.
Look! Look at what I grew up with! Look at what Hasbro did to me....;_;

And this was supposed to be "for kids"?

Editor: holy crapazooly
I know things were different back then, but even 20 seconds into that video and it's just solid wtf nightmare fuel

Yeah boys and girls! We who grew up in the 80's are preeeeetty messed up thanks to stuff like this.:scootangel:

What's that? You want more? Why of course boys and girls, of course:

Enjoy. :pinkiecrazy:

MLP: FiM and The Inhumanoids (c) Hasbro

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