• Member Since 6th Oct, 2014
  • offline last seen April 3rd


I am a reviewer for visual media and games I enjoy doing reviews if you would like me to review a book let me know when the book is complete and I will review it as I would any other media I review

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Between Two more Thoughts and Review · 5:26pm Mar 19th, 2015

Now I Know the prequal wasn't all the entretaining for some nore was something some wished to read but some times the best lessons are the bitterest. Granted the first 2 chapters pretty much spell out how things will go down in the next chapter I still think that well for a lack of a better fraze its interesting to see how different people come to a story and find a solution in a problem.

Some may want to stay away when I get to cackling like a mad nut but I will say chapter 4 has got is share of shal I say moments when i'm sitting here just eating my food as if it was caviar as I read and a few parts I about spit my drink to be honest.

Welp as much is I'd like to say there arn't any plot ends that need flushing out there are but to the writes credit they adressed that and I have to say they said it well when they share the project. This story is far from just your standard slice of life story it more of a documentary more than it feels of anything but in a good way as it shows us a light that shows up in the darkest of times. To be honest the story is more about the 3 main characters Twilight, Sunset, and Rarity than anyone else.

This dives deep into the mind of 2 of the main characters and its show how sometimes love and life are more complicated that we all want. As someone who can over think my self and begin to ask philosophical questions that tend to lead nowhere.

I can say that this is one story that tries to answer the question of love, life, and friends but this question like all questions is not always easy to convay and the question I see presented is a philosophical one but it's handled in a way that is easy to understand and not as complex as just asking it.

Even if you don't finished the last chapter you can feel a sense of how the question is trying to be answered but is having a hard time to show it in a way that is easy to understand how the mental state of the 3 main characters is effecting the scene. Being one to rotate complex objects my self as well and calulate (mentally at anyrate) many different out comes with many varriables. Its easy to see how mentaly things could go bad and any given moment and a few times it looked like a conflict was forces in order for something to progress but in the context of the whole story its not.

To elaborate i'll use a term from the color that is produced from a computers Bit persective.

1 bit is black and white. 1 and 0
2 bit is 4 colors black white and shades of grey
8 bit is 256 different colors

Now that may sound like whats that got to do with the story but it equates to how one mental state can have many posibble out comes and haveing more people compicates the mathmatics of the equation because 1 state of mind doesn't make 1 out come it makes dozens of them. So in esense its more of a personal perspective than just a simple 1+1=2 and 2+2=4 perspective as we have to look for all possible out comes. I feel like a old coot even though I'm almost half way through my 20's knowing that sometimes a simple problem doesn't have a simple solution.

Ok then welp you may want to finish that last chapter all cause Let me tell you one thing you better not be drinking or eating anthing befor they get to all sitting down together XD.. and on that note its realy interesting to see how this all went up in flames and then got solved but not is a short amout of time either it tooks months of the stories time line to get from start to finish and to be honest sometimes it doesn't even take that long but other times they take longer.

After finaly finishing the epilogue and finishing the whole story in a matter of a day its clear to me that even as I stop and type my thoughts on this story. I find my self asking questions that seem to have a easy answer but have no easy answer as the question my not have one to begin with.

I have to say though as a final thought this is again more of a documentary than anything else it feels like but I find that I enjoyed it as well diveing into the mind and thoughts of people really gets me all exited to learn how they tick but its also the same for other thing for me aswell. While this series may not be for everyone I say to you at least read the whole thing and see if your thoughts are the same at the start as they are at the end cause I know mine where several through out the series.

anyway as I finished up that thought so comes my review score


IMO it does a great job at showing the minds of everyone of the main characters but it also does a great job of telling the story.

as always
Keep on Working
Keep it real
and Keep on at it
Cause you never know whats going to happen

Foaly Reviews

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