• Member Since 6th Oct, 2014
  • offline last seen May 17th


I am a reviewer for visual media and games I enjoy doing reviews if you would like me to review a book let me know when the book is complete and I will review it as I would any other media I review

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Way to the top Review and thoughts · 1:18am Mar 18th, 2015

Way to the top

Well how to say this without sounding like a total sad sap of a person....

Welp I got nothing to say in a more professional way so what ever and so HOLY FUCKING SHIT... I don't know how fucking the hell the author managed to get my stone hearted ass to fucking tear up at the last chapter but they did.
It takes a lot to even get me to thw point to where I just want to grab a good game and settle down a just own every fucking thing that stands in my way. Well done not many games, fewer movies, and even fewer shows have even gotten even me close to wanting to just drown my self in a good old fashioned consle game.
Its funny though only a few stories have even gotten me to that point and that is one SHORT ass list in and of its self but along with the sad came the comedy of it as well talk about trying to keep your self from wakeing the whole block.
Holy shit I can say for a fact that even though this isn't verry heavy on the sexual aspect of writing the detail more that makes up for it as the 3rd person writing style dives into the minds of both characters bringing to light the dark and a the dark thoughts.
Given that this is one of the longer reviews for a story that is less than 100,000 words saids a lot. Chapter by chapter, scene by scene, moment for moment I was seeing exactly what was going on. To find ONLY 1 spelling error in it all was a thing that I my self didn't even give a flying fuck about, because the story and the characters came alive and seemed to be there own person not some fictional characters from a show that someone decided create a fan fiction to explore them.
I say this with the best intentions: I don't know if I want to kill you or just hug you and say "just kill me"
Because this story rivals that of the great arts of the world and I would through this up next to the bill of rights and the monolisa.
Having said that and coming down off my menatal orgasism of a thought proccess deving into all the possible things that could have happened during the time laps that where in the story. After just finnishing this Fan Fiction I set to work typing this without ever stoping to thing and just letting the words flow from the mind to the keyboard.
The story felt natural, the pacing perfect. I can say for a fact that even with the 1 spelling error I seen I still would recommend this series.
Had I have to wait for every chapter I probly would have gone nuts.
Now for the final score....

a solid 9.9/10
there are few books and that even get a 9/10 and even fewer that get a 9.1 you my lucky author are among the elite few to get 9.9/10 there is only one other who has gotten that score and those are books written by Erion Colfer.

Keep on working
Keep it real
and Keep on at it
Cause you never know whats going to happen

Well done and happly Signed,
Faoly Reviews

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