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Regarding with the "Hiatus" Status and in Need of Suggestions for Upcoming Chapters · 1:54am Feb 21st, 2015

First of all, I stated in my previous Blogs about my plan for the latest story, "The Wonderful Life of Ford Mustang." Originally, once Chapter 16 was released, I was going to put this story on "Hiatus" so I can take a break and take the time to come up with my next chapters. But someone brought up an interesting point when it comes to updating a story. So, I decide to leave it as "Incomplete", and I'll try to update it to the best of my abilities.

Anyway, on to a more important announcement I have to make. But be warned, the next statement may contain spoilers, but their practically minor in my opinion.

A couple of chapters later, Rainbow Dash decides to tell her best friends about her grim fate and wants to spend some quality time with each of them before revealing the truth. So, she would come up with a personal activity that each of her friends would greatly enjoy. Here are my ideas so far.

Fluttershy: Butterfly Migration
Pinkie Pie: A String of Pranks?
Rarity: A Day at the Spa
Applejack: Cider Festival
Twilight Sparkle: ???
RD's Dad: ??? (though this is more or less a gift to his daughter)

Now, I definitely need some suggestions for Pinkie Pie, Twilight Sparkle, and Rainbow's Dad, Turbo Dash. One idea I had with Pinkie Pie is going to an amusement park, but I quickly dismissed that due to Rainbow's obvious condition. So I think the two pulling off some good pranks will be suitable for them as well as a callback to how they first established their strong friendship. For Twilight Sparkle, I figure something to do with Daring Do would seem fitting, but I help on this as well. My only idea so far with that is an exclusive sneak peek at a Daring Do movie.

If you have any suggestions/ideas on how Rainbow Dash would spend One Day with her friends and her father, please share them with me. Also, feel free for any other suggestions on who else Rainbow Dash should see, such as Scootaloo and Gilda, and how she would spend time with them.

Thank you.

Comments ( 17 )

Knowing Twilight she'd probably spend the day re-reading daring do books with Rainbow and as for Pinkie? Maybe a little tea party to help her relax since she can't do anything extreme due to her pregnancy.

2816261 I... can't really see Pinkie Pie engaging in a quiet, little tea party, especially if RD is going to share some heartbreaking news. :twilightsheepish:

Dash and Gilda would spend the day reminiscing about the good old days. As for Scoots she'd just try and comfort her since won't accept Rainbow dying.

2816273 I don't suppose you have any suggestions on the kind of events that Dash would spend with either Gilda or Scoots, do you?

Actually, I do have something in mind regarding with Gilda. It's basically where Rainbow, Ford, and Gilda spend some time at the Griffon Kingdom, where they watch non-lethal gladiator fights and engaging in a unique Griffon cuisine, insects.

As for Scoots, I can definitely see that kind of reaction from her if she learned the horrible truth. But I also considered Rainbow unable to tell Scoots after spending a day with her. Either way I choose, it will be heart-wrenching. :fluttercry:

2816261 huh...good point. And given Pinkies dramatic nature she'd probably make it worse with a "Last Day on Equestria" Party.

2816305 Well then... how about any suggested pranks in mind? I can't think of any good ones at this point. :twilightsheepish:

2816308 well nothing beats a classic whoopie cushion. and they can use it on Rarity!! :rainbowlaugh: I can just picture the look on her face!

2816303 Actually... yours beats mine all to hell. I think watching gladiator fighting is a cool way to spend time together. So I say go for that.

Also the thing about Scoots is... Rainbow wouldn't stand herself if she DIDN'T tell Scoots so... sad truth... she will have to tell her. It'd just seem more in character for her and plus more heart wrenching.

I wish not to add to this for she shall never die and to aid in this would be to say otherwise. she may die in body but she will never be gone in spirit and so long as someone (not just counting me here) remembers her she will never be truly gone.

sorry about that had the overwhelming erg to say this so I did heh:twilightblush:

What is it lately with authors feeling the need to kill off Rainbow Dash? Seriously! Is this "Kill Off Rainbow Dash Year" or what?! I seriously don't think I will be able to finish this story if RD does truly die. You can all disagree with me all you want but that is my opinion on this matter. I've enjoyed the series thus far but taking RD out of the story will ruin it for me.

Pinkie Pie: For Pinkie Pie I would consider them having fun brainstorming over pranks to try. And throughout the whole time, it would be good to have yet another call back to how Pinkie Pie can deduce things with impeccable accuracy and her cheerful attitude during their pranking is a mask to hide what her suspicions. Then at some point before their last prank, Rainbow finally gets Pinkie's attention and when she's about to drop the bomb, Pinkie breaks and says what she feared to hear. It would probably be best to have it end with them having a touching moment together and once everything calms down, they preform the last prank.

Rainbow's dad, (Turbo Dash): For him perhaps it would be prudent to have him visit the two at their house baring gifts and have both Rainbow and an extremely nervous Ford confront him together. Ford will fear dying long before Rainbow all due to the fact that its because of him this unfortunate news is hapening. Yea, Something tells me the first thing that would pop into any fathers head would be, "That son of a... When I get my hands (Hooves on you!)" You get the idea. Anyway, during Turbo's visit make Ford's nerves slowly get to him. This would be a perfect time to have another scene of him seeing The Phantom in the bathroom mirror or whatever set up you can think of. (Example, Water from a pond, or have Ford take Turbo out for a boys night, and during their time in Canterlot or Ponyville, have Ford catch glimpses of The Phantom in the crowds wearing a black suit or once they are in a bar, The Phantom is sitting at an empty table raising a mug as if toasting to Ford's misery.)

That's all I can come up with for now. Good luck and keep up the awesome work!

Hm here are some ideas:

Pinkie - Pranks sounds good, but primarily, things that would make Pinkie smile and laugh, like lots of jokes and puns and end the chapter with them putting together a party to celebrate their friendship.

Twilight - She is a tough one. Daring Do seems a good route but their are some other options. A visit through the hall of fame in Canterlot castle to see the accomplishments they have gone through together. Perhaps volunteering for some spellwork to help Twilight out. Intentionally crash through a window for old times sake (carefully of course with lots of pillows to protect the kids). End with a heart to heart about how the friendship they share has changed them and that Rainbow is proud of all that Twilight has accomplished for herself when she let all her friends into her life.

Turbo Dash - This one will be heart breaking, so it really needs to be strong. They spend the day together in Cloudsdale, the place that Turbo raised her. They visit some important locations they visited in their time together (the school Rainbow went to, a restaurant of some significance, the cloudsiem where he took her for her first Wonderbolts show etc.) reminiscing on the strong bond they have and how proud they are of the other. End with them visiting Firefly together. This is probably where it would hit the hardest, since Turbo had to suffer through the loss of his wife and now he needs to suffer through the loss of his daughter. Rainbow should also ask him to help Mustang through this, as he is going to be in pain and having the grandfather of the foals be there would be a reminder of her and would help him cope with the loss.

Gilda - Visiting the Griffon lands sounds like a good idea, but end it on a personal note by visiting Gilda's home in which there are photos of their youth together and have some moments where the reminisce on their lives and the impact that they had on each other. Maybe even have one final grieve over how the fight had hurt their friendship and that they are so happy that they can part ways as true friends again.

Scootaloo - Dear god this one will probably make anyone who reads it cry. For Scoots, it's not all that hard. Just spending the day together as sisters. They explore Ponyville, visit important locations like the clubhouse where Scoots set up her meetins idolizing Rainbow, the park where Rainbow helped her to fly (actually can she fly, I've not read a chapter where she has? Maybe if she can't then at least where they worked to try or where Rainbow helped her with her scooter tricks), and the train tacks where they remember Rainbow's advice to her before the Equetria games flag trials, about being herself and following her own path. Should probably end where it began near White tail woods where the two first truly became sisters.

Spitefire and the Wonderbolts - These guys have had a huge impact on her even before she joined them and now that she's a member of the team, it's going to hurt them too. The rest of the team should have a party, going over old wins and cherishing the time Rainbow had with them. In more private Spitfire and Rainbow can watch some old film reels of passed races and performances, lamenting how long it took for them to become such close friends and wishing it hadn't had to end so soon. Rainbow might even further encourage Spitfire to pursue her goal to have foals with Soarin, citing that despite how much she has loved the life, being with the pony she loves and starting a family means so much more. They can't have a final race due to Rainbow's condition, but they do share one last hug as fellow racers and as practically sisters.

Discord and the Princesses - Not sure how much time she'd spend here (Shining Armour and Cadance likely wouldn't get any private time as they weren't especially close) but each of the 3 has had an impact on her. Discord she can talk with about how happy she is he has reformed and glad that they were able to move passed their dislike of each other and become friends. Discord intern admits his deep respect for her and wishes that the fun didn't have to end so soon, but promises to help watch over Mustang and the foals in anyway he can. Luna and Celestia she would admit to having great respect for them. More then just the fawning admiration of the masses, but a genuine respect for everything they have done for Equestria and for her family personally. She is happy she helped Luna become herself again and is glad that she was able to help Equestria with her element and asks the Princesses to keep looking after her friends and family. The Princesses in turn tell Rainbow of how much of an impact she has had on Equestria and how much the love and respect her for bringing Twilight friendship. They promise to look after everypony and ensure that they will do everything to ensure her foals grow up happy and healthy and knowing how great their mother was and how deeply she loved them.

Vinyl and Octavia - They are more Mustang's friends then hersm but she has shown to have a good friendship with them, and since they have had a large amount of screen time, it might be worth having a last moments chapter with them. Vinyl would be easy, just going to one last rave and telling her she is glad that she and Mustang became friends, as he will need everypony to be there for him after she goes. Octavia will be harder, but I can see them maybe just spending a quiet afternoon drinking tea and bonding together as friends. Rainbow will also thank her for becoming Mustang's friend and wishes she could have gotten to become as close to her and Vinyl as she is with the mane 6.

I can't think of anypony else she was especially close with that needs any one on one. Maybe Spike. You could have her admit how glad she is that he looks after Twilight, as she and the rest of her friends always worry about her OCD tendencies, and Spike tells her how awesome she is and that it has been a privilege to know her and be her friend and that once he grows up and outlives everypony, he will never forget her or the rest of his friends.

Having her accept her death is OOC. Sorry, it is. And instead of denying it and fighting she is just going to spend her One Day, give birth, and die would make a pretty shitty end to this quadrilogy.

I don't inherently dislike downer endings or anything, but when the good guys win at every turn, making them lose right when it matters the most it totally ruins the overarching story.

Just imagine if Toy Story 3 really DID end with them dying in the incinerator. I can't think of any better examples after being up for 17 hours, but you get the idea.

What will I read in the mornings now! There's always a new chapter when I wake up everyday! Oh God I always need a good book to read in the morning and you fill the slot!:raritydespair::raritycry::raritydespair:

Oh! I got one for Daring Do! Daring hears about Rainbows Pregnancy and requests to be the godmother of the twins!

Well, i think she should see her dad first, to tell him about how shes gonna die during childbirth. She will have to take it lightly though. It will be a touching chapter, but i dont think she will have to kick the bucket so soon, she could have a cesarian.

2817001 im with ya on that one

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