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Who has two hooves and is going to be reviewed by the Royal Canterlot Library in the near future? · 7:59pm Jan 2nd, 2015

*points his hooves at himself*

And no, I'm not going to say "this guy." That ruins the joke. Y'see, when you're pointing your hooves at yourself, the joke is that you don't HAVE to say "this guy." You don't have to say anything. You're supposed to just do it, and then sit there silently, until the viewer figures it out on their own. If you ever say "this guy" after having pointed your hooves at yourself, you're ruining the joke. It's a real life example of Show Don't Tell.

But regardless! I know I'm a pretty shy, quiet guy, and I don't really get a lot of word of mouth. I'm not exactly famous, but I don't mind it too much. I'm pretty humble, and I don't usually make conscious efforts to build up hype or anything... but when something nice happens, right out of the blue, I can definitely appreciate it: It makes you feel special and appreciated.

If you visit the very website for the nice folks at the Royal Canterlot Library, you'll notice they have a small "coming soon" display on the upper right... and then, if you examine that particular list, you'll notice someone very special is listed there! And so, in the spirit of appreciation and humility, I'd like to announce that wwwwwwwhAAAAAAAAT




AAARGH!! My first big break being reviewed like this, and I have to play second fiddle to THIS ADDLEPATED NINCOMPOOP!?

For those of you who don't know about this VERY IMPORTANT DEBACLE, here's the short version: this guy posted a story that has a title nearly identical to one of MY best stories, no doubt exploiting my good name to execute a cheap, shameless cash grab! Some of the people who search for MY story end up reading HIS instead, and he's been riding my coattails ever since! Look at it: the two story titles are RIGHT NEXT TO EACH OTHER, and they look almost identical! His name even starts with a D, just like mine!

This guy actually was so obsessed that he stole the title for MY story THREE YEARS before I ever posted it! Or showed it to anybody! Or wrote it! Or thought it up!


*storms off to his trailer and slams the door*

*Flips a coffee table*

*Storms back out of his trailer*

Well, guess what?! The free ride is OVER, buster! I'm comin' down on you like a sack of... very... heavy things! That's right: I think It's time I finally READ this (obviously inferior) story and gave the world a PIECE OF MY MIND!

Oh, that's right buddy... I'm going to read your alleged "story." I'm going to read the heck out of it.

And then... I'm going to review it. With extreme prejudice.

You'll never, ever EVER get a free promotion out of me again, as long as I still draw breath, and as long as blood still flows through my veins!

The rest of you blog readers readers can check out his story right here. And I'll be posting the review on my blog where anybody can see it. I'm absolutely certain this won't backfire on me.

Oh, and while you're at it, remember to check out the Royal Canterlot Library. Cross-promotion is always good!

Report DuncanR · 534 views ·
Comments ( 10 )


...I think?

Naturally when discussion of time crimes comes up, my first inclination is to think of BTTF. Riding around in a DeLorean, stopping Biff from... Wait a minute...

I'm comin' down on you like a sack of... very... heavy things!

Heavy things...

Grats! A well-deserved feature. ^^

Didn't Chris confuse the two stories when he was reviewing them on his blog?

It's called a pun.

...But I wouldn't expect someone of your uncultured, low-brow upbringing to understand such a sophisticated literary device. Hrmph!

Aah! Now movies are using time travel to steal my precious words! Movies about time travel, no less... it's the perfect cover!

I'm surprised Apotheosis wasn't already reviewed by somebody. It's a classic fic, really great.


Actually, I confused Appletheosis with a third fic, The Assumption of Applejack -OR- Appletheosis.

Looks like Daetrin's not the only one trying to cash in on DuncanR's brilliance!


If you're looking for a review of Apotheosis (not to be confused with Appletheosis or the other Appletheosis), it's got four reviews on City of Door's fanfic review master list!

> Diabolical!

Downright fiendish!

In fact, you'd best add mind control to his list of crimes and/or treasons, since we RCL curators would have a convenient excuse to pretend that we never noticed the similarity in titles until right this very second!

That does it. Daetrin, you diabolical fiend or possibly fiendish devil, I am retroactively withdrawing your Royal Canterlot Library feature, so that the award will not be legitimate until sometime in the nebulous near future, like say a week from today.

HA! That ought to teach him not to mess with time travel …

Author Interviewer

Take up all the jokes before I get here, why don't you? :( Save some for the fishes, guys.

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