Tell us that you want us · 5:02pm Nov 30th, 2014
Any of you who enjoy my story The Evening Sonata may enjoy this story by MyMetalPony
It's a really good read with some shockers, a delightful depiction of Sonata, and a story following the ordeal of the sirens trying to repair their "hearts", the negative energy devouring crystals they had in the movie, before they starve to death.
Yeah, I know. Starve to Death. Totally mint, am I right?
Go read it.
I feel like the pacing's a bit too fast, and as a result, the characters feel underdeveloped. It's enjoyable enough to continue happily reading, but it could be a lot better.
2625013 To some degree I agree. The story progresses at a fine pace but does leave the individual character developments to disconnected and somewhat abrupt scenes. Sunset I think is the principal exception to this. She is developed quite well in the story I think. Sonata comes up a close second.
But the story is overall rather refreshing. Thy include a myriad of characters that to be honest a lot of other authors tend to forget about or don't consider including.
I am in fact super glad he remembered Discord existed.