• Member Since 3rd Nov, 2014
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We are the Bronies. Lower your expectations and surrender your incredulity. We shall add your fandoms and characters to our own. Your culture will adapt to enjoy ponies. Friendship is Magic.

More Blog Posts23

  • 371 weeks
    No update this week

    No update for Sirens at the Gate this week. Allow me to rant why

    (Before I begin this short rant, allow to state that I unconditionally love my family and in no way wish them harm or premature death, however many times I might say that I want to murder them in their sleep with piano wire.

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    5 comments · 900 views
  • 375 weeks
    New Story

    So I've been working on a new story recently, almost have the cover-art ready. Would anyone be interested in a story detailing what the Dazzlings might have been doing during the Second Punic War?

    (For those of you not a boring history person like me, a short summary:)

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    7 comments · 484 views
  • 376 weeks
    What you want from me - please read

    Hello everyone, I just want to say that the next chapter of RoR will be up tomorrow. The weekend has been really busy with my niece's birthday (3 day long birthday. Think about that for a second.)

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    1 comments · 495 views
  • 413 weeks
    Hello there. How have you guys been?

    As the more observant of you will have noticed, and the less observant inferred from the previous statement, I've been gone a while. Short version: I have a niece who cannot be doted on nor spoiled rotten fast enough, and I've had real, real trouble putting pen to paper. So to speak. So-to-speak in regards to putting pen to paper, since it's more putting fingers to why am I explaining this?

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    7 comments · 649 views
  • 438 weeks
    An Apology

    I feel like I owe you guys one. Or at least an explanation.
    The last journal, as I'm sure you know, was my declaration that I was thinking of doing a sequel to Three Little Visitors. Then I suddenly stopped writing.

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    6 comments · 625 views

Hello there. How have you guys been? · 4:29am Oct 15th, 2016

As the more observant of you will have noticed, and the less observant inferred from the previous statement, I've been gone a while. Short version: I have a niece who cannot be doted on nor spoiled rotten fast enough, and I've had real, real trouble putting pen to paper. So to speak. So-to-speak in regards to putting pen to paper, since it's more putting fingers to why am I explaining this?
Those of you waiting on Rise of Roam (if you still exist :raritydespair:), I apologise to the most, since I tried hammering that damn thing for months without settling to anything good coming up, but rejoice, for I think (maybe) that I can work back into it. I still have it in my head. It WILL be finished, one way or another.

In other news:

My newest story is partially responsible in my opinion for the resurgence in my writing. I've tried penning the long stories I'm used to, but they lead no where and frustrated me. So I decided to try something I've not done before: A "never ending" story, as it were.
In short, Finding Peace is a story about Sunset living in self-imposed exile in the grasslands of ancient America. Africa... Asia? Actually, it's not anywhere specific, but involves cultural elements from multiple places. And who should come staggering down the plains in a downpour, bleeding from the shoulder and looking lost-er than baby fawn in the middle of the M1?
What kind of adventures will they have, you ask?
Are the characters in the story wearing clothes?
What is the proper term for a cluster of trees?
The answers to these questions, and many more, can be found in Finding Peace, available now for one easy installment of clicky-clicky-click to my page.

Report Daniel-Gleebits · 649 views ·
Comments ( 7 )

I am one of those people wondering about Rise of Roam, but I didn't want to push and be an annoying fan when I don't know your situation or why you were not writing.

Glad to hear there is more chapters on the way!:pinkiehappy:

Are the characters in the story wearing clothes?

Incoming plot twist, perhaps?

In any case, it's awesome to see another of my favorite authors getting back into writing after so long. Two in the same month's been really great. :pinkiehappy: I didn't realize how much I missed your style, but now I'll definitely have to go back and re-read some of your earlier works.

And as for Rise of Roam, it's certainly a story well worth waiting for. Take as much time as you need for it to be as good as you can make it. :twilightsmile:

We still exist.

I also hAve that problem, but with my nephews, as I have no nieces.

Are the characters in the story wearing clothes?

I must confess that thought made its way into my mind one or two times while reading :rainbowlaugh:

A "never ending" story, huh? Interesting :pinkiesmile: I'm around 2 chapters in and it's definitely looking interesting, so I'm curious to see where you take it :pinkiehappy:

And as someone said before me, Rise of Roam is definitely worth waiting for, so no rush there. You already stole our souls anyway

Almost everything I wanna say would just be reiterating what others have already said.
We still exist, we're patient so take your time, and we just didn't wanna be annoying. :twilightsmile:
Looking forward to the next chapters for both Finding Peace and Rise of Roam.

And since you asked, I've been doing well! :D Started my second year of college, and made some new friends that just graduated from High School. I'm 20, and most of them are 18, and almost all of them are taller than me. I spend most of my free time checking for new chapters of Rise of Roam o.0 playing Monster Hunter, Yu-Gi-Oh!, and waiting for the SU hiatus to end. (Gem Harvest looks like it's gonna be a blast. )

4258983 I suspect Gem Harvest will come out soon. The trailers had a halloween impression to them.

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