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We are the Bronies. Lower your expectations and surrender your incredulity. We shall add your fandoms and characters to our own. Your culture will adapt to enjoy ponies. Friendship is Magic.

More Blog Posts23

  • 374 weeks
    No update this week

    No update for Sirens at the Gate this week. Allow me to rant why

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  • 378 weeks
    New Story

    So I've been working on a new story recently, almost have the cover-art ready. Would anyone be interested in a story detailing what the Dazzlings might have been doing during the Second Punic War?

    (For those of you not a boring history person like me, a short summary:)

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  • 379 weeks
    What you want from me - please read

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  • 416 weeks
    Hello there. How have you guys been?

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  • 441 weeks
    An Apology

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New Story · 2:52am Jul 7th, 2017

So I've been working on a new story recently, almost have the cover-art ready. Would anyone be interested in a story detailing what the Dazzlings might have been doing during the Second Punic War?

(For those of you not a boring history person like me, a short summary:)

The Second Punic War was the final major military contest between the ancient powers of Rome and Carthage, Carthage having been an ancient Phoenician empire based in modern day Libya that at the time controlled a large swath of the Mediterranean, and Rome an upcoming major power in modern day Italy. The first war ended in Carthaginian defeat, but pushed them to move to Iberia (modern Spain), and establish successful colonies there. Unfortunately a Greek ally of Rome, Saguntum, was based in northern Iberia, and using this as an excuse, the powerful Barcid family of Carthage initiated the second war.

You might know this war as the one Hannibal was in.

There was a third war, but after the second one Carthage was reduced to a Roman client state unable to raise its own armed forces. The third war was basically initiated to make Carthage a full-fledged Roman province.

So, what might the Dazzlings have been doing? Is this something anyone would be interested in reading?

Report Daniel-Gleebits · 485 views ·
Comments ( 7 )

Oh, that sounds rather interesting. I always love some good history porn.

History porn? You mean literally, or...?

Well, if you're offering... :derpytongue2: (I keed)
Nah, I am just big on history stuff. :twilightsmile:

I would read it.

Shove it in my mouth.

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