• Member Since 15th Oct, 2011
  • offline last seen July 16th


  • EWalkies
    Two ponies: the stallion wishes he was a royal guard. The mare thinks she's a dog. THEY FIGHT CRIME!
    Fernin · 15k words  ·  146  1 · 2.7k views

More Blog Posts14

  • 517 weeks
    You know how I said my current job would give me weekends?

    Turns out I LIED! 8D

    Sigh. -_-

    But now, after the first of the year, a NEW challenger approaches! Yes, it's a different position, with perhaps the prospect of actual time off. We will see. Hopefully I will get some writing done then.

    In the meantime, an awesome artist Halflingpony just gave me some awesome fan art! (Oh dear, poor Vigilance...)

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    3 comments · 924 views
  • 538 weeks
    Good & Bad News

    Well! Long time no see, FIMFiction. Well long time no talk at least.

    The good news is, I am now in a new job which gives me weekends back (sometimes)!

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    5 comments · 686 views
  • 563 weeks
    Good lord things are busy

    Well! This certainly has been a dry spell for people not following my tumblr.

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    3 comments · 631 views
  • 607 weeks
    Marevel Comics

    Or, "What the heck has Fernin been doing all this time?"

    Well! As Creideiki so correctly pointed out in my last journal, my lack of uploads has not NECESSARILY implied writing inactivity on my part.

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    9 comments · 836 views
  • 607 weeks

    Ack. The scenario in the opener to the Trixie ep was almost EXACTLY what I was going to use for a changeling-related Trixie story that I planned out four months ago.

    And now if I get around to writing it, the scenario will look unoriginal.

    Cursessssssssssss this is the "Rainbow Dash as a Drill Sergeant" thing all over again.


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    8 comments · 1,013 views

You know how I said my current job would give me weekends? · 3:28am Aug 26th, 2014

Turns out I LIED! 8D

Sigh. -_-

But now, after the first of the year, a NEW challenger approaches! Yes, it's a different position, with perhaps the prospect of actual time off. We will see. Hopefully I will get some writing done then.

In the meantime, an awesome artist Halflingpony just gave me some awesome fan art! (Oh dear, poor Vigilance...)
BEHOLD! And if you like it, please fave it at the original Source!

Report Fernin · 924 views · Story: Walkies ·
Comments ( 3 )

I was starting to wonder if you'd gotten assigned as the Siberian Liason Officer.

Did this ever get onto EqD's Drawfriend?

Screw Loose is still a thing?



Did you write the original

Is this real life

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