• Member Since 15th Oct, 2011
  • offline last seen July 16th


More Blog Posts14

  • 517 weeks
    You know how I said my current job would give me weekends?

    Turns out I LIED! 8D

    Sigh. -_-

    But now, after the first of the year, a NEW challenger approaches! Yes, it's a different position, with perhaps the prospect of actual time off. We will see. Hopefully I will get some writing done then.

    In the meantime, an awesome artist Halflingpony just gave me some awesome fan art! (Oh dear, poor Vigilance...)

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  • 538 weeks
    Good & Bad News

    Well! Long time no see, FIMFiction. Well long time no talk at least.

    The good news is, I am now in a new job which gives me weekends back (sometimes)!

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  • 563 weeks
    Good lord things are busy

    Well! This certainly has been a dry spell for people not following my tumblr.

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  • 607 weeks
    Marevel Comics

    Or, "What the heck has Fernin been doing all this time?"

    Well! As Creideiki so correctly pointed out in my last journal, my lack of uploads has not NECESSARILY implied writing inactivity on my part.

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  • 607 weeks

    Ack. The scenario in the opener to the Trixie ep was almost EXACTLY what I was going to use for a changeling-related Trixie story that I planned out four months ago.

    And now if I get around to writing it, the scenario will look unoriginal.

    Cursessssssssssss this is the "Rainbow Dash as a Drill Sergeant" thing all over again.


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Marevel Comics · 3:40am Dec 3rd, 2012

Or, "What the heck has Fernin been doing all this time?"

Well! As Creideiki so correctly pointed out in my last journal, my lack of uploads has not NECESSARILY implied writing inactivity on my part.

In fact, I've been working on a few pony superhero comics! They're being published at my tumblr. If you're interested, see the links below.

1.) Sonata Du Octave-- A three-issue comic focussing on the superpowered clash between Vyclops (alias Vinchenza "Vinyl" Scratch) and Doctor Octave (alias Dr. Octavia Philharmonica), based on my earlier My Little Marvel. The issues are:
Overture: Octave Rising (now complete)
Fugue: Blind Justice (ongoing)
Duet Con Moto (to be published)

2.) Hand of Justice-- A graphic novel focussed on the exploits of an inexperienced young superheroine Lyra Heartstrings. Cheer (and as appropriate, cringe) as she tries to balance her personal issues with the greater goal of upholding the cause of right as... The Hand of Justice.

3.) Old Appleoosa-- Issue 1: Bounty. This will be a Western-themed comic based on some concepts I worked up with JamesCorck on Deviantart. Depending on how the first issue works out, there may be more. Have to see.

...Anyway, so that's part of the reason why I haven't been around. Main reason is work-related though, sigh.

Report Fernin · 836 views ·
Comments ( 9 )

Checked your tumblr, which I didn't know you had. I'm praying the comic I'm seeing is just Vinyl getting her powers in a way that very much resemble date rape rather than Vinyl actually getting date raped.

What kind of comic do you think I'm running, here?

568810 One about ponies. Even if that's not what's happening you have to admit what that comic looks like.

Of course, because I intended it to look that way.

Just wait for a few pages, though. I've never heard of a superhero who got his or her powers by being date raped, and that's not going to change for this comic. Eesh. This isn't a Flank Miller (dohohoho) production, this is a standard Marevel title. :pinkiecrazy:

569253 Flank Miller? :facehoof: Really, mate?

What were you expecting in a fandom whose CANON names for things include "Manehattan," "Canterlot," and "Saddle Arabia?" :rainbowlaugh:

569390 Oh I was expecting something, just not "Flank Miller" Ugh. Bad Fernin! Bad!

You didn't like his work on Bat-stallion: Year One? That was one of my favorite comics.

569509 :pinkiesick: Please no more!

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