• Member Since 19th Apr, 2013
  • offline last seen Jul 14th, 2020

Mike Teavee

The Swap Father.

More Blog Posts45

  • 413 weeks
    Chapter Forty-One: Sneak Peek!


    “So. We’re gonna get married. You girls are becoming ‘wives’ and Lero’s becoming a ‘husband.’ What about me? What do I get to become, once we’re all married?”

    “Our little scaly son.” Lyra answered.

    Spike half-grinned. “So basically, things pretty much stay the same for me, personally.”

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  • 419 weeks
    Chapter Forty: Sneak Peek

    Hi, guys! Been kept busy because we had to move to an all NEW house, practically right after settling into our OLD house. But I wanted to reward everyone for their patience, so here's a sneak peek at what Chapter 40 has to offer!

    “I am more committed to finding a cure to the Swap now than I ever was before.” Twilight Sparkle told Princess Celestia.

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  • 425 weeks
    Ask The Swapped Ponies: Finally Updated!

    It's been WAAAAY too long, but here's the newest Ask!

    After you've read through it, feel free to submit more questions!

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  • 427 weeks
    TV Tropes: Asking Help

    My dear friends and fans, please help me bring Divided Rainbow's TV Tropes page up to date! Right after you check out the new chapter on Divided Rainbow. Thanks so much!

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  • 427 weeks
    Sneak Peek: Almost Done With Chapter 39

    Dear Divided Rainbow Fans,

    You've all been very patient. I'm very nearly done with the next chapter; it'll only be a week or so at most! In the meantime, I'd like to treat you all to another sneak peek of what's to come!

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Create A Sicklefin! (Warning: Divided Rainbow Chapter 31 Spoilers!) · 7:35pm Jul 18th, 2014

Once again, I'll warn you straight off the bat: if you haven't read Chapter 31 of Divided Rainbow, please do that first, then come back, otherwise it'll mean MAJOR spoilers! Don't worry; I'll wait.

If you're at this point, I'm going to assume that you have, indeed, read through Chapter 31, and know who the Sicklefins are.

Now, I'm going to do my level best NOT to spoil what we're in for in the upcoming Chapter 32... except to say that it'll involve a LOT of Exit Wound's Sicklefin subordinates. More of them then I've even had the chance to brainstorm into existence, or even invent names for!

So I thought to myself: "Hey, why not let the fans in on the fun?" And so here I am!

I'm giving YOU, (yes, you!) the chance to Create Your Own Sicklefin! The chance to see an OC cutthroat thug of your own devising feature in the next chapter! First, let's take a look at the known names on the Sicklefin roster, ones already mentioned in 31:

1) Exit Wound (head honcho; criminal underboss)
2) Honeydew (moll and martial artist)
3) Blunt Trauma (Exit's second-in-command)
4) Tight Screws
5) Cement Shoes
6) Glitter Dust (remember her from the original Xenophilia?)
7) Gabby (a griffin)
8) Doublehead
9) Scrounger The Dog (less said, the better)

Now here's how it works:

* In the comments box, you'll need to provide your Sicklefin's name, gender, race, and then describe him or her in detail. What can this Sicklefin do? Really do you best to sell this punk to me.

* While Exit Wound is kind of an 'equal opportunity' employer, there'll still be WAY more girls than boys in her gang, and more ponies than non-ponies. This IS the Xenoverse, after all.

* Aptonyms will be a big selling point for me. (Consider the list of Sicklefins already named.)

Bear in mind: if you participate in this, and submit a Sicklefin to me, you're extending me the right to do whatever I want with this character. Including not using him/her at all, if I so choose, (if not, please don't take it personally!)

But if I do use them, I'll be sure to credit you in the author's notes at the bottom of Chapter 32.

At any rate, please just have fun with it! I look forward to seeing what you guys come up with!

Report Mike Teavee · 574 views · Story: Divided Rainbow ·
Comments ( 12 )

Name: Eagle Eye
Race: Pegasus
Gender: Female
Cutie MarK: Mil-dot reticle
Coat: Pine Green
Mane/Tail: Winter Oak Brown
Age: 35
Aliases: Mime, Ghillie
Skill/Occupation: sharp-shooter/security
Roles/Responsibilities: securing perimeters, scouting, locating targets, maintaining fallback positions, etc.
Personality: Quiet. Professional. Known to grin wider after every shot fired. Favors medium calibers for subsonic capabilities, but is known to use heavy caliber weaponry when situation dictates.

Apt song for our favorite nutjob

Name: Greasy Frog (greased palms)
Race: Earth Pony
Gender: Male
Cutie Mark: A stack of bits, with some sort of grayish-brown slime on it. (grease)
Coat: gray-brown with a few blackish-brown splotches in a 'paint' configuration [clickety for reference]
Mane/Tail: Dull blonde, closer to brown. tends to hang in a tangled mess, and it's slightly waterproof, making him constantly have a sheen of sweat on his face and under the mane.
23 years of age
Role: He's a money launderer by preference, but minting fake coins takes resources the Sicklefins don't want to put into it. As such, he usually watches the finances, and has been called 'a tighter purse-humper than a malnourished dragon' by a particularly eloquent rival. He's plenty fine with that, because he hoards bits and wealth in a way that puts the most tight-wad of nobles to shame, and could probably make a single bit last a good month. While he's an excellent negotiator, everyone who speaks with him feels like he's trying to pull one over on him, though that hasn't stopped him from scamming like a pro on several occasions.
Personality and history: If it gets him money, even indirectly, he's down (or up) for it. He's never had a particularly accurate moral compass, and as such he usually disregards it. He's not a big fan of Scrounger, but that's mostly because being that diseased is bad for con games. Honestly, if he was boiled alive in a vat of molted gold, he'd die happy, but nobody's going to waste that much gold on him. He's very much sleazy, and lives down to his name of 'Greasy'. He won't hit on anyone unless he thinks it'll make them give him something of value. The one present he's ever actually enjoyed was meant to be cruel joke by Exit Wound, and is a solid-gold (and very uncomfortable) 'fake mare' toy, of the adult variety. Strangely, he actually enjoys making use of it, much to the disgust and dismay of everypony else.

And there you go, twice as sleazy and thrice as disturbing as a greased palm, Greasy Frog, who only escaped being called 'Frog' by being called 'Greasy', 'Grease-F***er' and worse. And that was before he joined the gang, where he can at least pretend he gets respect.

Psst! You se that mare over there? yeah that unicorn right there, champagne white coat and short carmine red mane and tail, kind of stylish? That lass is known as Warm Needle. Don't let her cutie mark fool's you. It is a flaming pin-cushion but she can't sew to save her life. No her real talent lies in acupuncture. A real pro! Well, not for her last client... Ex-hermate i was toll. She was admitted at the general hospital for 103 third degree burns all over her body made by white hot, you guessed right, acupuncture needles...

I still remember when the guard and medics arrived and taken them away. During the process of embarking them in separate wagon, Warm Needle seemed to have a seizure every time the other mare wailed... The smell and the moans tell us a different story.

(god do i have a deranged mind at 3am...)

Whodo U. Voodoo
Appearance: Zebra, asymmetrical bone earings
Cutiemark: Stylized doll with pin glyph
Crime: Rape (multiple charges)
Rap (just in bad taste)
Use Extreme Caution
Used to be a professional rapper(famous for only every speaking in rap) till she forced a stallion on her after a show while on drugs. Now she is a professional rapist with the Sicklefins. Whodo can use her dolls and just a strand of hair to force your body to her will.

[Yes it's a Dead Island reference. Who do you voodoo, Bitch?]

While Whodo is my favorite. I had so much fun I made several others if you need them.

Name: Horse Head
Description: Mule, male,
grey with lighter streaks through his slicked back mane
Cutiemark: None
Crime: Too numerous to list

'Horse Head' was once the head of a large crime family till he was caught with a decapitated pony head that he was attempting to put in an acquaintance's bed. Unfortunately for him he was caught taking a cannoli from the kitchen and was apprehended. He claimed he was 'going to make him an offer he couldn't refuse.'

(Just have fun with this one and make changes as needed if you use it. It's a Godfather reference if that wasn't obvious.)

Name: Ice Pick and On Ice
Description: Sisters, earth pony and unicorn.
Pick is glacier blue with a snow white mane.
On's is snow white with a glacier blue mane.
Cutiemark: Ice Pick and Ice cube
Crime: Racketeering

Hired help, these two do the dirty work that a crime leader just can't be bothered with. If encountered you better hope On Ice sends you straight to the morgue because her sister Ice Pick like to torture her victims with her name sake if given the opportunity.

Name: Get Away
Description: Brown coated Earth pony with black mane?
Cutiemark:? (always covered by something)
Crime: Kidnapping

The getaway driver for any criminal's cart. Her looks are so average your eye will just skate on by without noticing her. If you see her outside your residence or business call the police immediately as your location is likely to be robbed within the week.

Other names that I came up with but didn't have any solid character traits for are:
Speak Easy, Deep Six, Head Hunter, and Brass Talons (was going to be Brass Knuckles but I felt like Honeydew would also have a thing against minotaurs so I thought it would be better being a griffin.)

Going to come back and edit this, but I wanted to get this down.

Bruiser - earth
Cosh - unicorn - quick to laugh, quick to take offense, quick to bash you on the head with whatever happens to be available. Strong TK.
Lumpy - earth - Think Sloth. Needs a handler.
Hoof Sandwich - earth
Brass Hooves - earth
Cobra - unicorn

Snake - Unicorn - Gang's reluctant medic. She needed money for the operation to save her daughter's life, but one thing led to another and now Exit Wound knows where her herd lives. On bad days, she's not sure if it wouldn't have been better if she'd let her daughter die innocently rather than have the taint of Exit Wound hanging over her family. She takes what comfort she can in the fact that apparently Exit Wound can't be arsed to learn her real name and just calls her Snake because of her cutie mark of a snake wrapped around a stick (Rod of Asclepius)
Mercury - wiry pegasus kid. Messenger and lookout
Numbers - unicorn - Actual name, Naked Call. Manages the gang's cash.

Ginsu - Slight pegasus mare, Neighponese, bland grey but wears colorful kimono-like wraps. Generally quiet and taciturn. Incredibly fast with wingtip blades, no one knows how many other blades she keeps on her body.
Twitch Blade - rosy unicorn mare, always playing with four switch-blades
Keen Edge

Blarny Stone - earth pony mare, typical tough gal enforcer, born and raised In the Emerald Isle. Got a big rock for a cutie mark.

Jail Break - unicorn mare, especially skilled at getting out of tough situations. Actually thinks Lero is kind of cool, but dares not say so to Exit or Honeydew.

Gas Can - pegasus mare. Mild pyromania, but usually keeps it in check with a professional attitude.

Switch Blade - unicorn mare. Has a rather... unnatural obsession with knives.

Chains and Spikes - earth pony twins, stallion and mare respectively. Hate each others guts and bicker constantly, but recognize that they work together spendidly despite their hostilities. Chains prefers to use his namesake for a weapon, slapping, bludgeoning, and tripping opponents with hia weapon, while Spikes uses modified horseshoes with, you guessed it, spikes.

The anti-ponysona of mine, Curse Mark, is a unicorn whose cutie mark is a jumbled swear word. It usually swirls around, mimicking his most recent word of choice (Yes, it's animated; there are those that sparkle and shimmer so this doesn't seem so farfetched).

He is, for lack of a better word, a complete asshole. He's snarky, abrasive, and just all-around unpleasant if he doesn't consider you a friend or a comrade. Exit Wound, and maybe the second in command, are the only mares he respects, because they're not prissy little fillies.

Edit: he's basically a hateful, aggressive wallflower.

His special talent is an odd one, as it revolves around him swearing and cussing at his opponents, the spells he casts seemingly more effective while doing so. Not that he cares for the technicalities; he enjoys cussing ponies out, and the fact that it somehow makes his attacks more powerful is just a bonus.

His most adept spells revolve around fire and hate-fueled magic, but thanks to a liking of Neighpon action movies, he's taken to learning how to wield a sword, though he is still nowhere near good enough to beat even a fencing novice from Prance.

And yes, this is basically an evil version of my ponysona, Spell Check. Some similar traits, some major different ones. If you ever find yourself needing novice guards to toss into the mix, let me know and I'll give ya the run down on the MUCH more thought-out good character I got.

there is still time to suggest characters?


Go ahead; feel free to suggest.


Well then.... Correct me if there is something wrong, (I readed your fic the first, before every other Xenoverse, so maybe there is something wrong)

name: Chameleon
gender: No gender
race: Changelling Drone
and then describe him or her in detail: A black changelling drone, the same as all the changellings, in the normal form, he/she landed in ponyville and Honeydew discovered that, at first using black mail so that he/she work to her, but later it was not needed, as he/she also hate the human
What can this Sicklefin do?: Is good to act dead, or also as a changelling to disguise himself as one of the enemy or as a hostage, one of her/his favorite tactics is disguise as a little pink filly and act as a hostage, and when the hero think is safe, knock out the hero.

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