• Member Since 11th Dec, 2013
  • offline last seen Oct 12th, 2021

Night Spark

I am here for a singular purpose. I live to serve friendship and magic. I will bring both serious/fun FIC to this site. I will not however, perverse this great show. If you want that then go burn...

More Blog Posts103

  • 342 weeks
    I got it!

    So not fic or fim related, but I secured a iPhone X for myself!!:raritystarry:

    The best part is that it arrives a few days after launch. I got in fast lol. It’s about an hour and a half after the preorder launched and the wait time is 5-6 weeks.

    It’s been over a year that I’ve been following rumors and what not on this device so being able to get it launch month it great.

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  • 342 weeks
    Writers block? Or noise?

    I haven’t put out anything new for a while. It’s not that I don’t have any ideas it’s that I have far to many. For example I have been planning on writing something for Sunset Shimmer since the second EG movie... seriously... ask Tidal.

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  • 355 weeks
    Audiobook by Night Spark

    Hello friends.

    After a large amount of time and hours editing...

    I present my first ever Audiobook Voiceover Reading thing!!!


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  • 356 weeks
    100th Blog post!!! Also VOICE READINGS.

    100 posts... it's crazy.


    I am diving into the world of Voice over/Audiobooks/Readings/etc. I've got myself a pretty fancy setup. It's nothing like studio that Hasbro uses or even the private one Tara Strong has in her home.

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  • 356 weeks
    It's been a while.

    Many of you may been gone ... :fluttercry:
    For those of you who are still on the site...
    Hi. I've never truly left... I just read... a lot. I never got tired of the fandom or the show. Life just got crazy and I had to prioritize certain things. If you're still on the site please drop a comment because I'd love to catch up.

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Working on the finishing touches of the next chapter for AUC/ TO LONG DONT EFFING READ · 6:21pm Jul 7th, 2014

I will be editing it myself and then uploading it. So please forgive me if there are any errors. After being on fimfic for a while I treat commas like how I treated my car's signal on the drivers test. I used that crap for every damn turn. So with out Tidal's stupid face to edit my stuff, I will plaster commas where I feel they work. I do this by reading my story aloud to myself and marking every place where I pause.

The only other thing I do other than commas... fragments. I actually do some of these intentionally though. Again I write my story like how I would read it to you. Commas are great for short pauses but nothing beats a period or ellipsis.

"It pains me that I cannot be the one to end you. It should be me." (What Once was Lost)

Like I know I could have combined this. I think with a semicolon? I don't know. I made them separate on purpose. I feel like the second part carries so much importance.

He told me enough! It was you
who killed him.

No. I am your father.

Shocked, Luke looks at Vader in utter disbelief.

No. No. That's not true!
That's impossible!

Each 'no' is separate. They all carry so much in them. "I am your father" is such a short and simple sentence but, it is so powerful. I know that this is a movie script and I am writing fic but, I "see" everything I write. Every single scene in all my fics play out like a movie. It's probably a bad habit that effects writing negatively but I don't regret it. The only times it really sucks is when I don't think I can adequately describes what is going on in my head. That's my goal really. I get an emotion or feeling from thinking about a "scene" that I feel awesome and I just want to give you the same feelings I got.

Any how I will end my pointless rant and get back to typing.

(Just a heads up: I realized after wards that I got on a totally seperate rant. I don't mean to offend anypony and if you don't like what you read then... oh well. It is my opinion. I just hope that if you are offended that you don't unfollow or unfavorite one of my fics. Then again if you did due to what I post in a blog... than I really DGAF what you do. )

On a side note have you all seen the "Proud Whopper" from Burger King? I laughed my ass off because I live in Texas and I can imagine the face of some people when they get their burger wrapped in a rainbow. Fucking friendship, harmony, and love with a side of fries!!! Seriously I am happy a big chain is showing support for gay people. I know alot of people who say that they are "tired of the 'gay' thing being shoved in their faces" or tired of "the gay agenda".

I am sure people were tired of the "equal rights things" or the "black agenda" too. I don't want to start political debates on here because I might as well set friendship and harmony on fire but... I can't help but be ticked when so many in my country cling to the constitution like its the bible and then blatantly ignore what our country was founded on(Dec. of Ind.).

All men are created equal. Yet every day it seems like so many want that to be: All men are created equal*. In Texas so many cling to the second amendment like it is the hand of god but the first amendment?

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

So many choose to ignore freedom of religion and speech. I dont know if they know that they are doing it or not... either way its bad. Gay americans don't have their equal rights because other americans are essentially shitting on the first amendments and imposing THEIR morals and THEIR beliefs. It is not fair and makes me sad. An argument could be made that they are exercising(shit I think this is the wrong exercise?) their freedom of speech by protesting the gays. No. You rights end when they impose on another persons rights.

I was clicking on links on face book. One of them was for "28 reasons why we cant have nice things" or something. There was a dumb pic of a tweet from some crazy shit mom who wanted to sleep with her kid. Of course the comments focused on that and somehow gays got thrown in. I found a debate going on and here is a response that kicks ass..... Its long as hell though.

Harold, I agree with Laura, we have a separation of Church and State for this very reason. One shouldn't influence the other. They are separate entities with separate goals. We have the freedom of religion which also applies to freedom FROM religion. Yours and everyone else's.

You can't call foul on Obamacare requiring employers to pay for birth control because it's against your religion, then say it's okay for you to disallow gay marriage because it's against your religion. In the one (assuming you're conservative) you don't like having someone else's beliefs forced upon you, and in the other you're forcing your beliefs on the rest of the country.

Our system is set up so that our individual rights end where they infringe upon another person's rights. That's the whole basis. Telling two adults (of any relation or orientation) that they cannot get married or have a relationship because it grosses you out, or is against your religion is infringing on their right to pursue happiness. You walking around feeling "icky" because two adults love each other does not hurt you in any way. None. It does not infringe on your rights as a person at all.

I don't like beets, but I'm not making it illegal for others to eat beats around me. It's nasty to think that some people like beets, they taste like dirt, but dude I won't publicly humiliate you for eating them. I won't tell you that on Tuesday you can start eating beets legally, then on Wednesday say that was a mistake and you actually ate beets illegally on Tuesday. I won't tell you you're going to hell for eating beets. I won't protest your grocery trips.

And if you want to start slinging Leviticus around, let's not just use the verses that you like. In that same section it also says that children who speak against their parents should be stoned in public. I don't know about you, but I'm still here. Most every teenager in the world lives to adulthood because their parents did not stone them. Leviticus also lists all the "no-no" foods, but I'm guessing you eat bacon, shellfish, cheeseburgers, and wear clothing with mixed fibers. So why don't those apply to you, but the one you don't fully understand or choose to find unsettling still does?

We have the right to choose to follow a religion as much or as little as we wish. We do not have the right to force those beliefs upon another person. Your freedom to follow your religion ENDS when you try to force it upon someone else. I don't believe anywhere in the bible G-d says "Go forth and shove your religion down other people's throats." You may share it if you wish, but you can't make people follow it. If they choose to follow it, they have the right to decide how closely, you may not choose that for them. If they choose to have no religion whatsoever, that too, is their choice.

And before you start making off-the-wall statements like, "Then I can marry myself!" or "I can marry the dog." or "I can marry all the women in my city." Let me point out that if you are the only adult and you give consent to marry yourself, go ahead. It doesn't infringe on anyone else for you to marry yourself. You can't marry the dog because the dog doesn't have the cognition or ability to consent to that relationship. If you marry the dog, you are infringing on his rights as a living being unable to give consent. You may marry all the women in the city if they are all able to give, and do give their consent. You're all adults. No one's rights are damaged. Let's not forget either that Abraham, (and many others) had multiple wives, who were sent to them by G-d, so we can't assume that G-d is against multiple spouses at all.

How about this? We as a country decide that if what is going on doesn't interfere with another person's rights, it's none of our damn business. You personally are not being injured by a homosexual relationship (unless one is being forced upon you without your consent), so it's none of your damn business. Let others live their lives. If at some point what others are doing does hurt you or your family or anyone else, by all means interfere! Until that time BUTT OUT.

Looking past all of the legal things and all of the religious things. Just think about yourself for a moment. Have you ever been pissed off or sad because people wouldn't accept something about you? Whether it was weight, orientation, height, or whatever it doesn't matter. For me it was my personality. I have always been kinda hyper. In middle school I would borderline squee when a new video game was out and damn near everyone in the school knew about it because of my foaming at the mouth. If you got me talking about anything that I was passionate about I would be loud and eccentric. Slamming my hands on the table, wide gestures, ridiculously long and random rants... that was and still is me. However when it came time for me to be a bit more serious, or simply want to talk about something else I got mocked. Not in a "ha ha go play video games bitch" ... for me it was worse. They would do that thing where if I ever tried to speak about something intellectual they would cut me off and be like "ha ha where is this coming from?" or "shut up and go play halo dude". They kept laughing until I threw a chair at the bitch laughing(worth it).

My point is that every person has something unique about them that is part of their definition. I don't chose to be loud and a bit hyper sometimes. I have been since the damn 1st grade where Ms.Shorey had to constantly send me home with notes telling me to practice my "inside voice". Telling me to change that aspect about me is like telling a lion to be quieter when it roars. Fuck your inside voices and fuck your quiet roars. People can't change who they are but they can change how they treat others. Gay, straight, black, armenian, clopper, non-clopper, jedi, sith, whatever. Just fucking love and tolerate each other damn it. It really isn't that hard. And be genuine to. Nothing is worse than: "I love you buddy even though i am about to list why your life is wrong, immoral, and invalid!"

Holy hay shitting donkey lickers I turned this into a fic sized blog.

Report Night Spark · 128 views · Story: An Unwelcome Change ·
Comments ( 2 )

I whole-heartedly agree with everything you just said posted, man. As long as nobody gets hurt without consent, then nobody has the right to tell you not to do it.

Also, I personally see nothing wrong with improper grammar in a story if it's part of a consistent style, especially if it's written in first person. Not every character is going to have perfect grammar.

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