• Member Since 12th Feb, 2012
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Currently working on Winds of the Past 2! Support me on: Patreon | Ko-fi.

More Blog Posts13


A Quick Thanks! · 12:06pm Jun 30th, 2014

It's been several months since I first uploaded "Winds of the Past" to this site, and even longer since I first wrote it; and having never started a blog before, I think it's about time I did one. So, here goes.

Firstly, as mentioned in the title of this blog, I just wanted to give a... very belated, but big thanks to every person who favorited, liked, commented, and just... everyone who decided to read my story, even despite the rather absurd length of the chapters. Even if you didn't necessarily like this, or if you're just following, it still means a lot to me that you took time out of your day to check this out, and follow along to see where it goes. When I first uploaded this, I was scared this would get downvoted to oblivion or something, and was honestly surprised when I reached 100 likes. Now I'm nearing 200, with 250 favorites and 2000 views. I never imagined this story would do as well as it did. Hell, I've noticed users who even have my story in their top five when it's not even finished, and that... that just means the world to me, knowing that some of you really love this fic and that there are people including this with some of the greats on this site. I'm not the most active user (I never post on forums, and hardly reply to comments unless someone is asking a question or pointing out a flaw in my writing that needs fixing) but I do read the comments, and I do truly appreciate it every time someone comments saying how awesome this is, or how much they're looking forward to the next chapter--even those pesky 'more!' comments. >_> I don't usually reply to them, but I do read everything you guys say, and all the positive feedback just really means a lot to me. It gives me so much more confidence in my writing, as well as my potential as a writer. So thanks again.

Now for the second part of this post: weekly updates.

Simply, would you guys like them? I feel bad for not introducing these sooner, but basically I would just be doing a quick blog post every one or two weeks depending, and saying how much I've written out of an estimated total, how much I have left, how much longer until the next chapter... that sort of thing. At least that way I wouldn't be leaving people in the dark like I've been doing.

But again, I'm not sure about doing one every week because there will be some weeks where nothing really happens and unfortunately not much progress is made, whether it be do to writer's block, or planning what I'm going to write next.

So please let me know in the comments as to what you'd like to see.

And in case anyone was worried about this not being continued, whether it because of the slow update process, or for some other reason, this fic will be finished. Just saying this now, unless I die young or something, there's no way I'm leaving a fic unfinished (even if I lose interest in mlp, as unlikely as it is), so I can guarantee this fic's completion. I have no desire to stop really, and there's only about five, maybe seven chapters left (not including the upcoming seventh chapter). I plan on there being around twelve chapters at the least, or at the most, fourteen, maybe fifteen chapters total, so I'm already around halfway done and the chapters will be getting progressively shorter meaning quicker updates. I hope to have this finished by the end of this year, and you can hopefully expect some new TwiDash fics in the near future as well.

So I guess that's it then. Later, and thanks for reading!

Comments ( 6 )

Writing is hard, plain and simple. Taking the time to sit down and work out characterization, story arcs, emotional relatability, and so many other aspects that come together to work out a story is never an easy task. The long gaps between updates is understandable, considering how large the chapters are and the simple fact that life happens and people cannot spend every waking minute writing.

Just knowing that you'll be working on Winds of the Past is enough. Sure, people will probably pester you every now and then, but I also don't want you to feel pressure to boot something out for us as fast as possible. That'll only make the writing suffer.

Though I do like the idea of occasional updates on how things are progressing. Maybe not every week (considering the length of the chapters and how long it takes to write them), but perhaps biweekly?


Thanks. I'll see if I can get some more opinions on the matter, but I probably won't be doing these once a week then. Maybe biweekly like you said, or just often enough to give people an idea where I'm at.

Also, I have no intention of rushing or anything, even if I do feel pressured to sometimes. :twilightsheepish: The last thing I want is for my writing to worsen all because I didn't take my time with it..

I dont see why not. I think a weekly update system would be awesome.

I really like this story, and every time I get a new mail announcing a new chapter it makes my day, so thanks for that :twilightsmile: . Regarding the updates, I think it'll be nice to have something like it, although I don't think it might be a good idea to make it weekly (maybe a little more time between updates?), considering the time it takes for new chapters to pop up (and don't take me wrong, take your time! your chapters really are worth the wait). Heck, I remember fearing that this fic would fall into the endless pit of the forgotten stories some weeks ago :twilightblush: , so knowing from time to time how everything's going would be really good ^^

I love that story. Please update as soon as possible it is an amazing story

Excuse me, scuse me, pardon me, coming through!

Still late. Damn you, real life!

I personally think that a weekly status update would be awesome, with a general idea of a biweekly story update. That said, every week you'd give us a general idea how you're progressing and how much of a story you've written, and the next week, hopefully, bring a chapter update-possibly with a delay that would be mentioned in a status update. That, of course, is a perfect world kind of scenario, but that's what we try to aim for after all.

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