• Member Since 7th Jan, 2012
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More Blog Posts132

  • 146 weeks
    State of the Author

    Hello everyone, it’s been some time since I’ve posted anything. So I figured now was as good a time as any to blog about what I’m currently up to.

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  • 235 weeks
    What to name Puzzle’s organization?

    So as many of you have no doubt noted in Freeport Venture: Tears in the Rain, there’s going to be some restructuring within Puzzle’s organization. Among those changes will be Puzzle giving his organization an actual name. Though as of this moment I haven’t found a name that I’m satisfied with yet, so I thought I would turn to my many wonderful readers and see if they could come up with

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  • 248 weeks
    Winningverse/Freeport Venture/ Lunar Rebellion Timeline

    Below is a general timeline of significant events in the main continuity to give an idea of how everything is ordered, even if this is by no means a comprehensive list of events. Things are also subject to change as new stories are written, and we come up with new ideas with which to expand on.

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  • 248 weeks
    Winningverse/Freeport/Rising Fire and Other AU's Explained

    With the publishing of Rising Fire I couldn’t help but notice that there was a bit of confusion of what is and isn’t canon in the Winningverse, and how everything is interrelated with one another. So I decided to write up this blog post in the hopes of clearing some stuff up. In truth, I’ve been thinking about making a few posts for the Winningverse group forum for a FAQ and an updated

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  • 253 weeks
    BronyCon 2019: The End of an Era

    There is something inherently sad about something coming to an end. Something unique and wonderful is now over, and I found myself writing this at the airport and on the airplane, waiting, leaving Baltimore, perhaps for the last time. It’s as I do so that I contemplate the past, present, and future both for myself and the fandom. 

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Thanks for 400-something Followers · 1:49am Jun 30th, 2014

I’ve been meaning to make this post for a while now, though some mixture of business with life, procrastination, and writing has kept me from doing so. But I’ve made the time now, so here it is.

Thank you to all my followers and readers! I’ve been very fortunate to have so many people read and like my stories. Writing takes a significant amount of the time and energy I have left after work and general life stuff, so it’s a big motivator to see that people give two hoots about what I have to write about candy colored small horses. I’ve struggled, made mistakes, and stumbled, but the fact I have followers helps keep me going.

I normally don’t use my blog for much other than announcing what I am up to writing wise. Part of this is because I don’t want my blog to become an angsty, drama filled dumping ground. In general, I prefer to keep drama to a minimum in my life. Another is that time I spend on my blog is precious time I could otherwise use for writing. Sure, I could toss up the occasional blog about whatever, but I figure most of my readers would prefer for me to spend my time pumping out another chapter instead. But still, I think it more than worthwhile to spend at least a little bit of time thanking everyone for reading my stories, and their comments, both positive and critical.

In the year and a half since I’ve started writing, I’ve written over 300,000 words, or about the equivalent of three novels to make up the seven stories I have thus far published. That’s a little bit nuts given I hadn’t written a single word of fiction before coming to FIMFic. And I still have plenty to go to finish Study of a Winning Pony, my most read story, and Midnight’s Shadow, currently my favorite story to write on a month by month basis.

My current plans involve cracking down on Study to try and finish that story so that I can write some other stuff. Study has taken up about half of the total words I have written, and given it was the first story I published, I’m a bit anxious to bring it to a satisfying conclusion. I also plan on continuing to crack out chapter for Midnight’s Shadow to move that story along. I would also like to toss out the occasional one shot to give myself some different things to write, and to stretch myself.

I just finished the last chapter of When Better Days Are Past, so I should be posting up those chapters of Applejack’s sadfest before too long for everyone’s “enjoyment.”

From there I’ve got a few story ideas churning around in my head for short stories or for longer stories once Study has the complete tag on it. I’m going to be doing a guest chapter for Chengar Qordath’s The Lunar Rebellion here soon. Then I hope to do the action based sequel to Twilight Sparkle vs. The Haunted Mailbox someday when my plate opens up. Then I have some vague ideas for a sequel to The Incredibly Embarrassing Parents of Rainbow Dash called The Incredibly Awesome Uncle of Rainbow Dash, in addition to some other comedic one shots. Another long story I’m seriously considering it a Twilight PoV story where she has to take part in a heist with a somewhat disreputable group in the far off merchant city of Freeport, or a story of adventure, political intrigue, and plotting involving Twilight and her being a princess.

So I’m a bit curious about what everyone would like to see out of me. Would you all like to see more blog posts out of me? Concentrate on my incomplete long stories, or spend a bit more time on short stories and one-shots like Mailbox and Grumpy Life? I’m juggling between a few stories, so it would be interesting to see what you all think.

Report Ponibius · 236 views ·
Comments ( 8 )

*shouts from the massive pile of things to read*


Oh man, I'd love to see a Freeport story, I've been wanting more details about that particular part of the Winningverse for a while now.

Study was your first story here? You've done an awesome job for a first story! What kind of progress has been made on Study's next chapter, and any clue on how many chapters there are left?


I'd really like to write one about Freeport too. Given it's a pretty interesting place from what we Winningverse writers have brainstormed about it thus far. Plus I always like stories filled with adventure, action, intrigue, backstabbing, a variety of interesting character, and all that good stuff.


Thanks for the compliment. But it's totally true that I have never written a story here or anywhere. I never even wrote a story in school or anything. Though I have read a lot of stories and gamemastered some tabletop roleplaying games like D&D, so that can probably explain how I can at least string some words together into an entertaining tale.

As for the next chapter. I plan on writing a guest chapter for someone for their story, and after that Study should be up next. Should be fun given some mysteries should be addressed in that chapter.

Gosh, I'm not even sure how many chapters are left. Partially because I never know exactly how many words a chapter will take, and I tend to stop when I reach either a good plot point to stop, or the chapter is getting to the length I prefer for a single chapter to be. What I can say is that it's probably going to take at least another 100k words to finish, knowing my luck, and I have about 3-4 more story arcs to get through to get to the ending I have planned. I'm trying to tighten everything up so that I can finish Study sometime this decade, but we'll have to see.

2244654 Whatever the case may be as to how far the story has to go, I can tell it will be EPIC! :pinkiehappy:

Freeport is something I would also really like to do a story on. The disreputable island city of pirates, mercenaries, exiles, and ne'er-do-wells has a ton of tun story potential.

I was going to write a comment on having thought of writing a Freeport story (I'm really liking what I'm hearing about it), but then I realized it would have very little relevance here. This ain't about me after all.

So in any case, congratulations on the 400 followers milestone.
As for what I'd like to see more of. Well, I'd say only write blogs if you're in the mood for it (such as now), rather than take it as an obligation to write long blogs.
Considering Study is the first long-term major editing job I've taken up, I may be a bit biased when I say I look forward to what comes next. That said, I'm also interested to see what else you may write. especially if it regarded Freeport.

Regardless, I would personally say write what you feel like writing at the moment, cause that's what you usually write best, even if it's a less-than-helpful response.

Always a pleasure to read your stories.

Wait, Study was your first fic ever? :pinkiegasp: You've got talent, sir.

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