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Ruminations · 6:45pm May 25th, 2014

It's been a while since I've updated anything, and for that I apologize. To get the important stuff out of the way: Harmony Theory is not going to be updating this month. Earliest the next chapter can come out is mid-june. All other projects are... also delayed. I know I just released a chapter of LUS, but don't expect the next one until late june / mid-july. Other long-promised projects are, at earliest, late july or august.

I'm not really big on explaining what's happening in my life online. I tend to want this space devoted strictly to things that pertain to the stories I am writing or have written. It's mostly because I just don't think I have much to say that people would care to hear. I spin a good yarn, but my analysis of life is anything but deep or insightful.

However, sometimes things happen in my life that affect my writing, and I get the niggling feeling that you all deserve some kind of explanation. Short version: this last year has been really, really tough. I'm not going to go into detail because it involves others, suffice it to say that things will be getting better, but I can't say how quickly. As it is, I've been struggling with motivation and time issues. I just haven't been able to do as much writing as I want to, and when I do get the time, I'm too exhausted to work effectively.

The result is the delays in publishing new material. Be assured that I haven't abandoned anything, but I'm working kind of slowly. It's quite frustrating.

On to other things! I titled this post 'ruminations' so I'm gonna ruminate.

I enjoyed Season 4. Not all of it, but most of it. I enjoyed the finale, despite the fact that I think the rainbow-power designs are dumb. I know that toys have to be sold to little girls, so I'm not really gonna care. Tirek as the bad guy made me grin, I had avoided spoilers pretty well, but I still somehow knew he was coming. He was a fairly decent bad guy, all things considered. I liked that the Princesses knew he was a threat, but they didn't give their power to Twilight because of him, they gave up their power because of Discord, who could take them all down and they knew it.

Let's talk about Discord. He's my favourite villain of the series, and he's getting more Trickster as it goes on. His turn to the good side in KCAFO was abrupt and clearly insincere –"Most of the time"–, but it seems like he's sticking to the spirit of his 'reformation' if not the letter. In the season 4 opener he lets slip that he's not really friends with Fluttershy (getting her name wrong, for one) and claims the whole thing there is not his fault when we later learn that, well, yes it is. Then there's his trolling of Twilight and Cadance, ostensibly to see how 'genuine' her friendship is, but may really have been so that they come even closer together. Finally, there's the season finale, where he just flat-out manipulates everyone.

Let's roll through it here: He shows up out of nowhere, makes it clear he's been spying on everyone, and has been messing with their collective journal. Messing how? By indexing all the information they would need to open the box of plot-device. He knew what they needed to do to get it open, and he knew that Twilight hadn't gotten her key yet. What does he do? He engineers a situation where she gets that key. Not just any situation, though, one where he ends the day more in our hero's good graces than ever, while still getting to cause as much havoc and chaos as possible.

He's too smart a villain not to know Tirek was playing him. The whole "we can rule together! wait - I lied!" thing is old-hat to the spirit of Disharmony. He knew it would end with him getting magic-drained, but he went along with it because he needed something from Tirek, a symbol of friendship. One that Tirek would betray, but Discord could leverage. When he handed that necklace to Twilight he wasn't being genuine –he's never genuine– but it wasn't about him, it was about Twilight's revelation. About her seeing how she could extend the power of friendship to others in ways she hadn't thought possible. Discord wasn't learning anything new, he was trying to make her learn something new.

Also, he was able to utterly wreck Equestria again, and got away with it scot-free. Textbook Karma-Houdini. That's Trickster stuff. That's mythological in nature. That's the MLP that I adore.

Tangentially some people have asked about the canon of Harmony Theory. Harmony Theory started being written after the season 2 finale, and I built a backstory for it from that point in time that is pretty much set in stone. Alicorn Twilight was one of the things that I had planned on, as was Discord's release. Because of that, season 3 is mostly canon to Harmony Theory. There are differences in the background, such as Twilight's advanced studies instead being her early work at understanding the Elements. Season 4 started with our heroes giving up the Elements, which was not in the HT backstory, so it didn't happen in HT, or at least not as the show depicts it. Most of season 4 still happens as you see it, though. However, by the time of the Celestia Nova incident (approximately 16 years after season 5) Twilight has abdicated her throne and her big-tree-castle-thingy is gone. The Library was either never destroyed by Tirek or regrown sometime after.

Incidentally, the Fallen World stories diverged from canon during Friendship is Magic part 2 (the pilot), going full-on AU from that point (though things didn't get really bad until the events around The Return of Harmony). Lavender Unicorn Syndrome is set in the nebulous time between Equestria Girls and the start of Season 4.

I don't know what else to say. I was thinking on perhaps talking about other stories that I've read. Like a review, of sorts. I don't know. I'll consider it.

For now, I hope you enjoy what I've written. I'll be working on more.


Report Sharaloth · 740 views ·
Comments ( 8 )

Great take on Discord!

You articulate my take-away from Discord's actions so eloquently. It's nice to see all of that subtext unpacked because it really makes you appreciate the writing of the series. Especially true because the subtext is optional as it pertains to the target audience. They get to appreciate Discord at face value, while, and taught a basic lesson. It works wether you can see the machinations or not. Same goes for all that "tree" symbolism.

The only thing that irked me was Twilight being sort of strung along the whole time by the other princesses (Cadence included, which irks me for other reasons), and never really got the responsibility or respect she was asking for. Granted, she's still got her training wheels, but I don't think "princess of friendship" (which should really be "princess of magic" or "princess of harmony") satisfied her desire to be included. Hopefully it's addressed more in season 5.

I also agree that the rainbow power designs are terrible, and it just goes to show how blind Hasbro is to what makes the show successful. If they wanted to sell more toys, there's plenty of other characters they've yet to make plushies of that'd fly off the shelves faster than an eye's blink.

But I digress.

As for Harmony Theory's canon, I really don't care if it matches up with the show's timeline perfectly because it's already better than anything following season two's end. Truth be told, if I had the money I'd see to it that Harmony Theory was fully animated, legal issues be damned.

One last thing; the next chapter after tonight's update of Singularity will see Star Fall's inclusion at long last. Thanks again for letting me use her, Sharaloth. :twilightsmile:

~The lizardman gives you his best wishes

People who complain about the update schedules of free entertainment are assholes.

I have to agree with your Discord theory. From the beginning of the season he already noted he's trying to teach Twilight a lesson. Looks like he followed through even if it mean he doesn't get his own throne :rainbowlaugh:

I wish you the best with the "tough" stuff in your personal life, and thanks for still working to entertain the fandom :twilightsmile:

I never saw Discord's betrayal in that light. So far, everyone has been discussing how angry they were that he had done it, not because he apparently "changed" but becausr it was so cliché. Honestly, I found it to be right for his character but your explanation and theory puts everything in a dofferent light, something I absolutely enjoy.

I love your words.

Honey, I hope everything works out and don't worry about the updates. We love you and your stories dearly so the wait is definitely worth it!

Harmony Theory is not going to be updating this month.

Alright, in all seriousness I understand and I can wait. :twilightsmile: Take your time and do what you need to do. Best of luck on RL! I'll be here when you get back, so take your time!

I also enjoyed your take on Discord. I'm not sure how much Discord was faking, but I do think there's more to him than meets the eye. I personally enjoy his "good guy" bit...as long as he doesn't become a "good guy" good guy. I like his grey nature and how he's sorta on the mane6's side, but at the same time...well he's Discord. In a world where good vs evil can be very clear at times, the characters that are grey are awesome. :pinkiehappy: (At least I think they are.)

2144424 I don't know I like "Princes of Friendship." Sure it doesn't sound as regal as the others, but remember: to be the "Princess of Friendship" is to be the "Princess of Magic." Only it's a specific form of magic...the kind that can't be stolen and can overpower the power of Discord and 4 alicorns...IDK I personally feel it fits. :twilightsheepish:

I see your point about Discord, but I still get the feeling that he actually hoped that Tirek thought of the two of them as more than just comrades. The climax of getting Twilight her key may still have been his goal all along, but I don't think his contriteness and sadness after Tirek took his magic was all fake.

To be honest, your take on Discord's acts since Flutter On seems to not jive with how he acts at the end of the two-parter. Sure, you could say that he's trying to look the part now that the Mane Six have all had their "rainbow moment", so to speak, but I cannot believe that at some level Discord wasn't touched by Twilight's refusal to exclude Discord as a friend (even if in the loosest possible sense that's just barely above "acquaintances") and has some small desire to be a little more friendly.

Also, real life sucks, I know. I can't wait for you to release the next chapter of Harmony Theory.

(double-also, what are those, atomic pogo sticks? Just what the hay did the CMC get into for those?)

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