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Bad Dragon

I write so that one day I may finally stop writing and be free, but these damn new ideas keep finding ways into my brain. I need to write more to vent them out!

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Sleep deprivation FTW! · 8:00am Jan 18th, 2014

I just pulled an all-nighter (it is now 9 am where I am) to finish my entry Who Needs Sleep Anyway for Editors-R-Us Writing contest (it is due to 30.1.2014, but I just felt like submitting early). Incidentally, the story is about sleep deprivation.

All-nighters usually break my biorhythm, but this time I have a plan. I'm now pulling an all-dayler(?) after the all-nighter. I've made a pact with myself not to go to bed before 22:00 (at that time I will be awake for 38 hours). Presumably I won't break my biorhythm doing it this way.

I have my stash of energy drinks at the ready; so, bring it on drowsiness. Fire as much melatonin hormone into my bloodstream as you want. I'm still gonna beat you!

Have you ever pulled an all-nighter because you felt like writing? Let me know in the comments.

Edit 1: 38 hours later and I don't even feel sleepy. I was almost dozing of a few times in the middle, but 5 energy drinks successfully countered it. In the last 38 hours of non-sleep, I did quite a lot of work and I'm really happy about that. I'm not saying anything just yet, but this technique may even have the potential for regular utilization by me.

Edit 2: It's one week later and I did it again. Productivity stumbles, but the sheer amount of extra time is astonishing. I'm still undecided whether I should make this my new way of living.

Edit 3: Yup, It has become a thing in my life. I think I have it figured out. Staying up for 38 hours straight requires a lot of cofein, but if I take a nap at my table from around 6am to 7am I feel recharged for the rest of the day (after I get over 30 minute waking up hang over). 'Today' I only worked with my stories and with threads on FimFiction. That means about 28 hours of work (after 8 hours of work for my job). I can almost cramp more work in one day than I've done in a month without this method.

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Comments ( 2 )

Yes. I usually end up deleting all of it though. :raritycry:

1730480 I do hope, that won't happen to me. I'm about to go edit my novel and I would really hate having to delete it. :unsuresweetie:

Also, getting a bit sleepy now. *Opens another energy drink.*

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