Blast From the Past · 5:27pm Jan 9th, 2014
I'm so tremendously slow to publish these days. It's entirely inexcusable. As penance for my sloth, please find a link to the very first MLP story I ever wrote, which I never published on FiMFiction (and never will):
Some of you may have read this years ago, but I'm certain (and hope) most have not. I wrote this story immediately after becoming a fan of the show in Summer 2011, and so of course many, many details have been thoroughly jossed, and characterization is sure to be an issue for the modern reader. The writing is flat, and pretty boring, and a great example of why we are supposed to "show, don't tell." Worst of all, at the time, my favorite characters were Twilight, Rarity ... and Trixie!
Even so, I thought you all might find it amusing to travel back in time to before we knew anything about alicorn amulets or magical mystery cures, secret siblings or lost empires, and before I had learned much about putting words together effectively. So, have at it!
Ponydora Prancypants
I read it back when was only just starting to become known and was still the place to go. So hipster.
But from my memory, I had a blast reading it. Airships, conspiracies, magical escapades, hidden relationships, and so much more!
I don't think you give yourself enough credit.
Out of respect for you, I vow to not read your embarrassing old story.
Until I'm done watching my nephew and can thoroughly lambast it.
With mocking love,
I did read it and i would to see it continued once The Adamant Triskelion Trilogy is done. I mean, man. Twilight? An almost hard core bigot? Holy shit, that deserves further reading.