• Member Since 17th Sep, 2013
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Captain Unstoppable

"When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth." Sherlock Holmes

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The Blog of Mighty Updates! · 7:25pm Dec 15th, 2013

Hey there world of FimFiction!

So I know I blog a lot first off I know, I love the attention, I am a attention whore at times. Bite me. This blog however is going to address a few things so for once it is kind of necessary, and not be just saying random crap for the sake of random crap. So lets dive in, shall we?

First off we will start with what all of you want to know about first, story updates and such. I have a list of stories I have been wanting to do and will hopefully find some free time over the next three weeks to put them out. Though I might have a lot of free time I am still with family, and as much as I might despise them at times they are family. Besides, I can't exactly write about ponies in front of them...I still have some self-respect left.

Slow to Realize: Have Part 4-6 kind of thought out. Again this was just supposed to be a two shot that has grown into something much larger. Where this story will end...I have no idea. Please just commenting on it and such to make me feel important.

I Love You?/Home: These two are continuations of You Got Ma Sister What?!. Now I have gotten mixed reviews about the story, but in the most part I was very happy with the way it turned out so I will have these stories to follow it. Home will be a one-shot about Pinkie Pie and Caramel, so watch out for that. The other one will be filling in the time skip from after Mac decideds not to kill Soarin to when Apple Swift is born. Probably will be a few chapters long, but I don't know. There will be MacDash in both because you all know how much I love that.

Run For It: This one is kind of a iffy one. Going to be it's own story with adult pony situations. It's going to be a comedy, but from what I have gathered what I find funny makes others mad. However I am a egotistical, God Complex, Agnostic, Evil bastard so I don't really care. I hope you will enjoy it when I do get it done, I just don't know when that might be.

Mega Guardian: Friendship is Illogical: This is going to be my biggest gamble by far out of all these stories. Only a select few know what is going on, so that's the way it's going to stay. Don't contact me about this, I will contact you if I think you can help. This one will probably be my biggest story (length wise). I am not even putting out the first chapter till I have chapters 1-5 done. I am afraid if I just sent it out now it would burst into flames.

Next order of business. I do want to thank everyone who has been adding my stories to your favorites and liking my stories. You have no idea how much this means to me. I used to write on Fanfiction a lot more, but I never really knew how many people actually liked my stories, and after getting so much hate from reviews from people I couldn't reply to it brought me down a few. Glad I can get some feedback here and actually see how people are liking my style of writing. So thank you all so much. I do have a few special thanks to make. I would thank each and everyone of you but I don't have that much time or patience, so this is going to be a short list.

First off I would like to thank my editor jszellmer. You are almost as awesome as MacDash, but we both know you can't beat those two in anything after they join forces. So thanks for all the help and dealing with the random crap I message you about. Expect more.

KarmaDash your the best person to throw ideas around with. Love the pony you made for me and like jszellmer thanks for dealing with the random messages. Everyone should check out your stories! Also thank for being my first follower even though I hadn't made anything yet.

Jake The Army Guy your also getting a shout out. Your writing style has given me a lot of things to reflect on and I am trying with each story to be a bit more like you. You do a amazing job and being part of the Army just makes my respect for you go way up.

Crowquill Symphony Love your stories! My Little Lover was the first story I read here, and I still go back and read it at least once a week. Hope to see more stuff from you as well.

There are others I should include in here but I can't think of them all right now. Thank you all for the great support, almost 500 likes on You Got Ma Sister What, and everyday I see something for Slow to Realize. You guys rock! Hope to give out more soon, till then have two Youtube videos that I love to watch. Also just a little fun fact, I have only seen one episdoe of My Little Pony while sober. I am a horrible role model.

Captain Unstoppable

Edit 12/16/2013

Okay updates might take longer than expected because I really f****ed up my back...I can't move...

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