• Member Since 8th Jun, 2012
  • offline last seen Dec 5th, 2017


i like my Luna :3

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  • 408 weeks
    Righto, heading full force into this.

    so, i want your guys' opinion, i need to get better at writing, so while i am still open to proofreading requests, i'd like to get some input on where i take things from here.

    should i
    A) continue Corruption is Inevitable
    B) try to start Fall of Chaos
    or C) attempt to come up with a whoooooole new story altogether?

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    1 comments · 381 views
  • 408 weeks
    AHAHAHA! I'M BACK, *bleep*!

    heyo! it's me, i'm back! and bettah den evah! ANYWAYS!

    sorry for disappearing on you guys like that, i had my reasons for not doing much on here, and this is why. i seriously disappeared from fimfic for 88 weeks on my secondary account, which i moved to after the whole disaster on this one. anyways, read through the thingy below and yea, you'll be caught up to date on what's been going on.

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  • 512 weeks
    looks like my run is done once more...

    recently, my girlfriend broke it off, wanted to take a break from it all and i'm trying to give her some space, it's sad to see her like this but i'm just trying to do what i think is best for her right now.

    another thing, i was talking to one of my other, older friends, he told me he was going to die, he had Blood Cancer, so he and i talked until his unfortunate end...

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  • 514 weeks
    a story is up!

    i Beta/pre/proofread a story by Spirit Shift, so head on over there and read it or i will PERSONALLY slap you before sitting with an octopus having tea and biscuits

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  • 515 weeks
    ever got that awkward moment...

    when you remember a story idea you never did but REALLLLLLY wanted to? who remembers when i mentioned a new fic idea, i forget the name because i didn't look beforehand to this blog, but i remember the idea, and i really want to work on it, so, now that i'm a beta-reader, i have plenty of English skills i will be refining

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final blog post... · 8:45pm Jul 1st, 2013

hey guys... if you're reading this, then it means you care... i know that the title makes you think i'm leaving the site, but i'm not.... i'm dieing... i nearly burned my house down today... i'm going to get a few things off chest, first off

1. i'm not 22, i'm 14
2. i'm a liar... i cannot help but tell lies everytime i turn around
3. this'll be the one blog i do not lie in

i'm taking my life... right now, i am typing this while my sword is on the counter right next to me, my parents think i'm taking a shower, this is my final post, my final activity, my final words to be typed....

very few are going to care about my death, to those that do (except my family) i'm sorry
my entire family HATES me right now... my soon-to-be stepfather(whom i am FORCED to call dad) is going to eat me alive when he finds out after he gets home from work

to Clearshot01: i'm sorry, bro, suicide has been something i've had on my mind for years... i can't take it anyone, best of luck and wishes to you... i hope you don't spend to much time mourning me.. the rights to my story "corruption is inevitable" goes to you... scrap it, contiune it, finish it, it's all your's...

to Pen Brush: we haven't gotten to known each other that much, but i hope the group stays alive... and i hope you stay creative

to Skywing: thanks for being a close friend, sorry you had to find out my age this way.... i hope you don't mourn me for long

to jtpivot: thank you as well for being a close friend... don't mourn me for long

to my RP group as a whole: i love you guys... you've truly given me friends i've never had before... and that girl? me and her aren't dating, in fact, she friend-zoned me again... but my final straw... was nearly burnning my family and the house down...

to Zerdox: it was fun knowing ya, you keep bring smiles to people my friend

to everyone i know: stay true, stay golden, stay happy, and don't mourn me...

alright... that's everything i have to say... have a good one guys....

in the event that i don't follow through with this.... then i guess you get to keep talking to me... i understand if you guys are pissed off at me, and honestly, i'm sure you are....

this is Terry Allen Presgrave Junior
signing off

Report lunaisthebest · 587 views ·
Comments ( 45 )

Telling people to not mourn you after saying your going to kill yourself isn't possible! :fluttercry::fluttercry::fluttercry::fluttercry::fluttercry::fluttercry::fluttercry::fluttercry:

Dude. I would normally be sympathetic at a time like this, as I have gone through the same thing. Not sure if you will ever get to read this but it must be said.

This is a very stupid idea on your part man. I don't know you well but I can tell that if you do this, you will hurt everyone who cares about you. And it doesn't matter if you think someone hates you. DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA WHAT YOU WILL PUT YOUR FAMILY THROUGH IF YOU DO THIS?

I just want you to rethink this. If you are absolutely going to do this I cannot stop you. I just want you to see the side effects of what will happen.

And don't you dare fucking say no one will miss you. Now THAT... is a lie.

Don't follow through with this... please. My dad is suicidal at times, so trust me when I say how bad it feels to deal with someone attempting that kind of thing. Look, I may be too late, and you may not even read this, but... people care about you. People love you. And trust me, no matter what the problem is, suicide is NEVER the answer.

Oh and just so you know. Even if it means finding out where you live and throwing you the biggest fucking party required, I will find a way to cheer you up. MARK MY FUCKING WORDS.

One last thing I would like to add. You only get one life man. One. That's a small number. I nearly ended mine early too. And now mine is being ended early because of cancer. Do I let that get me down? Hell no. Yeah I'm scared about dieing. But I am not sad. It is the only life I have. And I am going to live it to the fullest. It is nothing to take for granted friend.

Oh, and if you think no one cares. I'm staying right fucking here for as long as it takes to see if you are ok. And if you think it's no big deal. I have a family reunion in a few hours and i am supposed to be at a job interview for the Sarnian power plant in a half hour.

I care. And others do to.

1181501 An addition: it is better to have something –anything– rather than having nothing at all.

To commit suicide is to throw away everything that's in store for you.

To commit suicide is to deny all options of life, and to simply give yourself an "easy" way out, rather than step up to the challenge.

You may get hit by many shots that life throws at you, but are you willing to simply give up, and refuse to try fighting back?

KMCA #7 · Jul 1st, 2013 · · 9 ·

I'll see you next week.

If anyone has contact info call the police local to him. If he's serious he'll get help, if he's not he'll learn the best lesson possible.

Suicide is serious business.

Have any of you ever had to sit in on suicide watch in a hospital? Listen to 12 hours of someone begging for you to kill them, 12 hours of seeing people so fed up with life that it sucks your own out of you. Or worse yet, have you ever had a perfectly normal conversation with someone strapped to a hospital bed only to calmly be asked for a pen... the same object he used in his last suicide attempt?

Fuck you, kill yourself or grow the fuck up. I have no patience for attention grabbing fuckwads who play the suicide card just for attention. Get help or do it.

I do not know you, nor do you know me. I'm a bit on that suicidal line myself and all I can say right now is nothing.
I have never come across a situation like this where my mind goes blank but I have to keep pushing to say something to you. And even though my words will fail all I can think about are three questions.
1. Where did you get a sword?
2. What is he going to eat you out about?
3. How can we help you live?

1181542 I would understand if you just said any of that, except the part where you tell him to "Fucking do it" Are you serious man? I understand that you may have gone through worse, or maybe not, it's not my business. But fucking telling him to do it? Are you serious? ARE YOU JUST FUCKING HEARTLESS?



You may not know me but I was some what in your position ten years ago. I was only 12. I felt that life was unfair to me and that death was the right way out. I was just about to jump when I thought long and hard about not only my life's destruction, but the pain on those I'd leave behind. I knew that I would hurt them and that even though I would find closure, they would never forget or forgive me. Believe me when I say that life may be messed up and unfair, but that is no excuse for one to end their own life. I hope I reached you in time for you to read this.

Dude, please, don't do this. Life may be hard right now, but those are just challenges everybody has to go through. Just throwing away your life because people don't like you is stupid. I don't know why your family is doing what they're doing, but no matter what, this is the only life you get, don't waste it, leave your mark. If you think suicide is the only way out of it, it isn't. it may sound like something like a cliche movie quote, but it's true. There are other options. Don't take what you have for granted, because when it's gone, that's when you realize how much you actually appreciated it. I may not be able to change your mind about this, but at least take the time to think about how your death could influence the people around you.

Don't do it, there's always something to live and fight for.

I don't know what to say that actually would make any kind of sence.
I'm just too frightened about this and I'm sitting here, thinking that you already did it and that I can't do anything, that would make you stop this madness.

Now I don't know who you are. I just got here so you don't know me either. But all I can really say is...
Don't do this.
You don't know how many people actually care about you. Your followers, your real life friends, and I'd very much think your family cares alot. It may not seem like it, but they will be mortified to find out that they can no longer see you, speak to you or anything else with you.

Do you really think, that if you actually don't do it, that your followers would be pissed off at you? They wouldn't be... they most likely couldn't be, after they would of heard that you chose to live instead of killing yourself.

At least I couldn't be. Because to me life is valuable, and even though there may be some really tough times, you should always cherish it and never backdown no matter what happens.

...but I still cant stop thinking here that I didn't do anything...

1181542 Y'know... it's people like you that should be in his shoes. I've been to his point, my father's been to that point, my ten year old brother even wanted to kill himself at one point. So, you can believe me when I say this... what he needs is sympathy, he needs people to show him that he's cared for. Not some ignorant shithead telling him to do it.

You're the one who should have people hating you.

1181554 Those stories are from a former co-worker of mine who killed himself less than 3 months ago. He worked suicide watch for almost 4 years before it drove him to do it, and you know what?

Better than 80% of people who commit suicide tell no one in advance, even the ones under suicide watch. I could have said something truly heartless... Instead I was mildly heartless.

I suffer from depression, at one time I put serious thought into taking the step off the most popular suicide spot in the region. Did I tell anyone, did I cry for attention? No.

Am I heartless? No. But I am jaded and I have seen stuff like this often enough that while I once cared and actually went out of my way to help... Well experience changes us all.

I've already given the best advice. Call his local PD and get them there, if it's serious than it may just save his life. If he's after attention... Nothing sobers people up to the reality of it better than having the police practically break down your door to check on you.

THIS IS SERIOUS! Talk is cheap and if he is serious talk is next to useless.

Maybe he is one of the 20% but I doubt it especially with the whole admitted liar bit


And like I said, what has happened to you is your business. If you need to say something to him. Go ahead. But there is a line where there is useful information. the truth, then just unnecessary comments. What I read before on your comment, I was agreeing with. But at the point where you said to "Go do it" That's what set me off.

So please. I ask you, if you are not going to say something nice and be like that. Then just don't say anything. Do you think we care if he is doing it for attention? What did you think when you saw this blog post? Why did YOU take it upon yourself to look and see the name of this post, and read it. Why did YOU decide, "Ha, an attention seeker. I had better chip is something so other people will see what he is REALLY doing."

In all honesty, I don't care if he is REALLY going to do it. I care that he has even thought about it. That is why I am here. Now, truthfully I would like to ask you something.

Why are you here, and why did you take the time to say that and even reply to me, when you said you don't care and you are "Fucking done here."


Why are you here, and why did you take the time to say that and even reply to me, when you said you don't care and you are "Fucking done here."

You're right. I shouldn't reply. I call people out on that bullshit all the time.

Truth be told, I do feel kind of bad about that post... but it's my feelings on the matter and they kind of got away from me, so I can't delete them without being someone who won't stand by what they say.

So I apologize for any offence and pain my words have caused but will not retract them... except that part about being done here... I'm going to remove that

Hey, just in the case you are still there and haven't moved on yet, its not worth it, take this from a guy who has had the barrel in his mouth. It really isn't worth it. I managed to stop myself though before I pulled the trigger. I became a better person after this, I decided it wasn't right just to shrug off my burdens to others. I still have depression but I'm still fighting through it, but its gotten a lot better. I'm really glad I didn't pull the trigger and I'm glad I kept fighting. It gets better trust me.


Thank you. That is what I wanted to hear. I'm sorry for anything I may have said as well. When I see stuff like that... it kinda sets me off.

lunaisthebest... You must not give up on life. You have to stay strong. You mustn't kill yourelf, just for being a liar. That is taking it to far. Always have high hopes, never let them go down. Your time has not come yet. Your time won't come until you are old. So please don't kill yourself. Your family will fall into deep deep sadness because of it. You mother will cry everyday if you do that. So please. Don't kill your self. Stay alive, and keep moving forward.

no. don't do this!

If your still here my friend, don't you see now? Everyone cares about you, it doesn't matter if we know you or not, we will still care. Your family will as well. It doesn't matter if you almost burned your house down. Don't survive one disaster just to take your life away the next minute. ITS NOT WORTH IT TO DO THAT!

1181542 1181606 You know KMCA. You truly do have one heartless soul. I can see within your soul that you are a pathetic piece of SHIT!!!!:flutterrage: I know for a fact....no I know 100% That you will go to.........TARTARUS AND BUCKEN BURN LIKE HELL!!!!! YOU HAVE NO SOUL WHAT SOEVER!!!! YOU ARE WHAT HEARTLESS BASTARD AND YOU SHOULD DIE RIGHT NOW!!!!!! YOU WILL NEVER GO TO HEAVEN AND YOU WILL NEVER EVER GET PEOPLE TO LIKE YOU BECAUSE YOU HAVE NO FEELING, NO LIFE, NO HEART, AND ESPECIALLY NO SOUL WHAT SO EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!! :flutterrage::flutterrage::flutterrage::flutterrage: I HOPE YOU DIE RIGHT BUCKEN NOW YOU LOWLY PIECE OF SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!:flutterrage: .....sorry for the language every one but my discorded side took over me. That only happens when I have complete anger and hatred in my system. I had to let it out or else, I would have flown straight to this bastard and kill him myself... Thank you and have a good day....

thatttsss a little bit to much

1181694 Thank you sir, may I have another?

I shall now share one of my most favorite sad songs. Be well.

Before taking that blade and using it to end your life, do me one favor. think of all the joy you had in the past. Remember all the people who will miss you when you are gone. Even though you believe you don't have a good life, remember all the happiness that you brought upon others. And last but not least, decide if suicide is really the right path to go down for a better life. And please DON'T do it!

Dude I've gone through this before, but I'm happy I didn't do it. Taking your life is the worst idea you can have, because no matter how bad things may seem, things will get better, I promise.

Suicide is a COWARDS way out, and you are NOT a coward, are you?

Hello there.
I'm here to tell exactly why you are not only an idiot, but also a little bitch. Let's get started! :pinkiehappy:
First of all, you're an idiot for not thinking about how this affects your family. I don't care if you hate them. I hate a few people in this world, but I would never wish a dead child on them. That's the cruelest thing possible.
Secondly, you're a little bitch. This one's gonna require a little explanation.
Now, for this I'm going to tell you a story. This story is about the Kaechon internment camp (Also known as Camp 14). Camp 14 is located in North Korea, though the specific location within the country doesn't matter right now. People are born, raised, and live their whole lives in Camp 14. If your grandpa or grandma committed some percieved crime against the People's Democratic Republic of Korea, then that means that your parents would be born there, and you would be born there, and none of you would ever leave. The camp is home to around 15,000 prisoners living in overcrowded barracks and forced to work hard labour every day until they die.
Prisoners in camp 14 are taught to snitch on fellow inmates for extra food and reduced abuse. One such prisoner, in addition to the already horrible lifestyle, told the guards about his mother and brother's escape plans. He was forced to watch his mother and his brother, his only family, get executed by the guards right in front of him, all because of something he said, all for a bit of extra food. Life in Camp 14 is about as close to hell as you can get on this planet.
But that little boy, the one whose family was executed, did he kill himself?
No he fucking did not!
He escaped some years later, and he integrated into society, and he fucking moved on with life!
You haven't gone through half the shit this guy went through! Your step dad hates you? Well boo-fucking-hoo! Cry me a goddamn river you pathetic bastard!
You're fucking 14 years old! This guy went through all that shit while he was still a kid, but he fucking grew up! Quit being such a whining bitch and do the same!
You have no right to say that your life is bad. You have food, you have shelter, adn you have a motherfucking computer for fuck's sake! You are in the fucking first world, and you're whining like you've actually had a hard life!
You have no right to say that you've faced hard times. You have seen nothing!
You are a bitch, you are pathetic, and you will receive no pity or respect from me.
Pick yourself off the goddamn floor, wash off your kiddie little emo tears, and fucking clean up your act.
You're being a disgrace to the human race, and this needs to stop.

1182010 bad f****** idea. on the internet everyone who is a brony and some others agree with me we are a caring community the brony community and you shouldnt kill yourself just live life. THINK SMART MAN! we all may sound pissed at you but we will be even more pissed if you do kill yourself. i was brought here by the user pinkie's imagination and he (she? sorry) told me to come here and say its a BAD IDEA PERIOD. we will still care about you! just dont die ok?

1182257 i also thank bronydanceparty for your amazing. i hope he sees it and we see him back soon. thank you

Dont be thinking about taking your own life 3 of my closest friends did that all in the same month if you think no one cares or that people will be glad dont because it nay not hurt you but it will hurt others.

1182254 Well, that's a bit fucking harsh, is it not?:flutterrage:

Hey! Watch your fucking language! :ajbemused:
Also, I don't think I was too harsh at all. The point of my rant was that, compared to what other people go through, lunaisthebest might as well be killing himself over a fucking stubbed toe.
It's stupid, and it's not worth it.
Things got better for the kid from Camp 14. He lives a relatively normal life now. Things will get better for lunaisthebest, so he needs to stop being such a fucking bitch about it.

1182582 All I'm saying, as I stated in earlier comments, I've dealt with suicidal people all my life. Maybe it's not something that happened to him, like you think, but maybe he feels nobody likes him? Or he doesn't have many real life friends? All I'm saying is that maybe he just needs someone to sit down and tell him it's okay.

Well, technically, I was saying it was okay. I mean, by comparison.
Another reason, though, is that I've known two people who killed themselves. Neither of them posted about it on their blog in what could be construed as a tasteless attempt to garner attention. Now I'm not saying this is just a childish cry for attention and a disgrace to all genuinely depressed people in the world... but I'm not saying it's not.

1182598 I know what you mean... but as you see, he's just admitting to things he's done wrong, and saying goodbye to people that befriended him on this site.

I know suicide is a pussy thing to do, but being aggressive (calling him a bitch really doesn't help in that sort of situation) isn't the best thing you can do to help.

#39 · Jul 2nd, 2013 · · ·

Suicide is a selfish emotion. Plaguing the mind that you are not worth a damn. But you're an endless ocean. Mysterious filled with unconceivable wonders from the depths to the sand. Sometimes we drown our selves, wallowing in the overwhelming arsenal of hate and pain. Even though that we see our darkness, that's not the best of us so we can swim back up to the surface because there is people waiting for you. To share a smile, a warm memory that imprints itself on you and you can see it like a mental picture. In the mind nothing is a still frame, just the recollection of movement playing like a show. There is more to you than what you see in a mirror. Look past the superficial skin that blankets muscle, tissue and bone then we see you heart. It maybe broken and rough around the edges,but so is ours. I'm here saying that you are not alone and if you're gone all you are doing is leave your friends alone. Life is a precious thing so don't try to give it back. Life is hard, of course it is because in the end it kills us, but between the start and the conclusion we find us to make the ending perfect. Don't let you story end too soon. :ajsleepy:

1182544 meh, still nicer than me

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