• Member Since 24th Oct, 2012
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Ink Stroke

More Blog Posts4

  • 581 weeks
    6 Helpers needed for "Untamed" to continue

    I've been meditating on the path Untamed will take, and I've got the entire plotline figured out, but I need six of you to step up and help me out with something crucial. It will reveal something that occurs in the next chapter, so it has some spoilers if you apply to help, but this discussion will mostly serve to decide how the story plays out rather than the story itself.

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    11 comments · 1,258 views
  • 590 weeks
    Temporary Management

    I don't really know how to say this so I'll just be as blunt as I possibly can with what I have to say to whoever it is you are.

    Ink Stroke, the creator of this account, has been hospitalized for a couple of months now. A pile of bricks fell off of the roof and on top of him, giving him a major concussion, messing up some of his bones, and leaving him comatose until a couple of weeks ago.

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    22 comments · 1,250 views
  • 597 weeks
    Hiatus Decision

    To any and all dear readers that have stumbled upon this blog post, I need your help with the problem clearly stated in this post's title. I'm having some family issues right now, mostly revolving around my divorced parents' economic situation and my grandmother's deteriorating mental condition, and they have been keeping me from updating as regularly as I wish I could.

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    20 comments · 742 views
  • 607 weeks
    What Mister Ink Has To Tell You...

    Stories...stories everywhere.

    Ok, enough bull$hit, here is a list of the current stories I have going on and how their progress is going
    Familiar Embrace- In progress----- A romance between Twilight and Spike that isn't stuffed with sauce, except for one teeny scene.

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    6 comments · 664 views

Temporary Management · 2:24am Apr 1st, 2013

I don't really know how to say this so I'll just be as blunt as I possibly can with what I have to say to whoever it is you are.

Ink Stroke, the creator of this account, has been hospitalized for a couple of months now. A pile of bricks fell off of the roof and on top of him, giving him a major concussion, messing up some of his bones, and leaving him comatose until a couple of weeks ago.

He's fine, or as fine as you can be after something like that, and he'll surely be back here to finish off his stories when he is released from the hospital ward he is confined to. However, out of fear that you so called "dear readers" would fear he and his stories had died out, he tasked me with keeping this account as active as I can, meaning that I might continue his stories for him if I get the chance and his supervision.

I just thought I'd explain his absence, considering how much I myself (much like him) hate it when a story is abandoned for far too long. So, expect some revisions and/or chapter updates to "Twilit Blood Pact" and "Familiar Embrace" in the future.

~Ink Stroke's only brother and current manager of this account

Report Ink Stroke · 1,250 views ·
Comments ( 22 )

as a fan of his work tell him to get well soon. lifes a bitch aint it i mean bricks.... xD who would of thought.

Damn, that sucks. Get better, man! We all love you!


My goodness. I hope your brother recovers quickly:applecry:

no really i hope the only news we hear about this is about his quick recover. :pinkiesad2:
ya know that way we can read his work sooner :trollestia:

all joking aside much love to your brother :heart: his writing brought moments warmth and happiness


962441:pinkiegasp: i didnt even think about that. i honestly hope it is an april fool hoax, that would mean he's not hurt

962425 - Yeah, life really knows how to torture you with its comic accidents. Poor Ink was helping me build a furnace/brick oven in my backyard patio when the bricks we were using slid off of the roof right onto his noggin, but he'll recover soon according to the doctors.

962441 - Nope, as silly and unlikely as it sounds, Ink seriously took a bag of bricks to the head. It's a miracle that he survived, not to mention that he sustained no long-lasting damage other than a nasty bruise on the back of his head that'll be pestering him for a couple of months until it fully heals.

I'll make sure to let him know that his dear readers are still faithful when I visit him tomorrow. I didn't know what I expected to find when I came to this site at Ink's request, but it certainly wasn't the kind-hearted audience I've seen so far.

962496 of course its when he was helping a friend to that makes it even worse buck you life buck you....

and kind hearted pppfftt we just want more sorties MUHAHAHAHAHAHA! jk seriously you cant write this stuff so i doubt it would be a joke even if it was i would not care is still send my best wishes.

962514 proly she did and you know it i mean why else would there only be one of her otherwise xD

Damn, that's just damn, sorry I'm not really good at things like this:facehoof:. At least I can say it's great he has a caring brother like you to look for him and hopefully continue he's work. Just make sure he knows that he doesn't have to worry about the updating while he's healing, we're not going anywhere so get well soon and see you when you get back, and even if you let your brother do the updates still take your time.

Damn, that was longer then I though it has going to be. Well later!:moustache:

Well, I'll give him that if live literally shat a ton of bricks on him, he would be A-OK!

But in all seriousness, it's lucky he didn't get seriously injured. Hope to hear from him soon! And what a good little brother you are, wish I had one:pinkiecrazy:

Hope he gets well soon!:rainbowkiss:

Bad shit happens to good people, hope he gets well soon.( I should REALLY pay attention to these posts more often :P )

Just noticed this now, so, tell him, or, if you happen to be reading this yourself Ink, well done on following Hero Rule 1. Have a cup of cocoa, and a coupon for bunny hugs. ...You don't actually need the coupon or anything, but, well, it seems to make people feel better. (hands cocoa, coupon) Oh. Rule One, for those who don't know is, Do Not Die.

D*nm, I pray for for his speedy recovery.

Wow i misread the comment I thought you were in the hospital not ink
hope he gets well

OH GODS, how the BUCK did I not see this sooner? Shit, I feel so guilty now, how is he? Damn...I feel so bad right now:facehoof: I'm being serious to please....tell him I said I'm sorry if you please:yay:

You are a good little brother and I'm really proud of you for being there for him, poor guy, tell him to take as much time as he needs, we can wait, promise but we will always be there for him if he needs us.

Ow. I hope he recovers quickly. (and not ONLY because I want an update to Twilit Blood Pact, although that would be awesome too :twilightsmile: )

oh... my... faust... I really do feel sorry for you and your brother... I hope he gets better soon...:raritydespair: goddamn bag 'o' bricks and your low friction...

Everything in me hopes Ink will get well soon:applecry::heart:

I know this is Waaaaay late, but At least he's getting better. Tell him he has all the time in the world. :twilightsmile: Recovery is number one in the list. If you or your brother need any help (Even though I'm probably not able to unless it's online somehow) Just ask.

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