• Member Since 24th Oct, 2012
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Ink Stroke

More Blog Posts4

  • 581 weeks
    6 Helpers needed for "Untamed" to continue

    I've been meditating on the path Untamed will take, and I've got the entire plotline figured out, but I need six of you to step up and help me out with something crucial. It will reveal something that occurs in the next chapter, so it has some spoilers if you apply to help, but this discussion will mostly serve to decide how the story plays out rather than the story itself.

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    11 comments · 1,258 views
  • 590 weeks
    Temporary Management

    I don't really know how to say this so I'll just be as blunt as I possibly can with what I have to say to whoever it is you are.

    Ink Stroke, the creator of this account, has been hospitalized for a couple of months now. A pile of bricks fell off of the roof and on top of him, giving him a major concussion, messing up some of his bones, and leaving him comatose until a couple of weeks ago.

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    22 comments · 1,250 views
  • 597 weeks
    Hiatus Decision

    To any and all dear readers that have stumbled upon this blog post, I need your help with the problem clearly stated in this post's title. I'm having some family issues right now, mostly revolving around my divorced parents' economic situation and my grandmother's deteriorating mental condition, and they have been keeping me from updating as regularly as I wish I could.

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    20 comments · 743 views
  • 607 weeks
    What Mister Ink Has To Tell You...

    Stories...stories everywhere.

    Ok, enough bull$hit, here is a list of the current stories I have going on and how their progress is going
    Familiar Embrace- In progress----- A romance between Twilight and Spike that isn't stuffed with sauce, except for one teeny scene.

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    6 comments · 665 views

Hiatus Decision · 1:50am Feb 10th, 2013

To any and all dear readers that have stumbled upon this blog post, I need your help with the problem clearly stated in this post's title. I'm having some family issues right now, mostly revolving around my divorced parents' economic situation and my grandmother's deteriorating mental condition, and they have been keeping me from updating as regularly as I wish I could.

I wanted to ask a good number of you what you would like me to do. I'm currently managing three stories at once, but that combined with my problems is delaying chapters too much for my own enjoyment. I can do one of the following.

1.) Place "Faded Flame" on hiatus until I finish writing "Familiar Embrace"

2.) Place both "Faded Flame" and "Twilit Blood Pact" on hiatus until I finish "Familiar Embrace"

3.) Put nothing on hiatus and just leave the updates as slow as they are

*Familiar Embrace is nearly done, but the occupations of mine have put a month-long gap between the last chapter that I'm not proud of at all.

Please vote below so that I can make my decision based on the major interests.

~Ink Stroke The Blog Poster

Report Ink Stroke · 743 views ·
Comments ( 20 )

I vote #1 or perhaps #2 if your really close to finishing Familiar.

I would say 1 but again it up to you.
P.S Hope everything works out for you.

I would say #2 just so you can concentrate on finishing Familiar Embrace.
Hope things get better for you bro:pinkiesad2:

The decision at the end of the day is up to you alone to make. Whatever you feel would best help you coupe with the struggles problems you have on your plate at the moment right now, just know this, life comes first before your stories, and your readers will be there for you whatever your choice is. :twilightsmile: As for my two bits on the situation, I would finish Familiar Embrace first before worrying about your other fics. Since it's almost done like you've said, shouldn't be that long of a hiatus for your other stories if push comes to shove that you have to abandon them for abit to finish it. Best of luck with your family issues and we all hope that you will resolve them soon.


Hope things get better, family problems are the worst,:pinkiesad2::fluttercry:

I am okay with option 2 if you are close to finishing Familiar Embrace. After all, the sooner it is finished, the sooner you can devote all of your attention to two stories instead of three. Getting it done faster will increase the pace for the other two in the long run.

it's up to you ultimately (I would vote #1 though) with what you decide to do as I stumbled across you thanks to Twilight Blood Pact thanks to it getting "raped" in the feature box (that got a chuckle from me when I saw your user page)

Damn bro:fluttercry: I'm seriously very sorry all this is happening to you, how can the Gods be so cruel to a good hearted mortal like you is beyond me....I'm sorry, though for your question I agree with option one..

I vote for #2.

Finish what you have then work on the rest. Familiar Embrace, can't wait to see how it ends. Though Twilit Bloodpact is Vampires DONE extremely well that I am going to miss its updates.

#2 gets my vote.

Family comes first. :eeyup:

We understand........................:fluttershysad:

I'll vote for #2.
With only one story instead of two you can have more time to work on Familiar Embrace and get it done quicker, AND use that extra time you have for your family.
Best wishes to you Ink Stroke. Take as long as you need.

#2 been waiting on that story the longest for me

I vote 2. its easier to focus on one story then 2, and if your not happy with how slowly there comming out, then its better to just write the other 2 if the sudden drive to write them hits you rather then force yourself to write them.

Oh Inky :raritydespair: so sad... BTW #2 is my choice :pinkiesmile:

I'm gonna say #1, mostly cause I love twilit blood pact.

#2 please I mean if that is ok with you.
And I hope things look up for you.

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