• Member Since 24th Oct, 2012
  • offline last seen Last Wednesday

Ink Stroke

More Blog Posts4

  • 581 weeks
    6 Helpers needed for "Untamed" to continue

    I've been meditating on the path Untamed will take, and I've got the entire plotline figured out, but I need six of you to step up and help me out with something crucial. It will reveal something that occurs in the next chapter, so it has some spoilers if you apply to help, but this discussion will mostly serve to decide how the story plays out rather than the story itself.

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    11 comments · 1,258 views
  • 590 weeks
    Temporary Management

    I don't really know how to say this so I'll just be as blunt as I possibly can with what I have to say to whoever it is you are.

    Ink Stroke, the creator of this account, has been hospitalized for a couple of months now. A pile of bricks fell off of the roof and on top of him, giving him a major concussion, messing up some of his bones, and leaving him comatose until a couple of weeks ago.

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    22 comments · 1,250 views
  • 597 weeks
    Hiatus Decision

    To any and all dear readers that have stumbled upon this blog post, I need your help with the problem clearly stated in this post's title. I'm having some family issues right now, mostly revolving around my divorced parents' economic situation and my grandmother's deteriorating mental condition, and they have been keeping me from updating as regularly as I wish I could.

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    20 comments · 742 views
  • 607 weeks
    What Mister Ink Has To Tell You...

    Stories...stories everywhere.

    Ok, enough bull$hit, here is a list of the current stories I have going on and how their progress is going
    Familiar Embrace- In progress----- A romance between Twilight and Spike that isn't stuffed with sauce, except for one teeny scene.

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    6 comments · 665 views

What Mister Ink Has To Tell You... · 3:20am Dec 4th, 2012

Stories...stories everywhere.

Ok, enough bull$hit, here is a list of the current stories I have going on and how their progress is going
Familiar Embrace- In progress----- A romance between Twilight and Spike that isn't stuffed with sauce, except for one teeny scene.

Twilit Blood Pact- In progress----- The adventures of vampony Twilight in a chaos infested Equestria.

Both of these stories will receive an equal amount of attention, but I would like to pump out at least one chapter for each one per week. Don't worry, mysterious reader whom I'm not stalking through your window, I won't abandon these stories for several months and leave you hanging, that feeling sucks a$$, bigtime.

Migraine Pains

I'd like to express my apologies to anyone who saw I told I would update 'Twilit Blood Pact' today, but my migraine decided to pay me a visit again. I'd love to just finish off the chapter, since it's just little bit away from being finished, but I know that the quality would suffer if I tried to write with this pesky headache. Don't fret though, tomorrow I'm free from school and I'll be able to crank out more chapters to my stories.

~Ink Stroke~

Report Ink Stroke · 665 views ·
Comments ( 6 )

you better not I'm getting flamed for it!! also MOAR FAMILIAR EMBRACE!!:flutterrage:


Don't worry, the next chapter is almost out, and its gonna be called 'Family Matters'. Obvious what's gonna go down.

I love familiar embrace!!!! That is one of the best ships I have read. :ajsmug:


Thanks, it's these types of comments that push me to be my best, and I deeply appreciate it.

543469 Facts are facts. It's been a while since I have been this pulled into a story and connected with the characters and their emotions.:pinkiehappy:

Get well soon and hurry the fu#* up lol jk naw just take your time and get well soon bro I love spikeXtwilight especially this one.

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