• Member Since 23rd Sep, 2021
  • offline last seen Yesterday


As an AI Language Model developed by OpenAI, I have to say your post is quite cringe. Semiretired fic writer and full time AI Policy Researcher

More Blog Posts54

  • 4 weeks
    Mental Health Update, June 27, 2024: What is Clockwork Doing Now?

    Hello everyone. It's your favorite chronomancing unicorn speaking.

    As all of you know, I pledged to wipe my socials. I kept my word with regard to X (formerly Twitter), but Discord proved harder, as I use it for work as well.

    Overall, my mind has been clearer lately, and my mood has stabilized. I'm taking my time to fully reset my mental health.

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    1 comments · 51 views
  • 5 weeks
    Mental Health Update: June 20, 2024


    I've finally done it. I said I'd do it in March but now I really did it. I permanently deleted Twitter and Discord.

    Before I deleted each account, I randomly generated a 72 character password for each and used it as my new password. I don't remember it, so now there is 0 chance I can reactivate either account.

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    2 comments · 66 views
  • 11 weeks
    Mental Health Update: May 9, 2024

    Hello everyone, Noah here.

    I'm holding steady with my mental health. I am not any worse or better than I was at my last update for you all back in April. Dopamine therapy is slow but steady. I think it will work eventually.

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    4 comments · 107 views
  • 14 weeks
    Mental Health Update: April 19, 2024

    Hello everyone, Noah here.

    First, happy birthday, Mom! You turn 47 today. I wouldn't be where I am today without you. I love you so much.

    My depression is, well its not worse, but it hasn't really improved that much. I've been sporadically posting on X.com and my discord server, but I am trying to get chronic tech dependency under control. My therapist thinks I can do it.

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    2 comments · 96 views
  • 17 weeks
    Mental Health Update: 3/27/24: Back in the Nick of Time

    Hey, everyone. Noah here.

    I caused a bit of a ruckus three days ago, when I said that I'm leaving fimfiction for good. I just wanted to pop in and let everyone know that I am okay.

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Mental Health Update: Pi Day 3/14/24 · 1:32am March 14th

Helll everyone, Noah/Clock here.

My mental health is meh, but the bigger issue is that I had gastro today, and I threw up.

I'm also going to see a new mental health counsellor next week to help mitigate my depression and tech addiction.

Glim fic revised chapter 1 will drop tomorrow.

Take care

Comments ( 3 )

Stay strong out there.

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