Mental Health Update: 3/27/24: Back in the Nick of Time · 1:55am Mar 28th, 2024
Hey, everyone. Noah here.
I caused a bit of a ruckus three days ago, when I said that I'm leaving fimfiction for good. I just wanted to pop in and let everyone know that I am okay.
I didn't fabricate the fact that I need to take some time to fix my tech addiction, but I realized that I can't just go cold turkey with social media; I need to learn how to use it in moderation. I am seeing a "tech addiction" counselor and it is helping somewhat.
Besides, if any of you follow my (unhinged) twitter you'd know I am building an AI company now, and that is taking up some time.
I'm still on pause for writing but I should have clarified that I'm not leaving for good; and for that I apologize.
Your favorite time unicorn,
Clockwork Relativity
Stay safe and happy to see you again.