Death of a Queen V2, First 3 Chapters Released · 11:47pm Dec 10th, 2023
Hey all,
It's been a long time coming, but I just wanted to let you all know that Death of a Queen, Version 2, has had its first 3 chapters released. This has been the culmination of a massive effort from both me and my editor, Applezombi, who generously donated much of their free time to this project.
Chapters 1-3 are still fairly similar to their original counterparts, as these chapters were written using the originals for their basis. However, the story diverts quite a bit in chapters 3/4, and will continue to divert more as the story goes on. Believe me, I wouldn't have put this much effort into a story just for it to be a glorified retelling of one that I've already done. Expect a whole lot of new twists and turns, coupled with some familiar territory and themes.
Once this is done, I will probably also be deleting "Life of a Queen" as that story as it exists now would no longer function as a sequel.
Big thanks to everyone for being so patient with me. Hope you enjoy this new version just as much (if not more) than the original.
I don't think you should delete Life of a Queen, as I feel it's worth preserving as a sequel to the old version.