• Member Since 15th Aug, 2020
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More Blog Posts59

  • 44 weeks
    Death of a Queen, V2 -- Finished!

    Hey all,

    Got bored today. Saw that I accidentally released a chapter this morning, so I decided . . . eh, might as well just finish it.
    Hope you enjoy!


    0 comments · 139 views
  • 61 weeks
    Death of a Queen V2, First 3 Chapters Released

    Hey all,

    It's been a long time coming, but I just wanted to let you all know that Death of a Queen, Version 2, has had its first 3 chapters released. This has been the culmination of a massive effort from both me and my editor, Applezombi, who generously donated much of their free time to this project.

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    2 comments · 207 views
  • 78 weeks
    Work On Hold

    Hey all,

    As you may be able to tell from the title and from my lack of posting recently, I have some news. Some of my writings are going to be going on hold. This includes Ashes and Life of a Queen. Death of a Queen: Version 2 is finishing up its editing run and should hopefully start releasing soon.

    Now as for why this is happening.

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    2 comments · 187 views
  • 89 weeks
    Ashes, New Chapter

    New chapter for Ashes. Sunset is still making her way through the High Wall of Lothric. I think the loneliness is getting to her, though. Hope she finds some friends soon.

    [Adult story embed hidden]

    Thanks for reading. See you next week.

    3 comments · 120 views
  • 89 weeks
    The Next Big Story

    So, I've got a question.

    I know I have at least one reader out there that I hope reads my Blogs.
    The last few days, I've been struggling with a question.

    Right now, I'm waiting on Death of a Queen Version 2 edits.
    While I'm working on that with my editor, I wanted to work on another project.

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    4 comments · 169 views

The Next Big Story · 3:08am May 25th, 2023

So, I've got a question.

I know I have at least one reader out there that I hope reads my Blogs.
The last few days, I've been struggling with a question.

Right now, I'm waiting on Death of a Queen Version 2 edits.
While I'm working on that with my editor, I wanted to work on another project.

Originally, the plan was to work on Ashes. However, I have now realized that I will not be able to finish Ashes in a timely manner.
So, readers, I ask you.

Which story would you rather see worked on while I put the finishing touches on Death of a Queen Version 2?
Life of a Queen (The sequel to Death of a Queen) or

Let me know what you think.

Report Arkane12 · 169 views · Story: Ashes ·
Comments ( 4 )

Absolutely ashes, awesome crossover that really works and it hasn’t been done yet (that I know of)

Ashes for sure.

Life of a queen.
But as i see the public vote was casted already

You’ll still have DoaQ V2 to tide you over for a while, hopefully.

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