• Member Since 15th Aug, 2020
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More Blog Posts59

  • 43 weeks
    Death of a Queen, V2 -- Finished!

    Hey all,

    Got bored today. Saw that I accidentally released a chapter this morning, so I decided . . . eh, might as well just finish it.
    Hope you enjoy!


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  • 60 weeks
    Death of a Queen V2, First 3 Chapters Released

    Hey all,

    It's been a long time coming, but I just wanted to let you all know that Death of a Queen, Version 2, has had its first 3 chapters released. This has been the culmination of a massive effort from both me and my editor, Applezombi, who generously donated much of their free time to this project.

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    2 comments · 207 views
  • 78 weeks
    Work On Hold

    Hey all,

    As you may be able to tell from the title and from my lack of posting recently, I have some news. Some of my writings are going to be going on hold. This includes Ashes and Life of a Queen. Death of a Queen: Version 2 is finishing up its editing run and should hopefully start releasing soon.

    Now as for why this is happening.

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  • 88 weeks
    Ashes, New Chapter

    New chapter for Ashes. Sunset is still making her way through the High Wall of Lothric. I think the loneliness is getting to her, though. Hope she finds some friends soon.

    [Adult story embed hidden]

    Thanks for reading. See you next week.

    3 comments · 120 views
  • 89 weeks
    The Next Big Story

    So, I've got a question.

    I know I have at least one reader out there that I hope reads my Blogs.
    The last few days, I've been struggling with a question.

    Right now, I'm waiting on Death of a Queen Version 2 edits.
    While I'm working on that with my editor, I wanted to work on another project.

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    4 comments · 168 views

Work On Hold · 3:55am Aug 10th, 2023

Hey all,

As you may be able to tell from the title and from my lack of posting recently, I have some news. Some of my writings are going to be going on hold. This includes Ashes and Life of a Queen. Death of a Queen: Version 2 is finishing up its editing run and should hopefully start releasing soon.

Now as for why this is happening.

To start, let me give a bit of history on how I ended up writing on this site. I had an idea for an original story I wanted to write and maybe even consider publishing some years down the road. It was going to be an epic fantasy/action adventure with a bit of a romance kick to it. If that sounds familiar, it should. I wasn’t sure how well I’d be able write a story like that, so I decided I wanted to look into some getting a bit of practice first.

This is where the original idea for Death of a Queen was born. I wanted a place where my writing could suck on the first draft, but I could still get some feedback about it. Thus, I had the idea to try my hand at a fanfiction with similar themes. Of course, things got a bit out of control when some people actually became interested in DoaQ. I did not expect that. Which led to me writing that story, working on a sequel, and some other stories while I waited for that to cook.

But I’ve finally decided it’s time to stop stalling. So I’m going back to working on my original story.

A piece called Shadow Kings. (Not great, I know. It’s a working title.)

I know that it definitely won’t be a quick or easy endeavor. Even just making it through the first chapter took a few weeks. But it’s one that I’m actually pretty excited to work on. Here’s to hoping that this ends up working out. Occasionally, I may take breaks to come back and work on some stories here, but for right now, things are going to be out on hold. I will still be around (well, as much as I already am now) to respond to comments and answer any questions that anyone has.

Thank you all for the encouragement you’ve given me over the years I’ve been writing on here.
I hope you all can forgive me for this.

Report Arkane12 · 187 views ·
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