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Rune Soldier Dan

Love is a verb, not a noun.

More Blog Posts121

  • 16 weeks
    Collab chapter for Sunset's Isekai

    Wanderer D and I made a collab chapter (with possibly more to come!) for their famous Sunset's Isekai, with my end naturally being the world of Principal Celestia Hunts the Undead. Check it out if you like the idea of a dorky single mom relaxing in a bar after a hard day fighting unpronounceable horrors, thence to grapple with infinite multiverse copies all being better than her, show off baby

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  • 17 weeks
    Everfree Northwest 2024

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  • 20 weeks
    Reading and commentary of "Dungeon Master Applejack"

    While downloading fanfic readings of my works for my coming plane trip to EFNW, I have encountered a reading/commentary of Dungeon Master Applejack which I did not know existed before today! By Ross and Wizzy's Fanfiction Power Hour, they seem to have a deep library of fics they've read and I am happy to give a signal boost in case anyone is interested in this style of readings.:twistnerd:

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  • 21 weeks
    The big five-zero

    Oh hey, look who just published his fiftieth story. :pinkiehappy:

    (On my quick proofread I realized the blog title could make someone think I just turned 50, which is funny so I'm keeping it.)

    7 comments · 112 views
  • 23 weeks
    Everfree Northwest meetups

    With EFNW now just a few weeks away, I'm quite interested in RL meeting any fimfic peeps that I can. I've set up a "EFNW fimfic peeps" discord to help coordinate this, naturally open to anyone who wants to coordinate with others, advertise their panels, or just shoot the breeze on the con. All are welcome!


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Cover art for "Evil Must be Healthy." · 11:53am Dec 1st, 2023

There are few feelings for an author quite as wonderful as receiving fan art, all the more because I found it by sheer chance. While the artist MrRicharZ has taken it down from Derpibooru he was kind enough to let me use his work as cover art for the story.

And I love it.:rainbowkiss:

Report Rune Soldier Dan · 468 views · Story: Evil Must Be Healthy ·
Comments ( 6 )

You know what's interesting? "Evil" people don't ever think of themselves as evil.

John Wayne Gacy, in a last interview, before he was executed, when questioned about being evil laughed and said, "People think I'm a monster. Do you see any fangs? Any claws? lol...I'm not a monster!" This was a man who killed at least thirty-three boys and hid them under his floorboards, where the stench of their rotting corpses must have been overwhelming, but he still thought of himself as "normal."

Can I be jealous? I’m giving myself permission to be jealous. :scootangel: What a feeling this must be!

It’s also very nice art in and of itself. Curious why the artist removed it later after uploading it, but it’s their art, their choice.

Incidentally, despite it being clear in the show (not least in their most recent confrontation) that Opaline isn’t that much bigger than Misty (really, Opaline’s only slightly taller then Alphabittle, and not as big) I always visually imagine her as nearly twice the size. :raritywink: Not that there’s much wrong with Opaline being the equivalent size-wise of Luna, but it does show that the G4 art style, and particularly the designs of Celestia and especially Chryslais, linger in the mind more!

Now, to update the linked cover art in my review of the fic (because I link directly rather then copying and hosting them elsewhere the way PaulAsaran does, the old one will be broken now), and retract the “cover art showing Misty as a filly is misleading” statement… :twilightsheepish:

Adorable stuff. I especially love how well he captured Misty's befuddled expression as she tries to process the concept of a nurturing Opaline.


Incidentally, despite it being clear in the show (not least in their most recent confrontation) that Opaline isn’t that much bigger than Misty (really, Opaline’s only slightly taller then Alphabittle, and not as big) I always visually imagine her as nearly twice the size. :raritywink: Not that there’s much wrong with Opaline being the equivalent size-wise of Luna, but it does show the that the G4 art style, and particularly the designs of Celestia and especially Chryslais, linger in the mind more!

It'll come out that Opaline was just a unicorn using magic to get wings. No wonder Celestia looked down on her, it was the only way to see!


Adorable stuff. I especially love how well he captured Misty's befuddled expression as she tries to process the concept of a nurturing Opaline.

They really did capture the mood of the fic, down to the little details of exactly what was on the tray. :heart: Opaline looks more away than to Misty, struggling with her own conflicting thoughts, while Misty in her confusion looks to the viewer for an answer.

F66 #5 · Dec 2nd, 2023 · · ·

And I'm happy that You are happy!
BTW I tried to draw several different emotions for Opaline. At first it was happy face with a kind smile but it looked so silly from this angle so I had to change it.

I think the expression you chose fits very well as Opaline can't quite understand her own feelings, and buries her affection behind excuses and self-delusions.:heart:

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