• Member Since 10th Jul, 2011
  • offline last seen 1 hour ago


Struggling to edit and write, and starting to read.

More Blog Posts61

  • 13 weeks
    Pipes Sequel

    Hey y'all. I'm currently working slowly on a blog post that covers a presentation I recently gave at Everfree Northwest (on Horror, its subgenres, and my advice for writing it).

    Meanwhile, a fellow member of Quills and Sofas Speedwriting, Caligari, has published an expansion of one of my stories: Pipes.

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    1 comments · 132 views
  • 19 weeks
    EFNW - Plans and Panels

    Hey all. The schedule for EFNW was posted, and I can announce that my panel for the convention was accepted.

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    1 comments · 95 views
  • 56 weeks
    Ponyville Ciderfest - Horror and Horses

    Now that the schedule has been released, I can announce that—in addition to providing a few stories for the convention's Interactive Storytelling event—I will be hosting a panel at Ponyville Ciderfest. It is my first

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    0 comments · 262 views
  • 64 weeks
    Fleeting Light Book - Now Available!

    Well, it took a bit longer than I wanted, but I finally finished updating the FIMFiction versions of the stories in the Fleeting Light series—and caught like three more errors in the printed version—so the book is now officially for sale!

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    4 comments · 463 views
  • 70 weeks
    Everfree and Revisions

    It's just under a week away and I cannot wait, so I figured a reminder post about Everfree Northwest would be a good idea.

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Fleeting Light Book - Now Available! · 1:09am Sep 13th, 2023

Well, it took a bit longer than I wanted, but I finally finished updating the FIMFiction versions of the stories in the Fleeting Light series—and caught like three more errors in the printed version—so the book is now officially for sale!

You can find it here on Lulu. I've added this link to each of the story descriptions as well.

I was very happy with how the book sold at Everfree Northwest, but I was left with a few copies afterwards. As such, I have two copies which I can sign. I would ask that you simply pay the cost I paid to print the book, as well as shipping to get it delivered to you. The total would come out to roughly the Lulu price, or slightly below. This is not a first-come first-served offer: I'll give a week for anyone to DM me that they would like a signed copy and then I will select two at random.

I will also be at Ponyville Ciderfest in November, where I would be happy to sign your copy if you would like.

Outside of all of that excitement, I'm doing my best to get back to writing regularly and working on the one (recent) unfinished thing on my profile. With any luck, I'll have something new posted before the end of the year.

Comments ( 4 )

I’ve ordered it!

PC #2 · Oct 17th, 2023 · · ·

I was JUST thinking about how good the stories are, and I check in and find there's a physical copy I can get. Bought immediately! :pinkiehappy: (Slightly sad I missed out on a signed copy hah.)

If you happen to be going to Ponyville Ciderfest, I will be there and would be happy to sign it. Honestly at any convention I go to in the future, I'll be happy to sign it.

I do hope you enjoy the book!


Alas, not being in the States means I'll likely never get to go to a pony convention. :ajsleepy: But I greatly appreciate the offer! :heart: Hope you've been well~

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