• Member Since 31st May, 2012
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More Blog Posts71

  • 10 weeks
    Upcoming Chapter Ideas Wanted

    A future chapter will cover what Luna did over the summer while Inova was in Canterlot. What I'm looking for are basic ideas of places Luna went and the shenanigans/hijinks/tomfoolery that may have happened there. Feel free to submit as many ideas as you want.

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  • 31 weeks
    My Excuses for the Delay

    I haven't posted any new chapters for a bit because of the following excuses:

    -Planet Crafter ($24 well spent)
    -Other writing projects (mainly this one)
    -Meme browsing
    -Building a Lamborghini
    -General laziness
    -Writing other things for Royal Fillies
    -More Planet Crafter

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    3 comments · 118 views
  • 43 weeks
    EQG Side Story

    Twilight and her friends have counterparts in EQG. So do Celestia, Luna, and Cadence. I don't know of any others off the top of my head, but that's not important right now. Point is, counterparts, and the question is this: what's Inova's counterpart like?

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    3 comments · 160 views
  • 51 weeks
    Next Chapter Teaser

    It's taken a bit to come up with material, but the next chapter is in the works and sitting around 2k words. Like the previous chapter, it will take place over a school year.

    Also, when I started the redux, I asked for ideas and suggestions. I got two events and a character. I figured out how to incorporate all three of those into one event, and it's been fun to write.

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    1 comments · 144 views
  • 57 weeks
    What do you think?

    The next chapter involves cutie marks. Who and how many, I will not say. I also have ideas for other events that can happen in the same timeframe, so my question is this: do you want cutie marks only or cutie marks with other events between them?

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EIGHT YEARS LATER · 6:09am Jun 1st, 2023

During a night where I had some trouble getting to sleep, I was smacked in the back of the head by a sudden bout of inspiration and drive to give The Royal Fillies a redux, cleaning things up here and there, doing some rewriting, and even adding some stuff. So far, I've given four chapters the Redux treatment and have started on a fifth.

To those who are interested, even after this very long bout of inactivity, I extend a question: what would you like to see added, changed, or even (le gasp!) removed from the original? I lay down only two guidelines: SFW only (this can include fight scenes), and any OCs must be sent via private message. No limit on how many ideas are submitted. I can't promise the inclusion of ideas or characters in the redux, but I can promise to read and consider everything submitted.

Report blazikenking · 271 views · Story: The Royal Fillies ·
Comments ( 8 )

Ah.... the protaganist become a gold rank adventurer, defeat demon lord, and get harem?

I remember this story, I believe it was one of the first I read, and although that was probably only about a year ago, I cannot remember enough of the story to comment much on it. Maybe, if I remember to, I might give it a quick skim over and see if I can come up with any ideas.

5731303 Thank you.

5731365 If you do come up with any ideas, no matter how silly, I'd love to see them.

I will suggest My oc later if I know you can kind of see him in my profile picture using pony town

5731517 Go ahead and send the PM. I can see your profile pic just fine.

5732439 I gave it a read, and it's quite amusing. No ideas have sprung forth yet for the Royal Fillies Redux, but something may come to me later.

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