• Member Since 11th Jul, 2011
  • offline last seen July 7th


Saddlesoap Opera is a Canadian Brony who loves to write and read fiction of nearly all kinds.

More Blog Posts56

  • 13 weeks
    From Hrair to Eternity

    I FINALLY MADE IT, EVERYPONY! :pinkiehappy:

    A good ten years and change after reaching 500 followers, a little bump from participating in the BarCast's finale episode tipped me over the top into four digits. Thanks so much to all the readers who've chosen to keep an eye on my sporadic fic production over the years - expect more of that to come soon...

    6 comments · 102 views
  • 67 weeks
    Scribbler Signalboost (Update: WELL DONE, ALL! : D )

    This is absolutely reprehensible. I never thought I would regret not having a wider social media presence, but here we are. Any of my followers who haunt Twitter, Tumblr, YouTube, Discords, anywhere ... please spread the word and push for action. Scribbler is a brilliant content creator and a true gem of a person.

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    5 comments · 308 views
  • 262 weeks

    NOTE: As in past trips to conventions, I will be wearing distinctive Saddlesoap Opera Cutie Mark t-shirts, with the mark printed front and back, when I attend BronyCon in coming days. Keep an eye out for those drama masks, and feel free to come up and say hello!

    2 comments · 421 views
  • 267 weeks
    Saddlesoap Opera and the Publisher's Tome

    Would you be interested in owning a printed-out, bound, hardcopy, dead-tree edition of History Repeats, and/or do you plan to attend the upcoming final BronyCon this summer?

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    1 comments · 488 views
  • 291 weeks
    Happy Hearth's Warming!

    Warm holiday wishes to my fellow Bronies, and special thanks to my fellow writing pals, my loyal readers, and to all those who may be stopping by my page for the first time. May the cold times bring warm good cheer to you all.

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    1 comments · 371 views

Scribbler Signalboost (Update: WELL DONE, ALL! : D ) · 1:35am Apr 12th, 2023

This is absolutely reprehensible. I never thought I would regret not having a wider social media presence, but here we are. Any of my followers who haunt Twitter, Tumblr, YouTube, Discords, anywhere ... please spread the word and push for action. Scribbler is a brilliant content creator and a true gem of a person.

She deserves far better than this.

UPDATE: You did it!

Thank Celestia. My heartfelt kudos to everypony who helped spread the word. It seems the grassroots approach worked. Bravo! :heart:

Comments ( 5 )

So fuck youtube.

Yes, I have seen the video already and it's a bloody disgrace.

The people in charge are so unconcerned with the harm, or outright destruction of someone's hard work that they can't even be tasked to resolve the situation.

One they aggravated to begin with.

This is a disgrace. Someone who is possibly a stalker has made false claims against her channel. When she followed the rules, Google essentially gave this individual her information, and then they pretended to be her and started making false claims against other channels, which in turn got her in trouble.

People who behave like this makes me really want to advocate for forced sterilization.

I don't know how liable laws works in the UK, but I feel that Google has just screwed up and given her the ammo needed to sue them.

Google went from "Don't be evil" to "Do nothing but evil."

WE MUST DESTROY GOOGLE!! And Blackrock... and Vanguard... my guillotine's gonna get dull!

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