did you know... · 8:04am Feb 26th, 2023
if you hold a sweetie giraffe up to your ear, you'll hear what it's like to be atomically obliterated by an angry girafficorn?
Oh, look at me... you've got me tearing up again. ◈ Forget about coffee buy me a cup noodle.
if you hold a sweetie giraffe up to your ear, you'll hear what it's like to be atomically obliterated by an angry girafficorn?
Who knew!
Well, that's not something I can exactly try, but it's something I can demonstrate...
(It also occurs to me that girafficorns are more likely to be canon these days, what with G5 having things like raccoonicorns.)
--Sweetie Belle
Well, at least your earchannels would be clean.
I mean, you don't need to hold her up to your ear. Just exist in her general vicinity and you'll hear it soon enough.
Science demands experimentation and repeatability! We must arrange a series of tests to confirm this hypothesis.
We'll need a wide variety of test subjects to separate into groups for control, with Sweetie Giraffe held to their ear, and a group with wooden block held to their ear.
And Janitors. Just so many janitors.
Oh dang I need to try that